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Ahahahaha china >105

Yeah fucking right

Never rely on self-reported stats

At 65iq I would question the populace's sapience

@Win Roe he just admitted he has negroid brain so that isn't news

Where tf are her tits goin

Her tits are trying to achieve nuclear fusion or something wtf

@Uksio africa has been in the stone age for all of human history

It says a lot when you come to a continent and the only thing you can find of value are human cattle

@Win Roe the iq disparity between the rest of the world and africa far predates modern history

@Win Roe i really didn't.
Also our grandparents do not have an iq of 60. I don't know who told you that. An IQ of less than 85 is below the point of functional literacy

>making a point based on truisms
Just don't do this

@Win Roe memes are bad arguing tools. You're essentially trusting a population of dumbasses to understand social analogies and not be pants-on-head retarded

Fair enough

But some dumbfuck will turn around tomorrow and repeat "our grandparents had an iq of 60" like it's an actual fact

@Uksio the AFQT is a derived score from sections of the ASVAB. The ASVAB itself is just a broad IQ test, which you can fail

I'm assuming the 83iq is what translates to failing the ASVAB

Whereas AFQT is derived from the average

Obama stole himself from Africa

Got damn Obungo

@Win Roe this but unironically

More tribes need to get nae nae'd

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure

The Mud Slime tribe is a prime candidate

I'm whiter than you, Mohammed

Case closed

Lmao someone should start the Thicc Earth Society

Ben Shapiro would probably try to debate you on him being jewish

The only good thing about Ben Shapiro is his sister's HONKING kosher tits

Why does Ben Shapiro look so much like emo toby quagmire from Spiderman 3?

Me w/ the boys on the (+,-) quadrant

@Uksio that's cause yer gay son

>I like to do math with my penis out

Found the autism

Women are useless past breeding age anyways so who cares if their tits sag?

@ManAnimal spics don't age, they stay fat as shit from 8 until 80

>ever dating anyone that's more than a few minutes past legal age

Hahahha foolish idiots

@Snake not date someone under legal age? Yeah I do that pretty much 100% of the time

@Snake get ye gone NAMBLA

Look at Uksio whipping out that COMMON FUCKING KNOWLEDGE like a real smarty boy

"Durr but the law is different sometimes"

Like no shit you figure that out yourself?

Consent where I live is 16 and I'm sketched out by that as it is

When will the libtards go back to africa

@Uksio that's a stupid fucking idea

@Redxl you been chuggin cock again son?

They're also completely disposable
Stop putting pussy on a pedastal

When will the incels learn that they only find cancerous girls because they themselves are cancerous

Reminder that women date UP in social status

Elon should send that to space next

@Snake at least you're honest lmao

Your teacher was a fucking idiot

'Shoot for the stars'


@Snake and that's why you're a failure

Fat shaming never left

Every single 'body positivity' LARPer is a hypocrite

That either hates themselves for being fat, or knows that fat people are non-competition and as such, patronize them

Those lard scooters are lowkey fun as hell to drive though

Biden's gonna make grabbing underage titties great again and it's honestly so brave

We need a smooth and well-regulated immigration process so I can get latina thots without having to go to Home Depot in a truck

@ManAnimal this but unironically

Good immigration laws would weed out the retards and the fatties

And leave us with those P R I M E 2nd generation latina girls

That's why it's called ICE, they round up immigrants that went from hot to cold

This is a billion-dollar comedy movie idea

Get that bitch from Modern Family with the erectile-dysfunction curing voice in the lead role


It's actually unsettling

The media arming itself when the next civil war breaks out

Leftists: edge out domestic farmers with bullshit eco-whining
Leftists: cuck the remaining farms by supporting foreign-raised ethnic bullshit
Leftists: import hundreds of thousands of aliens for the government to feed and clothe with imported foods

>when you're pregnant and Superman by Goldfinger starts playing

Can't wait for lefties to start arguing that babies should have suicide rights and just start setting their babies in the closet with the cleaning supplies so it can "make its own choices"

Murder is less egregious than abortion
Nuff said

Genociding blacks is "bad" but when the abortion clinics do it...

>devs wrote up code for holy damage but never implemented it anywhere in the game

Literally everyone slowly dies
Except the people who quickly die

Fence Shitters need to go back

That starfish could get it though tbh

Reminder that professing faith just to be contrarian to atheism won't get you into heaven

99% of the religious are going to hell

@Little Boots it's not a cock it's just a boyclit

The who ideology civnat thing would be true, if one of the two major political parties weren't importing ethnic minorities to use as a voting base

I can respect the white supremacists going for asian girls though. From a purely eugenic standpoint they'd be better children.
Too bad they're all gonna get cucked for that citizenship paperwork

@spooky ducc nobody takes black women

@spooky ducc there was some study that showed black women have the lowest selection for interracial relationships

There's a very small number of black women who do date white men and hang on to them

@Bones damn I was honestly hoping that was porns

I'm using traps as practice girlfriends until I get my real girlfriend I swear

@Uksio how did you acquire this picture of my genitalia

You guys are aware that the french ruling just means Steam will change one line in its ToS
For french users to sell games
To other french users
And nothing will happen

It will check the IP and they may fuck with users with VPNs to prevent fraud

But ultimately nothing will happen

The french consumers will be able to sell accounts on ebay and that's it

Obviously the raid was never going to happen

I almost wish some kid had been shot near area 51 just to stir controversy so that we could maybe get some declassification or something of material in the base

Shot by the military

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