
Discord ID: 281123120931143681

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if you want to live, boycott Big Air Industry

yes, but because of how racist we all inherently are, we just can't understand the complex and overdeveloped nature of african nations

and it's not like africans are have even more racial world views than euros, not at all

you have to go back

tell them to gibs right stuff

tell her she cute

where she from?

what's up with Area 51 raid?

any streams?

anything happening in area 51?



somebody should do a study on how colouring your hair is supposed to be "rebelious" and how despite all these coloured hairs people are starting to get all rainbow coloured as we're drawing closer to Bad Orange Man's re-election

i think that was pepe

on their thing they said he wasn't always and had to be taken in context

when was blonde trashy?

are there any studies on the history of coloured hair as opposition?

Aurora 2: Legacy of The Clown!


have u seen russian bots?

what you mean, tato?

communism has not much food

So many spooks in here

why are we talking about tampons?

it's not gonna go broke though, is it?

not yet, anyways

yeah, i bet many MSMs only hold on to that because that's how they generate money, while civilians hold on to it because they haven't gotten tired of it yet

who here wants to make a deal with the devil?

sometimes i wish this planet made sense


maybe i should say "this reality"?

Who will play Harambe in the inevitable biopic?

who will play sargon in the inevitable biopic?

Question: Is it okay to be white?

thanks @Marushia Dark i knew i'd get an intelligent answer

that's a weird card

2019-11-05 19:48:53 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Guys, give me some dumb shitposts

2019-11-05 19:51:16 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

those aren't shitposts guys. those are high quality sophisticated posts

2019-11-05 19:55:17 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i thought the socialists would do abortions voluntarily

2019-11-05 20:02:11 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@Machinimal i don't think any country tells you your kid "has to go" if it has downs. that's kind'a weird

2019-11-05 20:02:15 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

and i'm norwegian

2019-11-05 20:03:00 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Yeah, how can you force anyone to have an abortion? that's horrible

2019-11-05 20:03:21 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

but i will say most norwegians would rather abort than have a downsy

2019-11-05 20:03:27 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i probs would

2019-11-05 20:04:43 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i get that, but it's still terrible

2019-11-05 20:05:18 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

besides, the state doesn't "own" healthcare, it's supposed to "provide" it.

2019-11-05 20:05:23 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

or that's the idea anyway

2019-11-05 20:11:39 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i haven't even bothered checking it out

2019-11-05 20:14:04 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i'm just annoyed that they filter out Watchmen's heritage more still

2019-11-05 20:14:58 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

I heard it had the premise that the same way Cold war was the 80's biggest problem, racerelation is today's biggest problem. Is that true?

2019-11-05 20:17:51 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i mean, how can anyone possibly say race relations is the biggest issue now? And how was it not in the 80s?

2019-11-05 20:18:30 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

had they gone with enviormental problems, at least it could be convincing

2019-11-05 20:19:07 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

sure, but it's not worse now than the 80s is it?

2019-11-05 20:19:46 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i think other than BLM and peeps like that, and affirmative action, most of it is just a nothingburger

2019-11-05 20:20:53 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

race is probably the most sensitive topic we have, but most people aren't actual racists

2019-11-05 20:22:09 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

well, a topic in the media is not always the same in real life

2019-11-05 20:22:36 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

what i'm saying is just because race relations are big on the screen, doesn't mean it's a big issue to most people

2019-11-05 20:24:07 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-11-05 20:24:17 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

that's what i mean

2019-11-05 20:24:39 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

but whenever something like "IOTBW" happens, media plays it up like it's so much bigger than it is

2019-11-05 20:24:54 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

because it seels. and it sells because they make you believe it's big

2019-11-05 20:25:02 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

and it becomes big because it sells

2019-11-05 20:25:08 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

it's a vicious circle

2019-11-05 20:26:45 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-11-05 20:26:49 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

that's just retarded

2019-11-05 20:27:15 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

"hey dude, how's it like to have an ability that i don't" "you'we wacys"

2019-11-05 20:27:46 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

what is this "do you think in symbols?" question?

2019-11-05 20:29:08 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

speaking of zombies, the other day i thought about how there should be a zombie movie about all this NPC shit

2019-11-05 20:31:52 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

at first it's just regular zombies, but before people turn, they get really jumpy and easy to aggrevate over tiny things. And at one point, it's shown how the zombies in the city has formed tribes, purely based on locations. sometimes they'll come out and fight one another to eat. one of the non-infected characters remark "well, i guess when there's not enough living people to fight over, the zombies will eat their own"

2019-11-05 20:32:00 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

would anyone watch that movie?

2019-11-05 20:32:46 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

that's the joke

2019-11-05 20:33:05 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

a movie where zombies are a metaphor for tribalistic violence

2019-11-05 20:33:14 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

and ecchochambers

2019-11-05 20:33:48 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

it's never totally on-the-nose, so it could be taken as just another zombie flick, but it's also a metaphor

2019-11-05 20:35:37 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

to be fair, most words are older than you

2019-11-05 20:38:15 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

anyway, you think a movie like that would work?

2019-11-05 20:45:59 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

@Lohse Altai that's creative

2019-11-06 19:34:14 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Hey Athens
You're all breathtaking

2019-11-06 19:35:49 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

Everyone's breathtaking!

2019-11-06 19:38:36 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

very strange indeed, gustavus and loremaster

2019-11-06 19:38:54 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

one should think the one excludes the other

2019-11-06 19:39:50 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

like Billy the Clint?

2019-11-06 19:54:25 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

or watchmen

2019-11-06 19:54:44 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

funny how it's always in superhero movies

2019-11-06 20:56:01 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

"You're never gonna guess how bad Orange Man is" "How bad is he?" "He's so bad he killed a mass-murdering fanatic maniac"

2019-11-06 20:57:03 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

vent, as in "vent about your troubles" probably

2019-11-07 22:57:52 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

hey doods

2019-11-07 22:59:50 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

anyone else think epstien's death was just an event in a secret war between two different factions, and neither side can reveal anything about the other side, because they're both guilty of sick shit they don't want the public to know about?ยจ

2019-11-07 23:02:44 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

i just think that's really possible, but i don't have any firm indications of it, or who the two different factions are, or what else has been part of this "secret war" i'm talking about

2019-11-07 23:05:10 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

>post topic hoping for more input and info
>get's ignor'd

2019-11-07 23:05:16 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-11-07 23:06:01 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-11-07 23:07:41 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

hey doods
anyone else think epstien's death was just an event in a secret war between two different factions, and neither side can reveal anything about the other side, because they're both guilty of sick shit they don't want the public to know about?

2019-11-07 23:08:20 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

i don't have any proper indication of that, or know who those factions would be, but it just makes sense, and i'd like some input

2019-11-07 23:11:56 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

yeah, but you never see people talking about this as a "war". usually people talk about it as if Epstein is the top guy that got killed by lower people that didn't want to go down with him

2019-11-07 23:13:59 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

i don't think anyone said it directly, but the way people talk, it doesn't seem like they expect him to be a servant of someone else

2019-11-07 23:15:04 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

well, if you're on someone's payroll, you kind of are

2019-11-07 23:16:20 UTC [Athens #palaestra_debates]  

i'm thinking most powerful institutions world over, such as the Senate, Hollywood, Royal Families, Mecca, Wall Street, papal state, etc etc etc. They all have a pedophile circle which is the "shadow state" among them, and they all have secret alliances and wars between one another

337 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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