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take a number

I would personally like to know how the bot knows when you've been enough of a good boy or girl it lets you in

i could use such a thing on the server I admin

I mean true, there was alot of wheeling and dealing

as John Adams said about the challenge of getting all the colonies to work together was akin to getting 13 clocks to all strike midnight at the same time

Mad respect to Adams

While Washington was the obvious choice given that he fought in the damn war, Adams was really America's first real president

props to Jefferson too, even if he did have a habit of sleeping with the help. ๐Ÿคฃ

yeah, Bribary usually requires an intent of dishonesty or illegality to be considered Bribary

otherwise it's just Enticement

again that goes back to the 13 clocks statement

the northern colonies NEEDED Virgina and the Carolinas

they wouldnt have gotten that if they abolished slavery right then and there

and the fact that both Jefferon, AND Adams lemented and debated that decision to NOT abolish slavery, but understood it was a required concession to win the war

the hope was they would abolish after things had stabilized

well then the french revolution happened

then the spanish

and so on

point was they never got the chance to do it themselves

and they wanted it

see while, I know many people read up and admire Washington and Franklin, because they were the giants

Adams and Jefferson were straight gansta

I really wish I could go back in time and get to know those guys

but many women today DO pay net taxes and go to war

there are a fair amount of women in the armed services and who are landowners and entrepreneurs

@jacovich stabs well to be fair, Jefferson didnt edit the document himself, he had both Franklin and Adams there, and again, they removed the slavery abolishment thing as the concession to keep Virgina and the Carolinas on their side

so if I get a tax return, I'm not a net tax payer?

Does WIC count?

Because while I can afford Med insurance for me and my wife, I can't afford it for my newborn son, sadly

basically food stamps and social benefits for children of families who can't afford to take care of them, at least in principle

So even though I pay my taxes, my wife works and pays her taxes, I pay an extra $700 a month for medical insurance, 15 a month for dental for her and myself, the fact that I have to bite the bullet and take social assitance for my new son makes no longer a Net Tax Payer?

I'm pretty sure despite that, I already am an NTP

I've paid alot of money to a government that I know is corrupt, with money I know doesnt even pay for the roads going directly into the pockets of private globalist bankers

my current worry is that there won't BE a world for my son to grow up in

that he might be the first in a new generation that will basically be living Fallout style

6 weeks

hell at the rate it's speeding up **I** might be seeing it

and if Ron Perlman shows up to narriate, we're really fucked


Because war..... War never changes....


I forgot the US annexes Canada

shit I never DID finish Fallout 4

oh that was fallout 1 they said that

Ron says it in the intro

I just noted in a related thought I never did finish Fallout 4

@Venerable Enginseer Jaqus-C93 tale of two wastelands mod ftw

It basically merges the stories of the vault dweller from 101 with the courier from new vegas

By definition the debt cannot be paid back

Debt is based off principle and interest and every dollar in the money supply is principle

No it cant, since if the principle was paid off, no money would exist, so where dies the money to pay the interest cone from

Ergo, the amount we owe is mathematically more then we can wver have

money comes into existance when loans are made, either by the fed to the government, or by a bank to an individual or business

money is destroyed when said loans/debts are paid

so if everyone paid their debts, including the government, no money would exist

yet there would still be the looming interest we'd be liable to pay for

this is where austerity measures come into play

the now defaulted loan, the backers of the central banks then ask for resource concessions as a means of paying on the interest

this is what I learned straight out the book "Modern Money Mechanics" which is published by the federal reserve board of governors

the 10% reserve requirement?

that what you refering to

or something else?

true, but when they take in say $100, they don't isolate $90 and loan that out

what they do is create 900 dollars out of thin air, from the reserve of that $100

the money in essence "comes into existance" upon creation of a loan

There was actually a court case on this with Jerome Daly

at this point I dont think we're actually debating just stating different facts

everything we're saying is pretty much demonstrably true



do I get a pepe stamp on my passport


Welcome to Kekistan...

ah the political spectrum

I was digging through an old civics textbook that shows it as a diamond and explains why

much like a penrose diagram the book explained that when you reach the endpoints of the diamond that the differences between the other two directions doesnt matter

so when you reach absolute authoritianism or totalitarianism, the differences between left and right are non existant

the absolute bottom, is basically anarchy, absolute freedom in which political points of view no longer have meaning because no authority to apply things to

and the extreme left and right are essentially "cults" in which the concept of authority and freedom become indistinguiable

it was a really good book, i wish I could find it again

i miss the days when civics "debates" were half this.... civil

oh THAT debate

that's tonight isnt it

i watched the shit show that was the first DNC debate


no fucking way

even they wouldnt be that blatently obvious

btw, shot in the dark, anyone here know anything about AWS? Amazon Web Services?

christ, give me a second to find a stream, i gotta see what ya'll are talking about

i swear this shit is like a train wreck, you try to look away but you cant help it, it's so facinating to watch human stupidity in slow motion

yeah and our city is safe because we have guns lots of guns you fucker

yeah..... no comment

yeah, that's the sad thing about all this. the controversy about Trump and people forget, it's not like he will be president forever, and it's the NEXT person you should be really worried about

yeah dayum

you took the words out of my mouth

i like how they bring up good points, then neglect to mention why they screwed up was under democrat control

not after three years man

I love how the lot of them are decrying the military and military budget, yet didnt support the pull out of syria and reducing the number of wars we're involved in and thus reducing defense spending

I remember Elon Musk saying he was the only one to actually payback his bail out money

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