
Discord ID: 233401857064697856

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Outside perspective here

Brexit would not and should not ruin the UKs economy

You still have the rest of the world to trade and work with.

And regardless the Brexit would economically crippped EU more than UK anyway

Flat fucking no dude

Its never shifted

Yeeah but US as a new trade partner

Would be so much better.

And if UK leaves theres such a crippling blow to their economy.

A hughe chunk of their revenue just goes.

Yes but were better about it.

Regardless, the fact remains that all the lines about a UKs economy collapsing is a fucking lie.

It dosent HAVE TO

But it could if the wrong people have their say.

Yeah so a short downturn

Followed by skies the limit upturn

In like a decade


Ooooooh so scary

Yeah and?

Even so, if that was said, thats still an upturn withinna generation

Thats not even that bad

I mean I dont hate you

I just feel your pretty misinformed

Because all youve said are usual talking points.

"Muh Economy, muh destabilization"

Am I watching?

Welcome to the victim olympics

Maybe the eugeniscists werent all that wrong after all eh?


My plan is to eventually build a shitlord colony on Antarctica, melt the ice caps, flooding the world, and then my people will live on massive, heavily armed arks.

Wed water world this bitch.


Its not that bad imo but it IS a pretty tremendous flop

But yeah its litterally aqua mad max

And the protagonist is a gilled mutant mad max aquaman

Eh not really

Its just basic

Theres a mc guffin on a small child whose from the last land based settlment

At least the last known one

And the mc guffin is just a map there.

Its basic as fuck but I never really saw it as absolutely terrible.

Really look it up. Its not a bad watch.

Its some good popcorn cinima basically.

Me personally I want to see a comeback of giant animal films. Like hear me out my dudes.

So Jaws. Pretty much a masterpeice by most accounts.

The set up? Its a fucking average Great White thats just a couple feet larger than the norm and like twice as agressive.

So get this

What about

A fucking giant owl?

Its like a normal owl by every standard. Cept its big enough to hunt humans.

Oh yeah I just want practical effects back.

Like BAD

Its why frankly Evil Dead is the most mind scarring horror movie for me

I know its so campy its funny

But some of that semi-practial/semi-cgi imagery just fucking freaks me out.

Like when the mounted animal heads start godamned MOVING

If you want real scary horror movies you go back to fucked up claynation like motion on the monsters.

Thing is. I dunno how youd make a slasher for modern times.

I had one pretty decent idea

But itd be tricky to pull off

My favorite slasher is Lawrence of Arabia

And if I did a Slasher, itd just be Goat Man.

A bunch of dumb teens trapped in the Appilacian Mts hunted by an 8ft tall man-goat abomination with a hunger for human flesh and sweet collehe age pussy.

At least psychological horror is still kinda around. Cure for wellness was pretty badass

Even though its basically Frankenstines Monster if you squint at it.

Our wrath has come online...

Engage the linkage Omnissiah!

Usually family members or sometimed a very depressing significant other feeds and clothes the Neet

Usually to cast out once their caustic existince has well and truly worn through any goodwill

I dont think birthright citizenship is a bad idea considering its been a foundational cornerstone of the republic. I think the fact that we have birthright citizenship should, however, impel us to be as agressive as can be about our borders and the quality of our migrants.

I think birthright citizenship should be the straight up incentive to guard our soverigenty.

Again, an incentive to preserve border security.

Just because the current junta amongst the left is toxic does not mean it will always be so

And Im confident those responsible will have their heads on pikes in the coming decades.

Like every republic that survives two centuries there needs to be some bloodletting.

We all know what happens to untouchable classes eventually

They become an aristocracy

And then the majority take their fucking heads


Go die alone remoaner

@!GPT Thata not furry bruv

That is so much worse. Pups are like furry bdsm subs.

Their whole shtick is petplay

Nah you have to understand them

Or youll never succeed in combating the mental sickness

@Flavius Stilicho no wolvie served in the Pacific Front and had to learn Japanese as part of his training as a commando

Bleh yall are queer with the microwave

Obviously the searing pan is a better go to



@Uksio What a weirdo Im sure your totally not an insecure manlet sniping at obviously one of the more popular hobbies on this server to be edgy or appear special.

Pfft you dont even know me bro

But have fun being an autistic cunt

Look Ima give it to you straight

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