
Discord ID: 394995682806857739

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Honestly? Eyeballs are probably less disease prone than fish.

The ocean is fucking filthy mate.

Britian ain't dead yet, tis just going through a rough patch.

As long as Patriots like sargon and Dankula exist it still lives.

The british heart beats within the nationalist, and they will keep it alive.

Boris is a good step though.

Once the shackles of the EU are shaken off, britian can start returning to it's former glory.

Anarchy is freedom and going against the media and those with power. Antifa is supported by the media and the powerful.

He man was always not very serious, so why not?

More people=better is the same logic remainers use.

Tldr was alright, he kinda get biased against other youtubers sometimes for no good reason. His hate of sargon is irrational.

Until the aliens get out of area 51, then them cheeks will be the hottest foreign secretaries.

2019-07-25 21:53:59 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 21:54:17 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 21:54:32 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 21:55:16 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

No state solution, let them both die.

2019-07-25 21:56:08 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Go mommy!

2019-07-25 21:57:16 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The dnc will fuck her over worse they they fucked over bernie.

2019-07-25 21:57:47 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

God emperor trump ain't okay either joker?

2019-07-25 21:58:33 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I think it's great to have memy names for candidates, makes it more funny.

2019-07-25 21:58:46 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Mom and dad are fighting again, story of my life.

I'm down for sodomization, me first pls.

2019-07-25 22:01:33 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Never underestimate the religious right's way of causing shit, they are the original sjws.

Odin is angered by his the British people being cucks, tis obvious.

2019-07-25 22:08:29 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

You can live without dogma, morality and law existed before the religions of today, it will survive them as well.

2019-07-25 22:10:00 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Far left is by nature dogmatic with the religion of feminism kamaitachi.

What's all this stuff mean? I'm american.

Oh, was taught conversions in like 9th year and never remembered it again.

Outside for me is 95 F, I live in the south though.

In britian I'm sure hot weather is not normal though.

Outside city gang.

What kinda house doesn't have air conditioning? That just seems idiotic.

Can't help what I've experienced. I guess you have a point though.

If it's over 100 years it tends to become a historic site in america, not a house to live in.

Black mortar? Is that like a type of artillary?

We have drywall though.

Not sure If it's the same kind of drywall, or if there are different kinds.

Wood mostly for american houses, I live in a brick house which is rarer.

There is a plantation down the road.

I do live in mississippi though, also a klan meetup place on the other side of town. I don't go to it cause fuck the klan and their racist bullshit.

Clay, I don't know if I've ever seen clay in person.

Just dirt and mud.

You can build yourself a minecraft house then svarozhyc

The weather here gets a lot worse than the weather there cadbal.

You ever have a tornado hit your neighborhood? Twice?

Stone houses are expensive and rare cadbal.

Most houses are made of wood, and cheap wood cause corporate fucks don't care.

Depends, if it's direct hit they fall.

If it's far enough outside the affected area they stand.

Stone and mortar would likely live anything but a category 5 tornado.

And build quality does play a part.

climate change man, making the weather worse.

Let the climate change, fuck those people who can afford beachfront houses.

Pump more co2, lets get this change rolling.

Watching vee does anything but political stuff, why though?

Climate change is man made, so let's make a climate that we actually like. Let's kill off all the fucking mosquitoes and shit and make the weater not shitty.

2019-07-25 22:34:22 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 22:34:41 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 22:36:31 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

@noone fuck off normies! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2019-07-25 22:38:48 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Harder brexit, britian leaves the earth.

2019-07-25 22:40:09 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls meme

2019-07-25 22:40:54 UTC [Athens #public-gallery]  

Boris is bestis

Yes. I'm a leftist, commence the libtard comments.


Guns solve many problems when a dick becomes a dictator.

Sounds like propaganda and government red scare programs but okay.

I'd prefer a population that knows the truth than a population that thinks the way you want them to think.

And I was trying to show that stuff like that has been tried in america and thoses are two prominent examples.

It's a radical idea for a government to have a right to enforce what people think and experience.

What if your values are the degenerate ones?

If the state decides religion or monogamy is in fact degeneracy, what then?

It's easy to say you don't like this, so get rid of it, but that opens a very dangerous path.

You're taking the same logic as the sjws.

I'm just saying mate, the path to ban things you don't like will be used against things you like eventually.

We have culture and social ostracism for a reason, humans can naturally fight against "degeneracy" without the need for government.

The heavy hand of government will catch more than you think, and you will likely not escape it's grasp.

You're sure you want to control the population, till your the degenerate.

Such as system?

Rape is down, murder is down, people are smarter than they ever have been.

Remind me again how the past was better?

We're doing well, surprisingly so, sure we have some crazy extremist but which era doesn't?

What metric matters then ethreen?

Only race that matters is the human race mate, and that's doing just fine.

Perhaps, you should come see mississippi, and learn why wanting to preserve your race fails.

You can't control that many people, all you can do is ensure that you do well. I think there are differences, but they are mostly cultural.

Given the circumstances any race can do anything the other can do, there is no large distinction between humans that aren't cultural or situational.

Native Americans failed due to their collectivist culture, not due to their lack of ability.

IQ is due to different groups focus.

If IQ took practical skills into account it would look a whole lot different.

The questions is why? And the answer is focus and culture.

You seem to think it's an inherent difference, I don't think humans are really that different based on very small genetics differences.

Race is meaningless man.

You keep giving it meaning because it's an easy way to divide groups. Irish people have different IQs than Italians, but their both white.

I ain't an expert, but I ain't an idiot either.

System, mate the Japanese have a completely different diet and diet helps determine height.

I could divide people by ginger, brown, and blond, and see a difference in IQ.

We gonna start being hair supremacist because people with different hair colors think differently?

It's not as important as you think it is mates.

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