Discord ID: 123474732086460417

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2019-11-05 20:08:05 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

2019-11-05 20:08:51 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

I'm mostly a lurker on the subreddit

2019-11-05 20:09:54 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

Mostly joining for somewhere else to discuss related things, also in case reddit decides to do a big purge again and the MRA subreddit gets taken down too

2019-11-05 20:24:02 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

it was recommended by someone posting the link to here that people join because of that possibility

2019-11-05 20:24:11 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

it's partly why I did

2019-11-06 01:49:19 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge]  

genital mutilation is a big one for me, though I have general concerns about equal rights that i think MRAs/MRM is doing a better job at highlighting in a fairer way than feminism is. My biggest concern commenting on the subreddit is reddit has more permanence to it and I fear doxxing and being targeted. I'm too lazy to manage multiple accounts. I've also seen at least one person use a bot to point out what a person's political beliefs might be purely on where and how much they post, and whether fairly or not, that feels like an ad hominem/poisoning the well
Some of those are more about how I'd be perceived, but I feel are a greater symptom of how anyone who doesn't follow certain expectations are viewed and treated

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