David V
Discord ID: 541913868012748800
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I was a part of this discord before my account was banned
I'm back tho
@Bee commie.
Hey I have a Question about the rules.
fuckinโ prots
I always advocate that race-keeping should not ever be considered a top priority within a nation. Advocating for the fact that what unites a nation is it's common ethnicity is dangerous in many ways. I have no problem with promotion of a pure ethnic people within a state, but when your race becomes your focus, your God above anything else will become your race, then things will go bad.
Compare Mussolini and Hitler: Mussolini's fascism didn't care about race in his empire, he rather focuses on the patriotic uniting under the Empire, of all people surrounding the Mediterranean. Hitler on the other hand, argued that other races shouldn't unite under his empire, but they ought to be moved away and eradicated for their "Living Space".
I can get behind Mussolini's idea in that sense, but not Hitler's, never.
That's not to say that Mussolini wasn't a racist, but heck, who weren't racist before the 60s?
In your opinion, that is, @Bee
Second part, 'course.
@King Leopold II Yeah that's what I said, wasn't it?
You know whatt, you're right, but the Somalians could still be fascists.
@King Leopold II We agree, just not on phrasing it.
Damn Der Untergang is on netflix...
Damn I had muslims visiting me today.
Apparently I offended their family's legacy by greeting the wife.
I have a school project to write a Eulogy for Benito Mussolini... Any ideas?
Like how the fuck do you even do that without sounding like a complete fascist.
I'll write 2 paragraphs about that, I guess.
Never go protestant.
Don't care, always go full Catholic. Protestants are fags.
Then fucking threaten full armada on them all.
What age are you in?
Start a counter-reformation.
Die for the Pope.
Fuck, man.
Papal States are gone?
Pope Francis is unfit for the Papacy.
Vatican 2 was a disaster, but what do you mean by illegitemate?
That's true.
If only Pope Penedict XVI could force a resignation.
Do I smell degeneracy, @allhailthebowl ?
@allhailthebowl Where are you on the political compass?
Oh thank God.
I took a CP joke on the "Holy" Discord server and got banned.
Without even a chance of explaining myself.
Shitposting or debate?
?rank right
?rank European
?rank Monarchist
?rank Traditionalist
?rank Authoritarian
?rank Christian
?rank capitalist
Thank you for the insight, Your Eminence Cardinal Molina. @allhailthebowl
So what is it with the jews that makes you so scared, may I ask?
@่่ Hi!
I'm well, and thee?
Why are they your enemy?
@allhailthebowl You are the prime example of what happens when you twist poor Darwin's word so hard you make a religion out of it.
In all seriousness @allhailthebowl , Where are you on the political compass?
@Bee Yeah, we have also raped over 4000 kids in 60 years. What the Church does is different from what we preach.
- Sadly.
I know you do.
Doesn't matter.
To prove to you that the Church is ruled by sinful men, bad sheperds who input their own ideologies into the Church.
@allhailthebowl Where are you from?
Peter, Paul, and all the other apostles were Jews. Including Jesus. Now of course I do not show acceptance towards JUDAISM, I do not persecute them the way they did to us.
@Bee I'm going to assume that you haven't read the Bible to know the context of that verse.
That's why we shouldn't give the Bible to random peasants. That is why we have the catechism to determine this once and for all.
Pretty redpilled, yeah.
@rainworld There is some truth to that statement.
Like the baptism, etc.
@The Big Oof Give us a debate topic.
- Please โค
Hello again, my bright beautiful children.
Welcome, @DOLBATIC !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5lJNAzn5iE I love this so much.
What's what?
Quality > Quantity.
I'm trying to watch some damn movie on movie132413414free.com, but fucking porn ads everywhere
Yeah, Quality's better.
I'm sorry but I deleted skype 300 years ago.
Is the chance of being purged by Discord Overlords that large that we retreat to Skype?
Fucking Prots.
I'll download Skype then...
How so?
Oh, I forgot that about Skype...
You're Shen Bapiro, am I right?
I used to be very active on this server until I was purged by Discord.
Apparently I posted some child pron idk
Now before Discord purges me once again, i'll just make it clear to those fags at discord reading this
it was a joke, all of it
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