Лт. Бакугоу Катсуки (казненный)

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Robespierre is basically what "liberals" are today.

@Adolf Hitler well, for you, do you think the Papacy did a good job keeping Europe in their 500-year tyranny?

But, sometimes the Papacy is shit, which is one reason why Luther nailed his greiviances on his church door and divided Europe.

The Jewish Bankers did not floursh until Napoleon kicked the Papacy's ass....

And made himself overlord of Europe

Then after Napoleon fell, the Papacy never recovered to its former self until today

Pius X tried during the days of the Axis Powers to bring back Papal power, only to fizzle in vain.

Do you think the time is ripe to scrap Vatican II reforms and release the Papal Kraken?

I think restoring the Papal Beast is the only way Europe can be sane again.

@Adolf Hitler if you are wondering, Jews were mocked around as second class citizens in Papal Europe

Basically Jews are no more than animals in the eyes of the Papacy

@Headshots but eventually Constantine played around it and created the Roman Catholic Church

But then, the Papacy was also stupid at times.

Their witch hunt on cats only caused more misery due to the Black Death.

@Adolf Hitler I think anyone "right-winger" who said "Hitler defended Christian Europe" is a plain idiot. Look at the top brass fanatics of the SS. Most of them were occultists and pagans.


This is why I admire the Cubans and Vietnamese despite their national self- determination movements are built from Marxist ideals

Sometimes I just wish the Philippines would have someone as kick-ass as Ho Chi Minh or Castro

If my countrymen embrace their Asianess, maybe we can achieve miracles like Japan and Korea did.

Yeah. At least pre-1970s North Korea

@ᵈˢʳ✪ yeah. He has the potential but he's just the start.

@ᵈˢʳ✪ one reason why I'm happy Trump won the White House.

If it was Killary we would be the opening salvo of her war against Russia and China.

I once played PUBG under the username "GayVietCongWeeb_43075".... once.

Name a few people who might get ruffled from that.

Why would MGTOW find the Vietcong offensive?

I was expecting Republican kids getting butthurt.

If only..... Ancient China rolfstomped the the entireity of Mesopotamia before the Hebrews can take shape.... then this Abrahamic nonsense would not have been a thorn today

The Greeks and Romans were the major skeleton of the West

Lol, it's both the 50th anniversary of the Phillipine commie party and Mao's birthday today.
And they lost their mandate long ago with the fall of the dictator.
Even the Khmer Rouge, which I really f•cking hate with all my heart, got some sh•t done compared compared to the Philippine NPA.


No wonder China is getting stronger and America is getting weaker

ISIL vs Khmer Rouge: which is the nastier monster?

@ᵈˢʳ✪ A shameful disgrace to both Islam and the Left as a whole, respectively.

@ᵈˢʳ✪ but still Pol Pot managed to done serious damage to the Soviet-led marketing of the Left.

They forgot the positive stuff of the Left, like FDR and Yugoslavia to name a few.

Yugoslavia was living proof socialism can work if executed properly.

@ᵈˢʳ✪ pretty sure Yugoslavia was killed because the McCarthyists were jealous....

For them, Tito doesnt really fit the "muh socialism is ebul" cookie-cutter unless you are a neo-Nazi inspired nationalist

@Borzo Khmer Rouge was one big smear campaign funded by the CIA to damage Soviet-led marketing of socialist ideals.

It would be like Apple secretly funding insiders in Huawei to deliberately shove in defects in their phones to make them look bad.

That's how I imagine how the CIA funded KR.

@Borzo I told you the CIA is using the KR as a gigantic smear campaign.

Psychological warfare at its finest.

The Yugoslav Wars were also the CIA's doing too.

@Borzo am I right? USA killed Yugoslavia because they were too envious?

@Borzo to say it short, Yugoslavia was the first victim of the Military Industrial Complex.

Both Croatian and Serbian nationalists had a shadowy hand behind them.

>TFW when most rational American citizens are mentally mature millenials...

@Borzo also, I think that's post-Pol Pot KR too.

@PugSlugger they just serve the same master as the CIA

Only difference is that Freemasons do the clean jobs, CIA does the dirty ones.

@Borzo bot to mention the Iran-Contra affair.

@PugSlugger Rotschilds, in the form of the CIA, Freemasons, Big Business, etc.

Smoloko = no.1 source of hypertension for me.

@PugSlugger Smoloko is another example of rightwing blog as annoying as Stormfront ones.

>journeyman pictures
>"heavily biased commie source"

>"heavily biased commie source"

How the huwite Zionist-run capitalist propaganda machine called the Corporate Media works


``Commies always resort to crying when they don't get their way.
Capitalism has single-handily driven innovation and technology.``

Tell that to the Soviets and the Chinese. Also, because of communism (though they abandoned the economic structure in favor of state capitalism), China is the economic powerhouse of the world.

Tell that to the Vietnamese also. Even the Americans were logical enough to abandon South Vietnam because the people favor Uncle Ho over an imperialist machine

I also have to tell you that Vietnam stayed truer to the ideals than China is.

In fact, you can go to jail in China just for praising Mao.

And in a way, China is far worse than America.

Being more capitalist than America while maintaining communist rhetoric all while imprisoning the real communists.

I dont know the words to describe but at least America did capitalism better.

Also, China doesnt care if their producta are faulty as long as they rake the money

Unlike Japan, who ensures that their products are of excellent quality to keep themselves on top.

And also, they don't give a shit about you. They just see you as their raw labor.

Even the Vietnamese puke at such revelations.

Edit: China is failing because of their "communist" government

Even Kim Jong-Un wants to copy Vietnam's model for his own reforms.

As a SocNat, I also kinda agree with this.


Africa is kept poor because the Corporate Elite find it useful.

They are very well terrified if the 99 percent gets redpilled.

I may have followed Marx's orthodoxy but I identified the true enemy: the Corporate Elite. Bolsheviks call them "reactionaries"; Nazis call them "the Jews and Zionists"; Populists call them "Oligarchs"

@PugSlugger said it yourself. Cheap labor. And the Military Industrial Complex.

Actually, it's not just American boys sent to the MIC's meat grinder. The helpless Third World young men are also baited to the meatgrinder by recruiting them as warlord troops and terrorists.

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