
Discord ID: 326246795057299456

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2019-09-08 16:39:59 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  


"Pewdiepie supporting the ADL" <:mhm:585797806296399905>

Well here is the thing. Either yes he is being blackmailed, hes trolling and not actually going to donate to ADL, or some other motive.
Thing is hes the only one that knows what hes doing <:hmm:454679123298877451>



Sometime next year

Maybe during the elections

3 months away from 2020 and shit isnt slowing down or cooling off

Gonna accelerate this train off the broken bridge <:POGGERS:419435935915311104>

We need to remove 6 million subscribers from pewdiepie <:dean:432408555182751746>


Blocked <:mhm:585797806296399905>

Is it finally happening guys? Are we winning? <:POGGERS:419435935915311104>

Water is as hard as concrete and will drown your ass





Hebjew <:mhm:585797806296399905>

Actually its the present


I grew up in cali

My home town is now ashes

I dont want your apology bigot I want respirations <:mhm:585797806296399905>

I live in Jacksonville. Our crime is worse <:notbees:276881131515674625>

The crime here may be worse but at least we're not Detroit <:mhm:585797806296399905>

So I got banned from /pol/

Twice in one day


Lolis are degenerate

Same with furries <:peperage:588019564575457311>

And then later in the day

But thats the thing. I fucking despise furries

<:FuzzyPeach:583773935385182231> thanks


I really dont get it. I was unbanned from that first one and then banned again

I cant open it up but the image I was shown wasnt even furry

Ill see if I can pull it up


The image?

Oh I post anti furry shit all the time on another discord

I have no fucking clue

I was only posting on pewdiepie/ADL threads

Ive come close to being a furry <:why:462286147473637407> but no. Its too rank even for the likes of me <:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

As far as I remember ive never made a call to action

Fuck jannies?

Ironic you mention arms bans. This was the last thing I tried to post before I was aware of being banned.

scroll up a bit


Not sure how common getting banned is tho




How often does 4chan have Janitor applications?



whats that

Well im unbanned from 4chan again <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

Is their moderatation just a joke?

A nobody


Anyone here familiar with being banned on 4chan?

But im not banned anymore @Anubis

I was banned twice in one day for things I didnt do and then unbanned <:WaitWhatArmy:590858815189024778>

So I ask, if anyone knows, is 4chan moderatation a joke? <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

<:disgusteng:595338918044500041> fuck jannies

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