🌙Ræιкara Nιmbus Dæιmon~

Discord ID: 226148474968735745

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Vegitarians are Traitors!

Give them the Gallows.

more like


*Are you ready to be aaa, woman?*

Lose some fockin' weight why dont'cha, ya fat bastard

I love gay frogs!

THey have amazing legs~

I love gay water!

Makes me happy~

Turns my urine blue...

And my hair red..


Can't be as toxic as mountain dew.

Mountain should be banned.

Mountain dew, and Children from the internet

If you think a ten year old is capable of this kind of grammar, you're pathetically diluted.

*I wish I was eight teen again..*

Things were simpler back than.

But i'm Twenty Five.

*We aren't kids anymore, Mugi-chan*

fucking normie

*Have you even prayed to naruto lately?*

I'd like to know where you get your information from.

I don't remember sharing the last 20+ years of my life with you.

You need to be banned from Casinos.

You'd be homeless in an hour.

Ah, yeah

I bet you don't even drink Vodka and Orange Juice.

Your life must be horrible.

I've been drinking since I was 13 or so.

This isn't unusual for slavs.

Alcohol can be bennoficial to the body, if not taken in excess

And I nearly never drink to drunkeness.

You think at -18 I was buying my own alcohol?

My parents weren't irresponsible

Very much the opposite.

Shots at 13?

Of course not.

I drink as people drink for occasion

Wine or Champagne on the occasions of celebration; Birthdays, New Years, Thanks Giving and so on

I wish I could sup the sweet forbidden juices of a phallus possesing female~

Praise Memenu!

*The fuck you want*

*trying to watch VIDEOS*

Porn is for kiddies~

I fap to things that shouldn't be the least bit erotic~

Like Chairs

and Bread



*Ant Hills*

Fapped to Uranus.
*Pronounced Er-an-oos*


*Cannot I not watch youtube videos in peace without the dirt calling me to till it's infertile backside!?*

*Piss off ya commoner.*

Ya'll niggas is way to harsh on emma.

No, *you're* disgusting.

Listen, Gender Dysphoria is a real and some what complicated condition

One in which just psychological or medicinal therapy has not been able to treat in most cases.

Listen, if you don't like transgender\sex changing blah blah, fine, you have the right, but you can discuss it, or ignore it, you don't have to just go around saying these people are disgusting, sick, what ever else

*Freedom of speech is under attack, because there are people that have to be ignorant and vulgar about things they don't understand, but could if they weren't such assholes about it.*

Oy sheesh and whattanot.

All I'm saying is, we don't have to be assholes to people that don't fit into our beleifs.

Being compelled to kill people is definitely a dangerous mental illness...

Roleplaying are we?

*Time and Place*



Well, I actually *don't* watch any porn; as far as motion picture goes.

But mostly because I don't feel like it..

*Innocence is a lie.*

*We're all animals on the inside.*

*The Best Animals*

*But animals none the less.*


You're a damn weed.

*Get in my Bowl!*

'Bouta get turnt.

*My appologies. Am I not entertaining enough?*

Coming from you...

Suuure you don't.

*Daisy is Also a weed.*

*And not the kind you inject into your blood stream.*

*I did a weed once. Now i'm a whore.*

The Police are Not the same thing as a militia.

*You've violated my mother!*

Well, I think I've had enough dose of cancer .

Me too Amy.

Flatulates typically are high in thermal energy upon release, due to the bodies internal temperature, which is in most circumstances Quite a bit higher than the surounding air.

Flatulence is quite awful, and needs to be done away with.

Science to cure flatulation: 2025


I can't use Pesos!

Bet real munie

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