Wayward Lone

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2019-12-13 14:46:52 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Glorious~ Soon Hugo Boss will be making uniforms again. Deat... Reeducation vans will be roaming the streets~ We will be sipping our tea, destroying the world, and... Whatever other stereotype for white people do.

2019-12-14 02:03:30 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

How could Bernie Sanders accept his endorsement?! He... He is a MONSTER~ Racccccisssssst! Sexist.. Bigot.

2019-12-14 02:04:17 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

His show is named after a group that committed real world genocide~

2019-12-17 15:35:51 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*Watches California annihilate left-wing independent journalists.* Neat...

2019-12-17 15:38:04 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Love how metoo sold out for a few million.

2019-12-17 15:38:24 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Harvey Weinstein walks away~

2019-12-17 15:39:30 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Future movie~ ^_- Going to keep milking it for the one thing that matter most in all this... ๐Ÿค‘

2019-12-17 15:44:20 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

The new standard... Regret the sexual encounter after last night? That is rape.

2019-12-17 15:50:52 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Always end up talking about Clinton Family friends in politics. Usually it has to do with questionable sexual encounters of the illegal sort.

2019-12-17 18:45:36 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Senate cannot be the investigatory body... It is the Judge and Jury. Dems really fucked up.

2019-12-17 18:51:55 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Poor Schiff... He was promised Trump nudes. His eyes never were the same after that.

2019-12-17 18:53:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Schiff took the ball and ran~ But he is looking like he is headed towards his own end zone.

2019-12-17 18:55:51 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

They had Lt. Col. Vindman... But General... Kelly was it? Found the call was proper. He was on it too~

2019-12-17 18:57:11 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Likely will just pimp out the 15,000 misstatements and lies of Trump! Pretty good considering the average person lies at least 100 times a day... Within 365 day year~

2019-12-17 18:58:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

36,500~ Lies a Year... Why is Trump more honest then average person? ๐Ÿ˜

2019-12-17 18:59:31 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Never seen the full list... But they have listed. "Trump says US wealth is the greatest it has ever been!" - This is wrong... >.< Aww... That is just how Trump speaks.

2019-12-17 19:01:59 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I remember when the Ghost Writer of that book was predicting when Trump would leave... Trump would quit his first year... 2nd year... Then he just stopped.

2019-12-17 19:09:07 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Presidential is to the lose the election and blame everyone. To drag the country into a conspiracy theory for over 3 year~ Then for it to fall apart and to still blame everything to include foreign countries.

2019-12-17 20:21:46 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

We can walk and chew gum~ See look! Here is Trump's trade deal we held up for over a year! Praise us.

2019-12-19 22:30:10 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

PSA: The two Presidents in recent history to be impeached are also the two Presidents who screwed Hilary Clinton.

2019-12-19 22:37:49 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Jilted lover~ But that would make three.

2019-12-20 18:42:57 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Why is British politics much more fun then American? I want that sort of verbal sparring~ Jeering~ and for the Queen to come out of nowhere and smack people with a giant mace.

2019-12-27 21:58:22 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

That is when Hillary Clint... *FBI Agent turns off the camera. Suicided Squad enters~ Ghislaine is found 24 hours later... Small plane weight lifting car crash suicide*

2020-01-01 00:41:44 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Cancer will take care of him soon enough~ If not diabetes.

2020-01-01 05:13:07 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

$100,000 really isn't so bad in the grand scheme of things.

2020-01-03 20:15:15 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Did the airstrike include the General's children?

2020-01-03 20:16:21 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Oh good~ Just checking to make sure Trump isn't entering Nobel Prize range. Oh yes! Child has to be a US Civilian.

2020-01-04 15:59:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Hmm~ Key element missing in all this.

2020-01-04 15:59:34 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*Attack Iran*

2020-01-04 15:59:54 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

All I see is one moron who decided to meet up with local terrorists in Iraq~ Iran wasn't attacked.

2020-01-04 16:06:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Hell I would have been cute... We were just trying to kill the terrorist! Who knew an Iran General would be meeting with said terrorist.

