jacovich stabs

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Because they'd be productive members of society with whom you could trade.

I mean capable of reason

Too many double negatives I can't figure out the grammar on what he's saying in that quote

@Death in June in that case you have rejected reason altogether. You're like the person who says "so what if I burn my hand by touching the hot stove, who says I want to avoid pain anyway?"

You know, the one thing about humans that ties us all together is our reasoning faculty.
You can cling to the viscera, to your ancestral lineage and tradition.
You can claim that's what defines you because it's the oldest thing you can find, but that doesn't make it true.
Your ancestors had to figure things out for themselves, they had to use reason to live just the same as everyone else. There is no divine wisdom or revelation you can gain from them. They're just people too, you're not preserving anything of value. It's not group vs group, it's what you as an individual make of the world.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

You realize how much legal innovation you'd have to do to reach sustainable free markets? We never got to that point before we gave up and started regulating everyone because it was the easy solution.

No a true free market requires a state to extract force from the realm of trade

So you think a free market is where the government uses force to dictate how everyone trades? Because THAT is the opposite of a free market

Are you an anarchist @Jeremy ?

yeah this guy understands

there is only one thing that richard spencer has ever said that i agree with and it is that the state is an existential entity

ok john lennon

probably because he was a nihilist

the chinese collectivist farming had to revert back to pseudo private property because they were all starving

Wait, wait so air conditioning is a problem... and the solution is societal-wide oppression? Ok, I think that makes sense.

Inter-group dependence is not necessarily what you want to aim for. You want to increase ease of co-operation and voluntary interaction. And I think people generally work better when they are able to control the temperature of their environment.

oh god please no


The iron cross is not even a nazi symbol lmao

Neither is the original swastika with the arms pointed left.

There was a right facing one before the nazis? I didn't know.

Yeah, I don't believe in symbols being "intrinsically" linked to any particular group anyway. You always have to look at their use in their historical context.

For example, a commie hammer and sickle if founded by a primitive society could be a symbol of agriculture and smithing, a new age for them.

I don't like Buddhism but I'm not gonna call their symbols "nazi symbols" regardless of context like a lot of leftists would

LUL, imagine!

no, only american ones kapp

2019-09-15 00:12:52 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I don't want a European state, let alone a European army.

2019-09-15 00:17:14 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Actually, forget my previous comment. An EU is not intrinsically bad, but the ideology that pushes the EU we have now forward is a fascist ideology and I don't like fascism because it subjugates the individual to the state. It is tyrannical by definition.

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