Ammianus Marcellinus

Discord ID: 207914972796289025

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Hasn't this been debunked?

He believes in archetypes

Didn't we talk about this the other day?

Pagan gods representing archetypes

they believe in the archetypes, not the gods in the physical sense

No, thought you were Pagan. And since pretty much all of the heathens on this discord agree on the archetypes thing...

I guess I was wrong.

So, we're talking 3000BC -2500BC here

right in the Indus valley

Also, didn't they have contact with mesopotamia at the time?

Also, this is a priest form the so called 'Pre-Aryan-Invasion period'

he sure does look aryan

(he was found at Mohenjo Daro)

sorry, didn't read your messages

my point is, >straight hair > big beard >straight nose >not aryan

Also, I saw a study the other day showing earlier evidence of Ind-European invasion

>didn't realize this was sarcasm

Skinheads are shit

Terrible optics

>literally causes erectile dysfunction

@MKUltra What? No they didn't.

thought you were talking about the SSPX

>Indus Valley Civilization

>Not Ind-European

2017-10-29 22:24:14 UTC [Cascade Front #general]  


2017-10-29 22:30:35 UTC [Cascade Front #general]  

Hello Spiderman

2017-10-30 11:13:56 UTC [Cascade Front #general]  

2000 years before Sumerians


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