
Discord ID: 306976363376541696

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Conservatives are whatever makes them popular

Are there even any women in here lol

Honestly, just leave. No deal. Fucking do it. Destroy the EU and set us free.

They might aswell name it the Franco-Germanic Union

Italy is a joke, but then again so is the EU

Italy should never run anything good god

Italian management is horrid

Dutch politicians trying to frame Boris as a liar when the Dutch politicians have lied so much the farmers are close to revolting <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:why:462286147473637407>

Stop this

Itโ€™s stupid weeb shit

Oh god the criiiiinge that is the media right now

Politicians crawling into every crack and corner in an attempt to control the damage done

Arenโ€™t furries basically trannies? They both believe theyโ€™re something theyโ€™re not

God is dead and the furries killed him

Noahs Ark was a fatal mistake

Just because they did not consider black people human does not mean they were furries for fucking them @Cryosite

Where can I get my Nubian fursuit then? No faux, the real deal <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

Get that ahistorical gamer shit outta here

Well.. Time to wank off to communist tears and go to bed. Cheers.

I could probably wank it in his face without paying any extra.

Persecution of Human Life in the Soviet Union ***

China never has terror attacks, because China says so, don't you dare question it.

When your victim mentality runs out of rights to fight for so you start fighting to remove the rights of others

The best news is that Labour will double down on it's ridiculous commie policies and probably ellect someone worse than Corbyn as their new leader <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

@Nerzul The Dinosauroid I would rather just overthrow the globalist nutjobs that rule over my country first. Once that's done we can talk.

Nah you can't have a meltdown election if you have no elections. We pushing hard to become a silent EU state.

@Nerzul The Dinosauroid Dutch politicians literally pushing to buy out the farmers and take over our booming farming economy tho lol


Just proud of their 'communist roots'

"Muh farm animals bad for climate so we gotta just half the entire farming sector"

"also, government should buy out those farmers"

This isn't even a huge party that is calling for it, but our current government has no spine and the EU is pushing their buttons like they own the place.

Farmers here have been forced to cooperate with the government to implement new technology, they haven't been sitting still. But now the government is saying "fuck you, you did it wrong anyway even though we literally told you what to do for the past 10 years."

@Jeremy The Netherlands is small and very, very fertile. Not much that can go wrong there.

But the government is using new EU pushed 'anti nitrogen' laws to try and finish off the entire sector, pushing **literal foreign policy** over **democratic policy**

but what is new

Because a specific type of Nitrogen produced by cows, cars and everything else communists hate, can 'apparently' land on the ground and 'harm' our biodiversity.

***Litteral fucking identiy politics for plants.***

Everything but the communist is to blame, always, according to the communist.

Anyway, fucking **FRIESLAND** was one of the first provinces to say fuck off to the government after mass farmer protests. God bless those pagan semi-vikings.

It is a non-issue anyway, because nitrogen output has been steadily declining. But a weird fucking hippie (no joke) has been taking everyone and everything to court in an attempt to kill the farming industry and because of some bureacratic non-issue the commie judges proclaimed he was correct and now the left uses that to pretend there is an actually issue while backed by the EU.

***Traitorous commies working with a foreign power to try and overthrow the people, what is new?***

Nitrogen levels have an inpact on biodiversity which is more heavily protected by laws in this country than it's own people are.

Turkeys are moronic anyway

Big Brain turkeys secured their own survival by making themselves an important national dish once a year

@w3w3w3 you should also push for laws making it illegal for people over 20 to have sex with 16 year old children lol

You fucking pedophile <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>

You prey on 16 year olds and admitted to do so because you enjoy the power you have over them <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> But sure, defenitly not a pedophile creep

That's why that law should be changed <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> You're just scared people will come for your knees with hammers and sticks

If you're a self respecting adult you don't have sex with underaged, mentally underdeveloped children for the sake of exploitation. <:slurpgon:583424900732157956> But I guess that's an unpopular opinion on here.

~~I hope her dad finds out but hey that's just me~~

@w3w3w3 seeing how you pick up 16 year olds, fuck them and then dump them I'm not sure I need your defenition of love anyway <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

@Death in June maybe you should joing the Labour discord then lol

"Just a prank brah"

Theyre in favour of grooming gangs tho @w3w3w3 so they seem to be your kind of people

What are the odds you were in on that gangbang?


@w3w3w3 on one side you advocate for murder of pedophiles, on the other side you are one <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> Didnt know you were suicidal

You mean you don't take it up the ass every friday? Not very feminist of you <:angrypepe:497157904743268363> <:Communist:462285823824494592>

Second D is gae

Nah you're way more useful to them alive.

White values don't exist, they're Christian values.

You're not born with a certain set of values based on your race, if that was true Labour wouldn't even exist.

I don't give a shit if someone is black, it's about culture. Plenty of black folk about that integrated well. Why? Because they care about the country. Nationalist values, that's what's important.

Nobody as a group integrates into a society @Death in June you cant integrate a group, that's the whole issue.

Not if they come in as French people proclaiming to be french lol

@Fenririri I dont even know what you said

@Fenririri hard to disagree with facts

Left: We have to safe humanity from climate reeeeeeeee

Also Left: No no, not your kind of humanity

Dutch Empire when

Being wiped out implies you lost the battle

**Etho nationalim isn't a radical idea, but enforcing it based idealogically just makes you a fucking commie**

Culture is the result of politics, so to imply cultural pride is sinful in politics is absolutely moronic

Plenty of 'left wing' stuff works, but it really wasn't ever left wing, they just named it left to take credit

*Eastern Europe sucks, change my mind*

Not having immigrants shouldn't be considered a 'great thing' it should be the norm.

Old Dutch Libertarian values tho pretty nice

We dont learn much Dutch history in the Netherlands either. History has been succesfully erased.

Giant Buttplugs in Paris. Number of people surprised: 0

2050 Parishian fashion: Transsexuals wearing burkas with buttplugs.

I'm blue daba dee daba da

I lowkey want Scotland to leave so we can watch it burn. Ofcourse it wouldn't be 'real' socialism <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

~~Monarchism is shit tbh~~

She cares about her geese tho

If the Queen had opposed the migration zealots they would have hung her outside the bloody palace without second thought. Cant blame her for keeping a background role.

Let all the good Aussies come back to Europe and we'll use Australia as a prison colony once again, as it should be

Irish Communist State when?

Rebuild Hadrian's Wall

SNP wants Scotland to be a socialist state under the EU

SNP Are literal National Socialists


@Storin if it means more influence the EU will pay for it, afteral theyll just tax more

Scotland is a province, change my mind

"The country has gone so far right that socialism is unatainable" So they remained perfectly center?

How much influence did the SNP in Scotland have before elections? Like whats the increase?

Corbyn wouldn't have even made it to voting day with the rethoric

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