2020-01-04 16:07:20 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Man only if Obama didn't let that terrorist go in a hostage exchange! Oh Obama... You moron~ Hahaha

2020-01-04 16:16:39 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Sadly... Media trying to stir panic with the... OMG The Draft is returning! ~ End of the world BS.

2020-01-04 16:17:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*Snicker* Virtue warriors were just slamming Trump for draft dodging. Now they are pissing themselves thinking they could be forced into the military.

2020-01-04 18:29:12 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

22 Jul 2018~

2020-01-04 18:30:03 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

One cannot say he wasn't warned.

2020-01-04 22:35:25 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

2nd civil war will end just like the first... Democrats lose.

2020-01-04 22:36:19 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Republican President drove them over the edge~ History does love to repeat itself.

2020-01-04 22:40:24 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Correct me if I am wrong... The Southern Democrats lost the Civil War.

2020-01-04 22:44:54 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Don't worry~ Virtue warriors constantly bring up Trump being a draft dodger! Surely they are brave enough to answer the call... Right? ๐Ÿคฃ

2020-01-04 22:45:37 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

The parties did switch their geographic bases. That part is true. The part of the โ€œparty switchโ€ where the two switched platforms and the Republicans became racists is false.

The South was solidly Democrat for decades, mainly because of resentment over the Republicans stemming from the Civil War and reconstruction. But the South was also fairly conservative. Both parties had liberal and conservative wings into the 1970s.

The parties became aligned as conservative/liberal after Goldwaterโ€™s defeat in 1964 and McGovernโ€™s in 1972. The alignment didnโ€™t really complete until well into the 80s. Reagan spent a good part of his presidency convincing members of the House to change from Democrat to Republican.

At the same time, the Republicans internalized the teaching of Martin Luther King to judge people as individuals while the Democrats insisted on racial preferences and insisted that the only reason for not judging people by race is racism.

Some other factors figure into this. We are not talking about the same people. Northern states have been losing population and Southern states have been gaining for decades. Conservatives have left the โ€œrust beltโ€ states for places like Texas. Air conditioning was a factor in this.

Similarly, blacks are no longer concentrated in the South. They have voted Democrat since the days of FDR and are a large voting block in every major city. That has also contributed to the geographic switch.

The idea of the switch comes from Democrats who are trying to disown their history. They were the party of the KKK and Jim Crow. They want to escape that by claiming that those Democrats are now Republicans.

2020-01-04 22:46:10 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

No escaping history... Democrats have to live with their past. Period.

2020-01-04 22:46:33 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Can't shed this like a Hitler wet dream of blaming the Jews for all their problems.

2020-01-04 22:46:52 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

No... Democrats will live with it. Perhaps someday grow from it.

2020-01-04 22:47:39 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

But yes~ People shouldn't worry about the draft. That is just the media trying to make money off panic.

2020-01-04 22:48:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Really? Bill Clinton did much worse to escape his draft then Donald Trump.

2020-01-04 22:49:01 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Donald faked an injury... Bill Clinton sold himself to everything and anything to escape.

2020-01-04 22:51:08 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I wonder why when Trump was running for President they didn't mention his felonious draft dodge? *Grins*

2020-01-04 22:56:29 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

It is~ If Trump is serious about keeping us out of Iran but responding with force he is likely to target tanks, naval assets, and oil refineries. Never have to set foot in Iran before utterly crippling their military and economy.

2020-01-04 22:57:11 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Once left burning the US can simply walk away. Offer aid if the people overthrow their government.

2020-01-04 22:58:57 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

That is the beauty of the plan above... Don't need to kill their leader. Leave him alive but with a broken military and economy.

2020-01-04 22:59:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

His own people are likely to take care of him.

2020-01-04 23:00:17 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

You think if Russia attacked the US at some point the left would give up the crazy narrative that Trump is Putin's puppet?

2020-01-04 23:00:34 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Hell Trump just spit in the face of Russia with the killing of the Iran General.

2020-01-04 23:01:57 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

If I was Trump I would broadcast that to Iran... Name 5 high value targets and say. "Make your move... I will take one of these."

2020-01-04 23:03:18 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

But Trumps numbers were stable...

