
Discord ID: 222945982004854784

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I gave you that image that you use against me

Who delet

Dude pixie/shorthair is the best

So fucking hot


They ain't bald

And if they are bald just use a plunger

Check mate

"I'm not into pixie or short haired either"

I have

My current gf is a tomboy with short hair

We met on the schools swim team so she also fit

Most do

I can appreciate all women

My hoco date was a very feminine long blonde hair chick they all have benefits and down sides

Just pick your poison tbh

They aren't women

They are farm animals

I did date an extra curvy Latina chick for a while

It was interesting

Not obese

Extra thicc


Dont touch his beans

Dont delet

Try me

Hello fren


Oh no

Ok Richard Poole

I dont even know who you are either

You just have your real name in your discord profile

For some reason

He isn't too smart to realize spotify tells discord real name

Is ok

I almost made the same mistake

Richard Poole

Or dick pool

Is that better


Now if I say ok Dick to @๐ŸŒˆ Discord Thanosโšง it isn't bullying

I am good fren

It's almost time

I saw a screening of it on Tuesday nothing to write home about the cinematography either

Its generic shit

Tron looking ass saturated colors

The story is big poop too

Shitty humor shoehorned in to a dramatic scene that ruins it

I wanted to like it I really did

But fuck man I cant

All must die for retribution

Worker 25135 isn't being as productive crank the JUICE

Wholesome meme time

2019-12-21 22:14:15 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  


2019-12-21 22:14:19 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  


2019-12-21 22:14:30 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  


In the jar you go


witness my power

oh no i hate it

i want you all to suffer with me

i will also react with delete this

ara ara

libertarians be like

damn right

Oh boy

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