James Connolly

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Has anyone seen Sargon's latest video on akkad daily? What convuluted nonsense thinking brought him to make that

Sargon claims hes not interested in the science of the climate and then proceeded to tell us about how it's not going to happen?

Yeah then he should know not to comment on its likelihood because ihis reasoning isn't logical

yes it will ?

geoengineering might be our only hope at this point

i am also a chemist ha

china usa and india are all the big players in this

doesnt mean we shouldnt be trying to stop it

africa isnt at all lol

the average carbon emmision for an africa nation is 0.23 tons of co2 compared to uk its like 16 tons

on the larger scale of things right now africa is insignificant , but that doesnt mean they arent fucking up the local environment and ecosystems their which they are

plastic pollution isnt causing global warming

its shit but not the big shit

sure we have to start here first to get leverage on them

usa is one of the worst btw

i care for the ocean life too dont get me worng

the acidification could have disatorous consequences given 70 % of all our oxygen is produced there

plastic straws are really such a minor problem

total first world shite imo

microplastics do far more damage

thats not how it works ...at all windleaf

its greenhouse gases , co2 being one of the main contributors , methane and cfcs for example do far more damge and the planes in the sky

the us has stopped actively reducing , trump after all did drop out of the paris climate agreement

i amnt trying to excuse china or india here , you just trying to shift your personal responsibility

maybe read some scientific papers because no scientist have been saying the world was going to end 4 times since the 70s that were peer reviewed

western world combined has as much as china and india what are you on ?

what country is that then?

my country has a per capita output of 13 tons of co2 per person

canada is far worse im guesiing

i am arguing against pollution and it will result in for the majority of people extinction if something isnt done

you do know the us and eu combines put out just as much and more over the course of human history

we are entering the anthropocene

"pollution is a localised issue" any basic understanding of climatology to go with that ???no i was guessing....

you do know that is the sollution windlead? geoenginneerign phosphourous compound in the stratosphere to lower global temperature but that is no simple task, you dont understand the heating effect

blockade and diplomacy

everthing is made up of chemicals you dimwit

drink some sodium hypochlorite please

google global dimming if you dont believe me

diplomacy first then blockade, they see first hand the effects of climate change , why do you think they are investing so much money into it like nuclear research? they are just greedy cunts though

i jjust said artifiicial global dimming might be our only solution ....

it is but it has a net negative effect because we are also producing ridiculous amounts of co2 emmision along with it, as the phenom is usually produced on a local scale by burning of coal or planes

cant you interpret that chart ?

the ice is melting

the oceans currents are changing

the oceans are rising

the ocean temperature is rising killling our oxygen

we dont get our oxygen from trees mostly its phytoplankton!

all of europe will freeze

the labrador current wil lshut off the gulf stream

yeah and mass extinction with it

geothermal energy is a dead end its not feasible unless you lie on a fault line , nuclear fission is the obvious option nothing wrong with it either

not really possible with current technology if you arent by a fault line

and extremely expensive

yeah its possible but not generally feasible for mass production or sustainable with materials needed

whats your problem with nuclear?

wont run out for another 1000 years

at least with conventional supplies

iwould rather rbmk than burning gas or oil

ted wasnt a bad lad

nah but i sympathise with that lifestyle

one thing about teddy by damn did he hate leftists

2019-11-21 14:45:05 UTC [JFG.world #general]  

Germans are subhumans

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