
Discord ID: 369645957429854209

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This is going to be a controversial statement, but the communist left needs to stop fetishizing the worker identity. Itโ€™s dehumanizing.

Iโ€™m a leftcom/ egoist


Iโ€™m not a bordigist

Used to be an Ansynd

Because itโ€™s usually unsuccessful and people end up fighting to preserve the union

The insurrectionists were the last people standing and fighting during the Spanish Revolution, Durruti being one of em.

Dude fuckin robbed banks n shit

People who carry out acts of insurrection

And illegalism

Stirner, Berkman, Dauve, the Invisible Committee, the Situationist International, the Autonomists, and Marx are my shit.

Heโ€™s pretty cool

Everything Must Go is a must read

Itโ€™s on Libcom for free


Another good book is The Right to be Greedy

Hell yeah get active


But yeah if you have the time go check out Dauve

Fashwave is retarded

2018-07-09 08:32:29 UTC [/leftypol/ International #arabic]

2018-07-09 08:32:33 UTC [/leftypol/ International #arabic]

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