
Discord ID: 167772138730815488

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With all the trap porn I watch when I'm high

I can see that now

2017-12-23 03:58:24 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

ya niggas is retarted

2017-12-23 03:58:29 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

this is why I don't use the internet

what are ya arguing about?


The foundations of communism are causing it's secterian divide

Basically you're saying captalism as evolved to the point where the notion of revolution is obselete because sustinance in the only priority?

It's a sentiment that I hear a lot. "Wait for the revolution". But imo such an idea is dangerous because the point of crisis is to prevent the ways for them to be stopped. It's gotten to the point that surpressing class conciousness is a science.

The next upcomming crisises will either cause facism or communism

I agree

Debord really touches on this topic well

Revolution is inevitable

I feels like sex is being demonized again in the west

Not too much though

It's hard to find women that like communism that are not taken

And I tried persuading some into it, I'm too dumb for that


You I still don't know how I feel about being a commie and listening to trap music

it's literally bourgioue masturbation but it's so please to my ears

Like all rap songs I like just talk about how much money and how fresh they are

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