
Discord ID: 555235332145152003

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It's from the Olmec

2019-10-18 19:49:08 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #auto-roles]  


2019-10-18 19:49:31 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #auto-roles]  


Spanish were the German raiders

Mega gay

Aztec Empire was cherry niggers sacrificing people to the Sun. Nothing based about being retarded

Synarchism is OK. It's just a lesser version of Falangism opted for Mexico even if in reality Mexico could never become "fascist" because of retarded yankees

Lmao no

Ok faggot

>well that's just cringe
Why don't you journey down to it? I'm sure the Cartels

Would love more bodies to target practice on*

Ah yes a Euro lel, OK faggot

They had some influence in Mexico. A lot of there elements got fused into future civilizations too like the Maya & Aztecs. Olmec are generally regarded as historically important for later Mesoamerican civilizations

>Keeps using Spanish language as a Euro
I can see your obsessed fag. Pitiful

Lmfao this

My family comes from mainly Guerrero with some members in other States like Guanajuato

Le ebic gang

Belize is big gay. Lesser version of the Yucatan


With the occasional Anglo fag

>Not bringing Spanish women
Why would they? Economic opportunism in the America's wasn't suited for females lel

They did IIRC. They lived in I think South-Eastern Mexico? They were in both Guatemala (which should belong to Mexico anyways) & Mexico. It's why both countries have to work together on Olmec studies & shit

>Imagine ever banging the natives
did you actually see European women back then? Usually looked ugly asf in comparison to native women who usually had a better diet & shieet


This faggot

>If you don't live somewhere you can't at all appeal to your culture
Yes, because I am in burgerland. I am a white yankee <:hitlerpepe:543956279056400396>


I don't lel

>Synarchism is OK. It's just a lesser version of Falangism opted for Mexico even if in reality Mexico could never become "fascist" because of retarded yankees

Un pocito si, pero no tengo el capacidad a hablar en espanol con fluido. A mi me gusta hablar ingles mas. Es mas facil porque vivo en los estados unidos con los blancos

@anthr0pos It sort of is. Synarchism, to my knowledge, was mainly a reaction to the faggot atheists & shieet of the 20th century who were heavily anti-religion. IIRC it gained traction after the religious wars of the early 20th century

@httphey Pues claro, pero es dificil a tener ese capacidad quando vives en un lugar donde los ciudadanos no hablan espanol mucho

Cristeros were cool. But faggot secularists had to fuck them over. Had the 2nd Empire prevailed in the French Intervention. I think Mexico would look a lot better today. Possibly even better than America

Si, ellos son de estados como Baja California, pero mis abuelos son de estados como guerrero

Kind of surprised you wouldn't spend it on a bottle of alcohol instead

Why do you want to know fag?

Look at your roles & you tell me where it's derived from

I am a nobody yet I can get you to talk to me. So we can be nobodies together


>only word they know
Big words from a alcoholic slav. Don't you have a bar to be getting drunk in?


Your literally named Farmer


No, why is that the first thing you thought of libtard? Lmao

Ok faggot XXX


These are the degenerates you associate with? Not surprised

Damn Discord is now considered English class for you people? Pitiful

Further prove my point that your a faggot

OK liberal

Nice insult. Anything else in that empty head of yours retard?

Ok retard. Tell me what it's like being a lazy drunk all day

>named after fastfood chains
Literally wtf are you even talking about?

>feels great
Ofc it does to a degenerate. I expect nothing less

Are you guys that obsessed with him you think anyone who doesn't agree with you faggots is with him? Jfc pathetic

Refreshing coming from a faggot with a furry pfp


Doesn't make him any less of a degenerate for having it in the first place lel

>a bird
OK retard. You literally are named Farmer retard

He's making it seem like being named after a bird is bad when he just is named Farmer lmfao



Lmfao underage b&

Yes the Farmer doesn't actually know what Quetzal actually is. I'm not surprised


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