kropotkin クロポトキン

Discord ID: 294642840145887232

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since the army seizedthem all

totalitarianism is awful

we're libertarians

free territory of ukraine

shinmin autonomous region

paris commune

shit the list goes on

yeah it was literally the first attempt


that was the ussr

to them everyone else was 'unorganized rabble

panzers are girly tanks

oh i thought it was just thin

also flat angling is retarded for building a tank

why did they do that?

yea, but doing if flat is bad

you want it at an incline

i thought nazi engineers were smart

sheer numbers beat them tho

what does it mean

so i guess porn is just ew to you?

mitt fucks his mother igues or he is heartless

fucking nigel that cunt

gay confirmed

or closet gay

he will be devoured by an angry mob of poles once jezza take office

a bi conservative

not too uncommon these days

would'be been unthinkable four years ago

i know, just reflecting on how the conservatives have changed

goddam it stop posting porn

its softcore porn

may is cancer

like, serious prostate cancer

lol one idiot tried to pass paint cans off as explosives

praise the flying spaghetti monster, may you be touched by his noodly appendages

hitler was reactionary fuck

so he wasn't a socialist

socialists don't hate communism

yet he put them in camp

liberals aren't leftists

they're retarded centrists

anarcho-communism ftw

read the bread book

no, that's leninist bullshit

there's vanguardism and anarchism

that fucker invaded the free territory

he's a damn traitor

the anarcho communist territory in ukraine

nestor makhno led the makhnovists, they were anarcho-communists

there were like several dozen groups

all with different ideas

most people see communism as authoritarian because the damn bolsheviks took power and ruined all the other revolutions

ay it's mitt again

always the wrong chat with you mitt

are you trying to post this stuff everywhere?

you're airdropping tankies m8

makin our jobs easier

i a least agree that the kebab man must be removed

and replaced with apo

joo see, dis is why there is sho muchh ideolochy evherywhere

i have his joke book

give power to apo, then turkey will take in all the refugees

aah socdems are dumb

nah he's an anarchist now

pinochet was pretty dumb, he let that tard milton friedman run his economy straight into the ground

according to kebabs only

not until pinochet physically removed the chicago boys did it actually grow

and several hundred thousand exiled

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