juts kill nme

Discord ID: 613078527352242200

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you stupid warmyn

i fart in your general direction

whats happening fredo's?

what has ottersquid done?

they are the worst

whats your problem @cachalot

what's your major malfuction private @cachalot

i will fuck you all up with an owl

@cachalot can you spare some money fren?

@cachalot i wuv you will u be my discord gf?

you dont even answer you are a fuckwit

Is the Queen dead yet?

I'm sure they are building a massive mecha to house her consciousness and she is going to go feral and run amok on Terra

@cachalot you should check out kiwifarms

its awesome

from reddit ... so he's a soy drinking emasculated shadow of a man

i think i see you ottersquidgaysack

would you like me to put a curse on you @cachalot




what a fucking drama queen

The world is coming to an end ... so where would you rather die? HERE? OR IN A VAGINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kek, now he's catching on

i'm a jewel

@cachalot Listen up bra, did you know this is a holy place? And your utter faggotry has sullied it to the point it will take many aeons to cleans the scum from the walls?

nah it's funneh, and afterwards he will carc it

scared of what squiddy?

i will talk to you

if you really need to talk bro , im here for you

so what do you want to talk about?

@cachalot You just said everyone is scared , I offered to talk , and you are ignoring me , you are sorta pretty pathetic

excuses excuses

creating this underverse

lol, it's not artificial? but we are in a virtual reality?

checkmate dumbass

so there was a big bang was there @cachalot ?

Well I fucking was, so talk to the hand fuck knuckle

engage me princess, what are you afraid of?

Jor-El the Father
Kal-El the Sun
Jew-El the Holy Spirit

I think this nutter just wants someone to threaten him , what a sad little pill

You have been found out @cachalot so say something original or fuck off back to the slime filled wastes of whence you came

kek its probably sargon getting his jollies

jack is gay

Actually , it doesn't , they are pretty easy to spot

Jack would rape him in the cells

bullshit jack you raped me over and over you lying sack of shit

i feel violated just by your presence jack

@cachalot So did you actually want to talk about something and flex that big brain of yours? Or are you just attention whoring because you couldn't get pussy

@cachalot Hope is for faggots, fuck off loser

@cachalot lol, you are not very smart , โ™ฅ

well you lost didn't you?

most likely

are you talking about their music or their sexuality? can your feeble brain even separate the two?

she doxxed herself and got raped

I heard there's an iraqi in the Temple.
Iran as fast as I could

@iraqi nationalist have you ever participated in gangrape?

listen , i'm a a a it it it's i am a its it's i am a it's it's so err umm enjoy your cheeseburger i am aha let's not talk about let's ;let's let's lets why, why why , why why has nobodytalked about it it's ,look trump , lok , im not , i will say this , it hink it might be too esoteric , i know people that are facing jail time for fake news and being a sperg fuck off tim pool you stupid dumb fuck wanker cunt fuck off and die

what the fuck is that guy on

Thats what its going to be like in all our cities in 10 years

I will have perfected my doomsday device by then

the new "in" thing is colouring in books for adults

i kid you not

the devolution of man

What can a warmyn teach a man?

How to derive pleasure from someone else's pain

@Weez No. Sorry. That ship has sailed.

whats going on? have we got another ottersquiddy?

is that Mothra?

or is that ... a clitoris?

who the fuck says "my guy"

Why do you hate the english @Snake

because , ya know, when we break free from the communo-jew spell and combine to form mecha-english , we are coming straight for your nigger ass

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