
Discord ID: 278977301981560833

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It feels like I've been here before

Anyone else here have a high IQ?

Thatโ€™s cool, Iโ€™m put between the 119 -34 range

My bad

Dolphins, I can never look at them the same way ever again

Would I post a picture of kidney stones in the memez chat?

2018-03-16 23:10:29 UTC [Messiah of Kek's Promised Land #gams]  

Anyone here have Fortnight

2018-03-16 23:11:35 UTC [Messiah of Kek's Promised Land #gams]  

I like it

2018-03-16 23:19:03 UTC [Messiah of Kek's Promised Land #gams]  

I like how intense it is

Katy Perry is a wamen that has lost touch with reality

You know whatโ€™s sad. I was in a conversation about a cop shooting a black guy in a court case and I laughed

Is that bad?

I have a very macob sense of humor

Iโ€™d have my wamen give me the oral then if it were

Itโ€™s true if you believe hard enough

Iโ€™m a facetious person

Itโ€™s healthy for men and women

Has anyone seen a kidney stone in person?

I want to pick at them

Butts are better than tits

You can look at them without being caught

Also they donโ€™t get saggy

Rip Count Dank

Iโ€™m a bit mad

Anyone believe in Bigfoot?

I think I may have triggered some anarchists today

Wait your Jewish?

If I was a woman Iโ€™d have big tits

I might pass out because I havenโ€™t slept for 30 hours

Iโ€™m at a hospital

Iโ€™m going to get my wisdom teeth removed

Now Iโ€™m hungry, thanks

Iโ€™m glad I have insurance on my teeth cuz Iโ€™m removing my wisdom teeth

7 more bois!

Whatโ€™s it take to become a YouTuber in this Discord? Iโ€™m already near 200 subs

Ah thatโ€™s cool

Thanks fam

Thanks fude

Damn my fam, I hope you can get a new laptop soon

Wait @fate you make movie posters?

Well Iโ€™m not big enough of a YouTuber for mercy yet, a fanfic or fan art piece maybe but note merch

But thanks for the offer

@everyone guys I need to ask something. Iโ€™m thinking of making a video as to why Iโ€™m not in an Ancap but Iโ€™m wondering how I should do it. Got any ideas

Iโ€™m thinking of going to a court trial in Ancapistan and make a list of 10 reasons why Iโ€™m not one

I have a very personal relationship with the Ancap community as a good chunk of my subscribers are Ancaps. Iโ€™m friends with many and that makes me kinda a scared of the backlash

I have plenty of screenshots of them acting hypocritical and down right arrogant, the thing is they donโ€™t know I did so. Iโ€™m hesitant to use that in my video

So black out their names is what your saying

I donโ€™t know how to blur so I think Iโ€™ll use something else

Iโ€™ll check it out

Yeah I did. Theyโ€™re something else entirely

Maybe, what time and when?

I might not make it seeing how Iโ€™m going to be with my family and have my own stream to attend to afterword

I deleted the stream because I scattered brain

@everyone, can you guys help me with my first point for why I'm not an ancap

Anything you suggest I change? Should I add something to this point?

Thanks, anything else that needs to be fixed?


@everyone Heres my revised version

is it any better

Thanks Daddy of the Dick

this clip?

I hope sheโ€™s ok dude

What time would it be at?

If I could get out of swim practice in time, then hopefully I can join

Iโ€™m in the Pacific, meaning it will be 4 PM for me right?

Ok so I checked and if itโ€™s 2:33 for me here, itโ€™s 5:33 for you. I get out of swim practice at 5:30 my time and it will take me 30 minuets to drive to my house. Meaning I would be an hour late

Still send me the link to the hangout, Iโ€™ll like to join

Ah thatโ€™s new to me, Iโ€™ll see to it fam

just another guy passing thorugh

Ha normie fag, Iโ€™m toned

@everyone Anyone know how to fix this?

I have the glass intact in my car

No as in the glass didnโ€™t shatter at all

It popped off when I was trying to fix it

Thankfully, I wonโ€™t get pulled over because of my state laws but still I want this fixed

171 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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