Dan [Minismee]

Discord ID: 217092243125698561

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yeah no way this wasnt foul play of some kind

@Redneo you need Vitamin D to survive m8

@Kamaitachi not much info on what exactly happened but we all seen this coming after last time

@Redneo I was a shutin hermit for 3 years straight. would spend weeks inside sometimes. Best thing I did was a get a job in construction and work outside all day. I dont want to sound mean but get a life dude

is this top tier shitposting guys?

i cant take him for reals with a fucking GG profile pic in current year +5

current year is 2014 right?

I guess their handlers go focus on someone else

@Scale_e I guess it depends how deep the deep state or w/e you want call the conglomerated high power interest actually goes.

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