existence decomissioner (Kiri)

Discord ID: 271419723864866817

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F r e e that spells freecreditreport.com baby

hey none of that nigger word, this is a family friendly discord

hOlY fUcK gUyS hE gOt tHe sArCaSm

nOw tHiS iS ePiC

Aight dick heads


what that

shit dude sign me right the fuck up


whats up?

I'm practicing guitar rn, picking up my mic tomorrow and hope to get a usb interface soon

you have no fucking idea

I have 571 steam games

it's not nice

I've just been subscribed to humble bundle because I'm a beta virgin

sit inside and play games all day except when I go to school and act pretty scoail


I mean I ain't gon sit here and lie to you my G

I guess I go outside a good bit, get some fresh air and exercise, and I have a few circles of friends, so not a complete shut-in



did you gotten a win

can relate

one second fam I gotta get a shower

hey guys! I'm back

lmao actually tho

woah woah woah chill G

its all good

so I'm in a masked band and I have to sing and play guitar while wearing an animal skull and a massive fucking black cloth draped around me like I'm a 4th century priest

and ngl its actually not that bad, cloth is thin so I wear thin af clothing and I'm cool as shit

its like AC into my whole body

person on Omegle: M or F
me, an intellectual: chungus
*stranger has disconnected*

@MatthewFike I mean you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes

I might actually get laid in the next 5 years hopefully, since I'm not an grimey incel faggot anymore. still beta though


somebody did and then deleted the message

turps is a lying bitch boy

i am the terror that faps in the night

I am...yeetman

why are religious people obsessed with circumcising children

its weird af not gonna lie

I'm not gonna give me opinion on muslims because it would get me on an FBI watchlist BUT lets just say I dont approve of female genital mutilation

ill make you bong

*a bong


@MatthewFike tbh I think religion in general is just an overarching "bad" but first amendment and human rights so I dont stick myself in peoples faces about their beliefs but circumcision imo should not be legal until the child is old enough to give consent


I will say though that being called a Satanist online by people who don't like my banner having GodNotReal on it is a little bit hilarious

best way to respond is "hail Satan", they lose their shit and its awesome

I mean they think I'm a Theistic Satanist

like the kind that actually worship Satan as a real entity, not just as like a symbol

@H.P. Fuckcraft 14 year old bisexual, you're close tho

LaVeyan satanism is a good philosophy in terms of their ideas but I still don't worship anybody so I don't identify as one

even as a symbol

@MatthewFike what do you mean? are you an Agnostic or are you just not an activist?

although I will debate a religious person if I think they have legitimately dangerous ideas

I'm firm in my lack of belief so I can agree with that

I have zero interest in debating someone just to make myself feel good, waste of valuable oxygen

again, I only debate religious people if they believe crazy shit

this server is fun as fuck and I've been here for a day

were you a b a d b o y

well then

its a L I B E R A L

How tf is that fair I have midterms


New phone who dis

yo guys

im bouta pick up my singing microphone

@Blaundee dont wanna interrupt, I just wanted to know if you need a 4th




I was wondering where all the pings came from

"Air water earth fire"
"No that is a green"
its only funny out of context

did VC die for anyone else or is this a clientside issue?

dan has content for me to watch

this is epic

I think I might be interrupting something here

they call you the minute man

just like Repzion

because a minute is how low you can last

you're retarded

mine is somewhere in the basement

I can go try to dig it out

I have to sort through the bodies tho


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