new account Jesse 1767

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nah literally just get a shotgun and shoot them in their ass

like right up to the hole

I don't understand why femenists are fighting mostly for equal right for women when in a lot of areas they're kinda privledged

They fight for things they already have a lot

i have school tomorrow, but i stayed home and slept all day so I'm not gonna be able to stay awake


im wearing jeans right now

tbh I 24/7 wear skinny jeans

all of my clothes are out-dated references because all I have are hand-me-downs <:feels:280645240572870656>

my door is broke, and thereafore can't even close

honestly i'd be happier with that then what i have

because i actually like harry potter

I literally have beatles shirts


Spandex yoga pants are a gift from god



I hate when i forget a towel so i have to run across the house butt naked and hope like hell no one looks

i think so

I hate tight clothing

is annoying

I can't stand anything that lets my dick fly

bc i have nam flashbacks from my pe days

We had to change clothes, so every time I wore loose boxers my dick would wip around

and you could see it because of my shorts

I Actually had t-bone the other night

pre frikin nice



my shorts were sliding down while i was running once and everyone could see my pubes

thank god it didnt go low enough to see the whole thing

dude i hate having boners while im at school

the other day i had a boner and i had to go to the front to get a paper

i wear really tight pants to so

it's REALLY obvious

honestly honers hurt bc tight pants

I love how I've literally been talking here for an hour instead of using my time productively

I hate it when you get boners to the side so you can see a big bulge on your leg

it's probably the least painful tho

send me pics of your botw for anyone that has it


I already watched the whole thing

still feel like playing it thoguh

i don't actually

i guess it depends on your dreams

bc you don't remember like half your dreams

anyone know how to fix sticky keys on a laptop

im afriad to try to clean them but i can't afford to get them like actually fixed


i poured tea on it

by accident

like the keys still work

they're just sticky

How many people you guys think are lurking rn

I dropped burning plastic on my hand bc I used to think it was fun to play with fire

I'm a baby when it comes to burns

even like 1st degree burns

my worst injury was probably busting my head open

hit the corner of a coffee table

i literally have horns bc 2 scars on my forhead

i've busted my head open twice

bc i refused to get stitches i have scars

I've been pretty fortunate in the injury department because i take literally 0 risks

except when i jamp of a shed

i also almost fell through the roof of my "garage"

my foot went through


I fractures my ankle really bad but didn't break it somehow

bc i jamp off of a shed

I love how repzion is probably still lurking

So I had a BMX bike that had a manual break and a trick assist think that only stopped the back wheel to help you do tricks, and when I was a kid, I hit the trick one by acident durring a race and busted my head open on the horrible road

mfw i was barely concious

mfw i went to sleep after hitting my head once

mfw my brother tried to jump over the medal poles infront of walmart and fractured his elbow

this conversation keeps taking 180 turns


I've missed out on so many good educational chances because I don't feel like puting in the extra work

I wanna be that one guy that purposly hurts himself in public places so he can sue the place


lmao sure

nah but honestly I'm setting my self up to be a lawyer atm

2 out of the 3 people i live with dropped out of highschool <:feels:280645240572870656> they set really good examples tbh


i don't think repzion is lurking anymore

maybe he is

It's kindof depressing that if you got to college and become a lawyer, starting out, you wouldn't be able to make as much money as my dad

idk what I wanna do with my life, I've convinced myself I wanna be a lawyer but I probably won't enjoy it



it's like your talking about someone in their funeral and you bust out crying and say they owe you 50$ you'll never get back

you should definitely do that

make it sound like a joke

and then act really serious after

like act devistated that you won't get the 50 back

that's perfect

wait guys

could pokemon be like the new zelda if a game comes out on the switch

like what if you could take the badges out in your own order

idk they probably won't make very open world if they did


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