Chillin Chum

Discord ID: 74034963644682240

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Well? What are you doing then?

......If only I could be jealous of that.

I have soo much I could do, but I feel a need to be here.

I'm taking it easy today. And I have the feeling that if I told you anything I did, it might somehow accidentally stink of elitism.

I don't want that. I just have perfectly normal things to do.

I have a job, I don't work tonight. But even on that end, I could see someone feeling down due to unemployment. I feel you there of that's the case.

Well. What I mean, well, here's an example.

"I have to go do dishes, I don't have time for this."

Perfectly innocent and all, but how does that sound, when you seemingly don't even have that to do?

Maybe I'm being too paranoid.

........I do my own dishes, and I like it.

If that's some comment on....I'm not even going there.

I Bet by saying I wouldn't subject someone to do something I wouldn't do myself, it already sounds off somehow.

But then, that's the true problem isn't it? Not about ideas or policies...but rather wether your willing to contribute to your community, or if all you want to do is racoon off of it?

I bet that stinks of a different kind of elitism from the usual to someone who thinks stuff should be done for them.

I'm no different from anyone else, I make my own reality. At least I'm self aware of it.

Because every other idea lacks something.

I'm not truly a centrist,but no other label would fit

I have my own beliefs and convictions, they just aren't like any others you might be familiar with.

Like the golden rule. Treat others like you would yourself.

And I would add: If you don't treat yourself well, you have a bigger, simplier problem.

Of course it is.

But the alternatives are worse.

I'll never be communist, socialist, facist, or believe in the status quo just because it is.

If I have something wrong with what I believe, I aim to change it into what it needs to be.

Go ahead and meme all you like, but it shouldn't be about changing anyone's stance.

You misread that. I don't believe in the status quo.

I do have a veiw, it just isn't yours.

Because they only have it half right.

A good community will have things in common amoungst them, however, there has to be checks and balances too, not anarchy.

But you can't have too much government either. Or too little.

There might be something to be said for traditional values, but not all of them were right. Some areas need change.

I doubt I am.

At some point, I'm unsure what the difference between state and government is supposed to be. I don't think I should bother with the difference.

Of course, radicalism is a problem on its own, we need stability too.

Basically put, you don't go for the extremes that have been proven time and time again to not work, you find the balance.

Unfortunately, the definition of that word has become way too muddled for me to find any meaningful use in it. Sorry.

Please use a different phrase or just state what you mean.

......I don't use the language most of you use, I'm not sure if that's a blessing or a curse.

Define normal please.

I know way too many people who would find you confusing.

Actually. That's because I think your priorities are in the wrong place and I want to steer towards a different direction of thinking.

....I'll try, but there's no guarantee. It might just be impossible to be able to explain without going into unknown territory.

I've worked for over 15 years on that. I have had moderate success on doing so.

I'm sorry if communication failure still happens. I try my best.

If I could, I would show you my IEP and my diploma. But that has too much personal info, and, well, it still might not be enough as proof. Sorry.

I feel the same way talking to any of you here, you know. Completely foreign.

Absolutely not, actually.
My experiences with that occur most online, with people I know to be on the odd side like me.

PDD, technically on the spectrum.

Even so, I only have these problems in places like this. I don't want to assume anything from that, but what am I supposed to think?!

I'm the odd one out here because most normal people would think I should never look in places like here!

I wouldn't go that far...but yes, it isn't good for solving the problems I have seen.


That's why I'm here, I am seriously concerned about any idealogical dogma.

Do you mean happy?
Because I'm not a homophobe...but...I'm not into men, sorry.

Well, PDD on the autism spectrum. I do my best though.

Pervasive developmental Disorder.

I learn a bit slowly, basically.

I can be stubborn, hard to change my mind. I have to learn the hard way. But I'm aware of it and toil hard to compensate.

Autism is more then just social problems. That's just one affect.

Anymore then most people do?

Everyone is inconsistent somewhere. I just try my hardest to figure out where it lies in me and either accept it, justify it, or change it.

Sometimes you have to take all your experience and rectify where the odd ends meet.

It happens to all of us, every experience is an opportunity, that can either be missed, or we could outright learn the wrong lesson.

And, yes, that means I believe there's both subjective truth and absolute truth. And I'm not up for discussing that. Just a side comment.

Likely not, but that's a life goal of mine.

Well, I'm sure once I've climbed that peak, there's likely another one to climb. There is no endgame in an infinite rules game. Only progress.

Well, I've already gained a lot. I can accept that I can be wrong about something. I can see myself as the wierd one instead of everyone else. And not feel bad about it.

Oh, don't get me wrong, olev, it might have its benefits but I've had to toil very hard to compensate for what can otherwise be a dehabilitating condition.

24, I doubt I reflect my age though.

How original, olev, you think I haven't heard that one before?

.... sorry, I won't disrespect you even if I don't receive it back.

I was being sarcastic.

Btw, most autistics aren't capable of understanding sarcasm. I'm different even by that comparison.

Anyway. In some areas I'm older, maybe. In others, younger.

This year I spent time bringing my emotional maturity up to adult level.

I don't think I'll ever be comfortable, not when I know someone will be questioning what I believe at every turn. But that's ok, this is ideas and debate and such. Not friendly chat. (Hopefully.)

I think, arguably, I philosophise, but I do take issue with a lot of philosophy.

Also, I try to keep things simple, I only need to know what I should do, not the nature of everything.

Finding out wether I have free will or not makes no difference to what decisions I should make.

Canada actually.

I won't disagree with that idea. If I didn't believe in any religion, I very well might be absurdist.

Yes. But since I haven't had positive times before about that. I'm not too keen on details.

I should note I follow the road I travel rather drunkenly. I just want to follow it, and I don't appreciate it when someone says I don't follow my standards perfectly.

I am a hypocrite and a sinner, just like everyone else. The difference is, I want to try.

Not protestant, but I'm not going to answer past that.

But I'm no fan of the Catholic church historically. So I understand.

I used to type slow. I've gotten better.


Oh, Nevermind. I thought of the famous pianist, that can't be right.

If that's a comparison to me. I don't consider myself ascended.

Even if I happened to know more, that doesn't make me more valuable then you.

Hmmm. Interesting.

In 2009 I contemplated suicide until I noticed what I would lose.

I eventually found gratitude.


Including my pain, but I accept that too.

Well, I can't, but it's not like I was in the right place then.

If you say so.

....I'll tell you what. Once I've finished studying what I'm studying, then I'll look into that.

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