
Discord ID: 452842049113292811

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?rank lisy

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it's not a religion of peace by a long shot

christianity has calmed down at least

but islam hasn't

out of how many?

islam conquered two countries and ruled it like how muhammed ruled arabs in the seventh century except with guns and megaphones

that was 17th century

ronon, please do not balance islamic terrorism with any other form of terrorism it just makes things worse.

arab countries won't move forward until their oil reserves gets used up until then the other countries will silently watch them.

correction ruben, 7th century.

most of them are ecomic migrants but sending them back won't be easy.

and christians aren't trying to conquer any more countries or trying to force their religion on others by using violence.

not like islam.

that's not the religion it's a country

and us isn't doing it because of christianity.

but are they using christianity as an excuses

hey i have a small penis and im sensitive okay!!

name a coutry that follows the rule of bible or trying to enforce bible.

name it.


10000 sq ft

vatican has nice architecture tho

yeah, muslims aren't even allowed to get permanent resident in japan.

india is hostile to muslims because of it's past with mughals

and pakistan.

but with the new right wing in india pakistan is getting what they wanted years ago.

pakistan became an islamic nation but india remained secular only way pakistan can fight india on equal footing is if india becomes a hindu nation.

syria isn't safe at all, the isis sleeper cells are atill active and they're active throughout the world.

syrian government is retarded at best

they let things get this far.

only thing i would blame usa is for funding the rebels in the beginning of the civil war, a part of them left to make isis.

but still isis sleeper cells are fucking dangerous.

they will come to us fren

i mean not me and you, but some people will definitely die.

a lot of foreigners left to join isis during the founding of the caliphate.

hence the foreign people in isis

people like that stupid cunt from london

she has a very punchable face imo.

she's a liar just like the president.

she didn't say anything about that ruben, she said she went because of the beheadings

and she was one of the faith police who controlled and punished women.

no europe denied her.

even if she comes back she'll be prosecuted

geographically yeah but ideologically no @eฬถmฬถoฬถ

im waiting for more sleeper cells to blow up

nice freedom

what about the unlucky one's who get shot at school

religion robs people of rational sense

they just change their interpretations to appeal to public smh

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