
Discord ID: 311660153202016256

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Or do you want to talk about how to find practical uses for it?

Let's assume you have the skills to make a decent ai and you have the time, what would you make?

So you want to join a "transhumanist group" to find a low skill job in an AI company?

Ok. I like data and bots myself, I have a box sucking down millions of users from twitter and other social sites

16 mill on twitter right now

Also when people make changes to their variosu bio fields or move their phone, I record that. Have a few ideas on how to use it

I disagree. We'll grant at least one planet to the tribal races where they'll commune with jenkem until the heat death of the universe

>only engage in leisure
Is that why you're for socialism? Bit selfish isn't it

My objective is to smash ideologies and establishment, the world would be much improved if we just shot everyone with a blue checkmark at least once every third generation

The way forward is developing 3d printing and riling up people against ruling sects like leftism. perpetual low intensity civil war would make for a healthier society

Without it we always fall into these trances where everyone in power thinks the ruling ideology is pure truth and the way it's always been. It's disaster

We're seeing the beginnings of some major shit that will be griped about in history books. Indoctrinating 3 year olds into gender ideology until they become confused and say the wrong word and then get Dr. Money'd

@Firefly That's such a handwaver, you know as well as I do 99% of the left is all in on this shit

Hahahaha @iron

Got banned from T_D the other day

Made some thread about breeding the Based Black men with trumpettes to prove to the left they aren't racist. 40 replies iirc

Trannypede had me laughing so much, fucking hell

I made a thread about it and goaded the T_Ds into doubling down on it and talking SJW shit.

read that, it's hilarious

Nothing since Trump 180'd and they accepted it

no principles

It happens to all mems and they die

KEK! SHADILAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have the best trannypedes, don't we folx?

Yeah. it's fun instigating them against eachother though

I read reddit required them to remove a certain cis_white_male moderator or something? To avoid a ban?



@Firefly define right-wing

Play-Doh is now available in safe space room 105, prayer room section

All leftists are required to believe in every tenet of intersectionalism and refusal means you're a fascist. in that sense, yes.

You're not a leftist then, you're a fascist sexis-racis



But seriously, you'll get driven out of any leftist group or association if you don't believe in even one little bit of intersectionalism. in fact, they may call the police and say you're a danger to them; they feel unsafe

Freedom of speech is a far right extremist position

You're free to refute my point

@BofaFett Racis or sexis talk would be way too far. And transmisogynistic talk.

And people who don't check privilege

The other day a white cis male held the door open for me. Can you believe the ultra extreme wordlwide cis white hegemonic conspiracy that was perpetrated against my personhood of colyr=

Racism and the other boogeymen are subjective, I'm making a good point and you know it if you stop and think

@tenta That makes you fascist according to the left itself

Let me be clear. ALL leftist organizations, parties, groups will ban and expel you if you're antiSJW

No you're not. Holy shit man, burden of proof, fantastical claims, etc

And don't say 8chan, that's an anon site for literal zoophiles

lmao you won't be shooting anybody with your 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of pure enough leftists.... The SJW left holds all the power

All the leftists will be eaten by their congoloid comrades on day 3

@BofaFett Do you realize major catastrophe in USA would kill leftism over night? Rural people would be fine with the farms and smaller communities full of trade skills

They don't take kindly to yer kind, gnomsayin

Leftism in the west is exclusively cosmopolitan

rich kids in major population areas

We've already established you aren't a leftist so it's a bit of a moot point

You need 6 iphones and a twitter spewing the latest SJW cause

I have a $50 thing that can only do SMS

I want to accelerate SJWism, it's often hilarious, other times enraging and sends people fleeing to the right

I think identifying the most lunatic SJWs and boosting them with twitter bots could be worth a shot

I'm doing select * from twitter_users where description='%marxist%' right now I bet I'll find page after page of SJW insanity

Out of 11,3 million randomly obtained users on this computer, 1,136 had the word "marxis" (either t or m) somewhere in their description.

A portion of those 1,136 are clearly antimarxists also

Let's make some other stats. Suggestions?

Keep in mind a query on desc takes like 80 secs tho

Ok, doing trosky*


Holy shit, only 67 of 11,3 mill have "trotsky" somewhere in their profile. That's 0.0005915273332861877% of all twitter users

What shud I do next

Too general

Alright but I'm gonna bet there'll be like 5

Doing hoxhais now and that after


I only got into it for trolling and propaganda purposes

Lmao, I was close. 4 users. 0.00003531506467380225%

Stalinis: 44 aka 0.0003884657114118248%

get the free Visual Studio and do C#, it's very easy

Barely any more complicated than javascript

That reminds me, if you're a grill coder you can go to conferences and get loads of free shit from big corporations. Remember the dongle woman? She organizes a lot of that. Just show up with a vagina or brown skin

Shitlord: 160 aka 0.00141260258695209%

Im gonna do gamergate next, I wonder if my perception of them as mostly trannies at this point is correct

imho it's better to learn step by step in a practical way by simpling googling the immediate task at hand and wrangling the example codes into your own


Yes goy, fill your head with debunked goobledygook that always results in disaster when put into practice

Classless society is impossible

The only thing you can do is attack and humiliate the powerful

Actually, in leftism, it's impossible to be racist except against Pyple of Colyr

This is a leftist chat so let's cool it with reactionary right-wing extremist fascism ideas like the idea that you can be racist against whites

No because white privilege hegemony in oppression structure, and jews are powerless within that

I am merely speaking on behalf of leftism in a leftist chat

You will be first in toleranz camp

I don't want to repeat myself, you're forcing me to. Less than 1% of the left isn't into intersectionalism. If you disagree with intersectionalism publicly, you are chased out of the left...Ergo the two things are one and the same.

>different opinion is trolling
This meme is stale

I'm still curious about something, I asked but received no reply earlier

Where is a leftist group (not anon) that rejects SJWism publicly?


No real groups? Just internet entertainment stuff?

Anything that has anything to do with the real world where there are consequences

did you just try to fatshame?

Health At Every Size is one of my favorite leftist movements

"non-recognized countries of Transnistria (where is recognized as an official party and can field candidates for elections to the Supreme Soviet), South Ossetia, Abkhazia and in Crimea in Ukraine.[1]" but like I said earlier, we're talking about the west

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