Catholic Sociopath

Discord ID: 356529828830380032

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Sweden more like Refugee Land

These days Swedes are bigger jokes than Poles

All Poles are based

We've hated Jews for a long time.

Secondary is the correct word

Kebabs are puppets of the Kikes

i have figured out how to scar Canadians for life.

cats are easier to hide in rental homes than dogs

cursed videos

i scarred a canadian for life with this

a cursed video

i got it from the discord i moderate on

Thats not absurd

If you want absurd,watch a WW2 documentary

Yes,especially if it's one being shown in a history class

History is great if it isnt Revisionist

Too bad I live in America.

I'm on the West Coast,all they ever teach is bullshit

4th grade

to fucking college

the indoctrination is real

Californias school system is insane

They start history at american colonization and then its just all over the place.

They even teach us that the Mexican-American War had no reason except aggression.

and shit like "the mexicans did nothing wrong"

Being a conservative in California is basically a death sentence for your future

I said I supported Trump and since then the Liberals have been out to get me in trouble

I've been on the other side of the political scale

basically the entire history

As I said,we learn everything

But we dont learn shit about medieval history

thats actually some of the first ancient history taught.

Only shit we learn about medieval history is about late history and "muslim achievement"

We barely learn anything about early medieval europe

No im being serious,most of the year its later Medieval History and achievements on other continents.

We seriously learn nothing about why the crusades even happen.

havent gotten that far in history class yet

damn i didnt know you lived in california

They're even brainwashing everyone into thinking Slavery was the reason for the Civil War.

And that Abraham Lincoln was a hero when in reality he didn't do anything.

I've seen history classes as bullshit since 7th grade

I was raised knowing the truth and not revisionist history

saint what the hell are you doing


Degeneracy will no longer be tolerated

LGBT is literally just a tool for the kikes

Everyone who support LGBT need to die

They change genders because they are pedophiles and perverted.

Its years of Indoctrination. @Paper

The Jews subverted the American school system.

California is doomed,its literally an indoctrination machine.

If he ends up killing the server,im going to be pissed.

This servers going to die if we lose more people

Why was Hus banned?

Well he ain't here,is he?

The moment you silence someones opinions is the moment you've joined the Left.

Wish I could start a purge in my discord

But im just a moderator

Purge almost happened on the server I moderate on.

But the rest of the mods stopped revolting against the admins.

my server has thousands of people

Truth,has around 4,000 people

Its a dead youtubers discord

It died months ago,he stopped posting shit.

its also a discord where literally everyone troll on roblox

too bad its dead and the only people ever online are weebs

I used to have exploits

But then I got an Acer

tfw californian teachers hate the word society

science teachers especially hate it

Apparently you can't call a population a Society anymore

Nothings as bad as the school system in California

How bads the Arizona school system?

California will always be the worst.

It's an indoctrination machine for the left

No they aren't

Teachers are barely payed and schools dont have much funding

You are thinking of our prisons.

How could anything be worse than an Indoctrination Machine?

Does the Arizona School System focus on indoctrinating kids rather than actually teaching anything?

None taken,most of the state are sheeple.

And I live in California now.

Truly horrifying what the Democrats managed to do in only a few years.

Now we have that puppet Newsom in charge.

All Democrats are Jews

The Spartans knew what was going on.

French is just another word for being a cheese eating surrender monkey

I do worse than that to Leaves.

I use fire.

Got one harassed on my discord to the point of leaving

And I scarred the other one for life

cursed videos are the best way of destroying a Leaf

tfw you realize that theres even globalist propaganda in the language classes

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