
Discord ID: 549814562661335067

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Ohh, took you forever to delet it, work on your mechanical skills

Listy wanna save the Aryan race, xD

Join VC Listy

Listy is the future of the fascist mvm

Yes, I like Rammstein

The Untermensch concept included Jews, Roma and Sinti (Gypsies), and Slavic peoples such as Croats, Poles, Serbs and Russians.[7] The Slavs were regarded as Untermenschen, barely fit for exploitation as slaves.[22][23] Hitler and Goebbels compared them to the "rabbit family" or to "stolid animals" that were "idle" and "disorganized" and spread like a "wave of filth".[24] However, some among the Slavs who happened to have Nordic racial features were deemed to have distant Germanic descent which meant partially "Aryan" origin, and if under 10 years old, they were to be Germanized (see: kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany).

The Nazi views on the Slavs were explicitly contemptuous, as even prior to the World War II, Slavs, particularly the Poles, were deemed as being inferior to Germans. After Adolf Hitler gained political power in Germany, the concept of Non-Aryan "sub-human slave-material" was developed and started to be used also towards other Slavic peoples.[25] Poles, Croats, Montenegrians, Macedonians and Serbs were at the bottom of the Slavic "racial hierarchy" established by the Nazis.[citation needed] Soon after Molotovโ€“Ribbentrop Pact expired, also Russians started to be seen as part of the "subhuman" race. Similarly, also Belarusians, Czechs, Slovaks, and Ukrainians were considered to be inferior, despite some collaborative groups were found among these nations. Nonetheless, there were Slavs such as Bosniaks, Bulgarians, and Croats who collaborated with Nazi Germany that were still being perceived as not racially "pure" enough to reach the status of Germanic peoples, yet they were eventually considered ethnically better than all other Slavs, mostly due to pseudoscientific theories about these nations having a minimal amount of Slavic genes and considerable admixtures of Germanic and Turkic blood.[2][26]

Also Muslims were allied with him, considered Nazi collabs by USSR

And the Palestine's Mufti thing too

Yeah, but about Brits, Hitler explicitly said they are kind of Aryan

Since they are supposedly Germanic

.img romancian turkic people

Nice to meet you ^^

Moar Muslims

Actually hoes mad

Give me the good tag

I wanna VC in High IQ Slum

Gem DM'd me this with no context lol

@DeletedUser thanks for caring about my well being bro ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I am in a fash server that talked about this server

Called it gay and cringe

Nah, no drama

Lets not cause drama my man

Okay, will send then

Can't find the link

Moomin Imperium

I am fascist only as a sexual fetish

All political discord looks larpy to me tbh

Very very few exceptions

I mean individuals not groups

I want a girl that will say heil Caster in bed

Bf, you gay or a girl?

>my dutch boyfriend

How many you have?

I am proud of you for having a Dutch bf โค โค โค

Imagine having a non-Dutch bf

Who does that lol xD

I am not, okay Dutch people matter, no shaming

Yes, sis, masterrace, am i right?

What nationality you are?

I remember I once saw a Dutch girl and was taller than me

Only girl ever being taller than me I've seen in my life

Don't marry dutch then wtf

You will ruin it even more

Capitalize on the DNA you have

You are being assimilated into the blob ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Nah, you are ruining it...

Yes, you are that one special American girl

With a valley accent

I am not white, nor I care about ethnicity and stuff

I am just memeing you

Do what you want grill

I am Moroccan, so North African/Berber genetically, Arab culturally

You are just being American now...

I think weed laws similar to US or less strict

Morocco is known for Hashish

Our main export <:RageWojak:552581416022704132>

Where is gem

I want Gem to scream at me in VC

Not so tall, I am 6'3.5

But most Moroccans aren't so tall

And the Dutch girl I told you about I saw here in rabat was taller than me

Yeah, that's certainly tall for here

Ohh, no I don't know what's 5'11

I meant my height

I only speak scientific measures but I remember my freedom number

When you are too free you start seeing measures differently

Scientifically proven actually

Gay for them? wtf?

I wanna visit Netherlands nad experience life as a Moroccan there

Basically negro

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