2020-01-04 23:03:25 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Well going up since impeachment.

2020-01-04 23:03:43 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

He didn't strike Iran... He killed some idiot in Iraq talking with a terrorist leader

2020-01-04 23:04:51 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Everyone keep bringing up that old tweet of his... But it falls apart when you point out he didn't attack Iran. He just hit a target in Iraq.

2020-01-04 23:05:59 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Oh yes... Obama did bring back the slave trade to Libya~

2020-01-04 23:06:16 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Or do we blame Hillary for that one?

2020-01-04 23:09:26 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I for one would push for peace. If peace would be allowed~ Within a certain death cult it seems they only respect power and death.

2020-01-04 23:11:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Which is funny... There is likely one tool above all others that has kept the world from entering a third world war... Do you know what tool that is PurpleToad?

2020-01-04 23:13:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Atomic Bomb... Nuclear Power~ That tool of mass destruction has been the key to a global peace that has not been seen in human history.

2020-01-04 23:13:49 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Mutual destruction makes for good neighbors.

2020-01-04 23:14:53 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

But yes... Hitler was a socialist. Vegetarian, virtue warrior, and more~

2020-01-04 23:16:36 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Hell you can see it in a picture. When they try to compare Hitler to Trump?

2020-01-04 23:16:48 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Hmm... Something seems off with this..

2020-01-04 23:17:04 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

There we go... That fits the picture ^_-

2020-01-05 03:38:39 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

We all know~

2020-01-05 03:43:15 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Revolver has the sort of appeal I think as well.

2020-01-05 03:43:51 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Ease of cleaning, careful reload, etc.

2020-01-05 03:46:24 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Webley~ Surely the most fitting weapon for a British man.

2020-01-05 16:48:34 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Oh I love this narrative~

2020-01-05 16:48:44 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Pentagon officials reportedly presented Trump with the option of killing a top Iranian commander, not thinking he'd actually do it

2020-01-05 16:49:14 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

How fucking stupid is this? Hay guys... Lets include killing that Iranian commander! *Snicker snicker* Trump will never do it!

2020-01-05 16:51:50 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Shit! He was Putin's puppet! WHY?! He shoul... Oh no! This could end conflict in the middle east... Call the Press! Orange Man Bad... Orange Man Bad! The draft is coming back... Awww.... Awww.

2020-01-05 16:52:37 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Oh well. Don't think US is pulling out with Iraq's request but I damn love it if they did.

2020-01-05 17:02:37 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Now listen to us~ Agent Orange... You will give Ukraine lethal aid that threaten our tanks! Then~ You will kill the right hand man of our ally... Iran. You will continue to hurt Russian's economy, slaughter our mercenaries, and hurt our interests.

2020-01-05 17:08:09 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I still take offense to this being seen as an attack on Iran. Gent was in Iraq... Meeting with terrorists~ If I were Trump I would have said... "Oh we were just killing a terrorist... Didn't know why an Iran Commander will be speaking with said terrorist."

2020-01-05 17:09:07 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Shit is bad... Like a US General being found in mainland China with an active terrorist group that targets Chinese government and Civilians. No one would be shedding tears.

2020-01-05 17:19:24 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Trump can't even give McCain a late present~

2020-01-05 17:54:37 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Iran is safe for the moment~ Likely should keep their military leadership *In* Iran and out of Iraq.

2020-01-05 17:56:10 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Funny how that played out... Soleimani likely would still be alive today if Obama didn't release those 5 terrorist leaders for that one American soldier.

2020-01-05 17:56:50 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Soleimani was correct me if I am wrong... Meeting with 1 of said released terrorists... Who went back to being a terrorist

2020-01-05 17:57:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

That makes it better... Rebel group.

2020-01-05 17:58:21 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Soleimani stepped right into his execution.

2020-01-05 17:58:46 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

He could have lived... Stayed in Iran.

2020-01-05 17:59:26 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

You don't need to trust a word from Trump... You had soleimani IN IRAQ meeting with rebel/terrorist leader...

2020-01-05 18:00:21 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Oh no... Rebels are going to kill Americans! Like they originally planned to kill Americans?! Oh nooo

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