Search: Scnazi

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2017-08-09 00:35:26 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

That SCNazi needs to be burned from everything

I don't think he changed his name... @SCnazi#0760

So much for "best fucking Ground Zero of the weekend." Eh @SCnazi?

We should prank that scnazi guy who changed his name or w/e

2017-08-08 23:12:36 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #general_1]  

@here has SCNazi been burned yet? He is starting trouble with one of my guys now and he's a liability with his constant leaking

2017-08-09 04:55:07 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

I'll go read through that thread again. I was under the impression that, the moment the shit hit the fan, @SCNazi and @O.W. von Diez (the originator of the house idea, which I think is brilliant and was very excited about versus a run of the mill hotel/motel) immediately began a coordinated effort to stop the bleeding, identify the breach, and lash together a Plan B for the displaced, and so I thought anything @SCNazi was saying regarding the situation after the news broke was being said with the knowledge and blessing of @O.W. von Diez , whom - by tagging him here - I ask to correct me if that isn't the case, and he does indeed assert there has been patent finger-pointing on @SCNazi's part.

Thank you, @Wade Garrett

2017-08-09 06:05:17 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

@Wade Garrett I have seen @SCnazi apologize over and over for his breach of opsec. Like @PureDureSure , I know him personally and if he is some kind of a kike operator, then he should be in Hollywood because he is wasting his acting talent recruiting a handful of locals to share in thinking that which should not be allowed to be thought. Dude, Occams Razor here: he posted something in a forum that he erroneously felt was secure, that is the beginning and the ending of it. It is not a secure forum, but we all (or most of us, at least) feel that we can say what we think there without risk of Jew ostracism.

He posted some stuff telling about how he had arranged all this accomadation for us at Cville on DS. Antifa got hold of it and sent it to a kike influenced journalist (as if there is any other kind) and they put it on the news. It was a mistake. He has admitted that. But @scnazi is not our enemy, he is not the person that influenced ABNB to cancel the reservation. Jews influenced ABNB to cancel our reservation. The Jews are the enemy man. And your continued insistence to flagelate @SCnazi just plays into their hand.

He made a mistake. All of this continual back biting and counter signalling to people that are on our side is not helping us. It only helps them.

2017-08-09 04:13:18 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

I'm not sharing private DM's from other stormers, because I'm not an asshole.

Who would do that, though? Oh, your boy, SCnazi. After getting kicked out of ID's vetting group, he went to the TRS forums and posted screens of DM's with Musonius Rufus (admins deleted them). He was also pushing the obvious lie that Rufus tried to force him to get a fake driver's license (when all Musonius wanted him to do was make a Facebook sock).

2017-08-09 01:24:46 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

Dude, you have no idea how much @SCNazi does for this movement, and has done for his whole adult life. To call out the action for the damage done is fine; to speculate as to malicious intent without knowing anything else about the man is fucking kike-tier fake news. The man apologized sixty-gorillion times. You all kept kvetching. He's been kicked from here and God knows what else. Yet, the bitching continues. He's working, even now, to mitigate the damage and maintain the highest level of attendance possible amongst those affected. So you have his apology, his digital scalp, and - still - his cooperation, yet are unsatisfied. What else is required/expected between grown men!? The only people who keep harping on even after they've been given everything that can be given are women, niggers, and kikes. On which group are you modeling your current behavior?

I'll tell you this: taking him off the field of play, so to speak, cripples - hell, all but virtually disbands - the South Carolina SBC.

2017-08-09 04:41:21 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #carolinas]  

I'm a neophyte in terms of the Discord and I don't inhabit any forum with any real regularity. I drop a BBS comment on a Stormer article and move along, so I'm unfamiliar with just about everything outside of what's transpired here.

I haven't been blindly defending anyone, because until your last two posts, I haven't seen a prosecution, but a witch hunt. I was asking for a measured, reasoned, and evidence-based response to an extremely unfortunate happening. You have now provided that here, which I greatly appreciate.

I will say that while I'm no stranger to the Hitlerian worldview and struggle, I've always been a "lone wolf" (insert joke re: WN 1.0 LARPing) and had no formal involvement with the movement outside my public individual activism (even now, the majority of my time online outside of our articles and podcasts is causing brain aneurysms in my law school classmates on Faceberg) until the SBCs were formed.

I have no old beefs, but likewise no old information. I can only say that @SCNazi has never given me any reason to doubt his sincere commitment or his integrity, and I will look forward without prejudice to his answers to the above.

As I said, I strongly disagree with your characterization of him based on my experience, but I do sincerely appreciate your taking the time and effort to provide what I requested. Let's wait and see what he says.

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