
Discord ID: 429676498962874368

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Don't be a goomba

Get a life then and try going out


@brandon666 By making friends and going out occasionally?

They don't teach that in school btw

You have to learn on your own

It helped me tho

But I never really had that problem of not being able to talk to people and make friends. I was always more the talkative type.

Yh I would say moderately extrovert

@Deleted User by not feeling as if you have social anxiety

Once you become a extrovert or even moderately extrovert. I think anyone's perception about talking to people and making friends should change.

Yh usually no one really cares about your interests. @Quisquoses

Yh the more you talk around the more weird shit you will get to know and you will spread more weird shit and people will ask you more weird shit and then they will spread it and that's just how it goes.

So I canโ€™t use homophobic slurs


Penguin stop speaking

I add my flaccid cock

Iโ€™m gay

Cloud no one allowed you to type either scumbag

Iโ€™m God

I have a nice ass baybee

Iโ€™m the centre of life cause I have a nice ass and thatโ€™s how world works ya jiggaboo

who tf are you???

Thank you tiddy at least you appreciate me baybee

Iโ€™m in the spectrum so?


Learn to speak ya slag

English is the only language

Language of the minorities doesnโ€™t count


I will

I say that shit in the school too darling

As bold as my ass

Iโ€™m a member of the Conservatives

I have no interest in you mega

Who are you?

Didnโ€™t the Boris guy become PM in UK with a strong majority? @tiddyhearts

Maybe blame UK

You are sitting with your ass on this discord and you have like 1000s of messages here

Who doesnโ€™t have friends then?

Imagine being pressed over a guy talking smack yeehaw

Iโ€™m happy I donโ€™t have that many messages ya lowlifes!

I never denied I wasnโ€™t. Iโ€™m a fucking scumbag bro but you guys are acting on some high moral ground so suck mah dick yeehaw

I donโ€™t play games

Who is Opel now? I donโ€™t remember talking to this Opel guy

Iโ€™m actually clapped I wonโ€™t lie but at least I donโ€™t act like I have a high moral ground on fucking internet baybeee yeeehaw


I donโ€™t use reddit

I only use discord and that to on the weekends cause Iโ€™m busy with school

I hate the gay people

@tiddyhearts Do you hate kikes and spooks???

I know you hate me

What about kikes and spooks baybee? ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

@ddulpers Be a proud whore you go girl

I do be a king teehee

Auqustic jealous cause he never seen a naked woman except porn

Lemme message my ex and letโ€™s see if she replies

My ex was a world famous sket so you better calm down ya fucking goomba ๐Ÿ˜ก

Opel you wish women cared about ugly people like you. Must suck to be a 5!

Yeah Iโ€™m insecure because a muppet with a pug pfp is fronting me oooh la la ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

You look more hurt baybeee

Iโ€™m defensive for having a nice ass???

Wow Iโ€™m sorry but Tiddyhearts do be tickling my pickle ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Now Iโ€™m very satisfied and itโ€™s almost 7:30 pm that means looking at my nice ass time

Bye bye! Take care people and stay safe! I love you guys!

ily2 tiddy but alas our time together has ended

I will never forget you!

You slay kween

Bye bye!

Auquistic mad cause he ainโ€™t seen no puss except Megumin hentai ya cuck

You have like thousands of messages on an hentai server. You use phrases like stinky poo poo which shows how inept you are. I like having fun with retards like you but on a serious note when you finally turn 16 please stop wanking off to hentai!

I donโ€™t need to be in Harvard to be not as inept as a guy with a pug pfp

Inept isnโ€™t a fancy word

Oh wait you are probably American lmao

Iโ€™m not in high school

At least according to this country yeee

Iโ€™m 17 so no

Physically you are I guess

But you are mentally inept so not by a much

People in my country who go to colleges are dumb. Iโ€™m not in a college

Lmaoborghini I love you mate but please donโ€™t hate

No uni is next year for me

I live in a good country so yeehaw

You mean UK a country with the 5th biggest economy and the best financial system??? That sounds about right ya druggies Dutch

You doesnโ€™t have guns you retard

UK doesnโ€™t allow hand guns anymore we are not as inept as US. UK has a pretty good education system lmao

We donโ€™t even have weed legalised so no open drugs ya dummy

Nah we are not dumbfucked enough to arm kids like USA does

@sunxbroz Ily mate but that doesnโ€™t change the fact that some people here are totally inept

Pug you have 50k plus messages brother open your eyes

@sunxbroz Not everyone is inept here I literally said a few but yeah whatever you wanna say

Lemme use a word that is easy for the dumb spooks here!

Yeah shuddup

I agree Mr Shuddup

Iโ€™m sorry for assuming your gender then! I didnโ€™t mean to hurt you!

How am I simping? When Iโ€™m literally replying sarcastically?

Some of you are seriously cretins lmao keep fronting

You canโ€™t eat cretins Sub but okay obtuse

143 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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