
Discord ID: 356118789848563713

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2017-09-09 19:28:52 UTC


2017-09-09 19:28:55 UTC

check must read

2017-09-09 19:29:05 UTC

i have a ton of redpills myself

2017-09-09 19:29:18 UTC


2017-09-09 19:29:22 UTC

Are you a poel

2017-09-09 19:29:25 UTC


2017-09-09 19:29:26 UTC


2017-09-09 19:29:32 UTC

2017-09-09 19:29:37 UTC

tahts great

2017-09-09 19:29:39 UTC

Oooh carbo

2017-09-09 19:29:49 UTC


2017-09-09 19:30:02 UTC

guten aben

2017-09-09 19:30:18 UTC

damn the day passed quick

2017-09-09 19:30:23 UTC

@kudzu are you?

2017-09-09 19:30:26 UTC

what do you think of the library

2017-09-09 19:30:30 UTC


2017-09-09 19:30:33 UTC

the dailystormer was taken down

2017-09-09 19:30:33 UTC


2017-09-09 19:30:39 UTC


2017-09-09 19:31:09 UTC

no i'm not polish

2017-09-09 19:31:17 UTC

you're paint?

2017-09-09 19:31:34 UTC

what do you mean

2017-09-09 19:38:43 UTC


2017-09-09 19:38:49 UTC


2017-09-09 19:38:52 UTC

: (

2017-09-09 19:38:55 UTC


2017-09-09 19:39:33 UTC

2017-09-09 19:39:34 UTC

2017-09-09 19:41:19 UTC


2017-09-09 19:41:39 UTC
2017-09-09 19:41:53 UTC

please change your username

2017-09-09 19:49:05 UTC

2017-09-09 20:09:14 UTC

2017-09-09 21:33:32 UTC

<:redpill:356189744092151819> <:celticcross:356189777990647811> <:buf:356189784571510787> <:kolovrat:356189790313381888> <:mengele:356189798320570369> Emojis are in!

2017-09-09 22:09:56 UTC

2017-09-09 22:20:34 UTC

2017-09-09 22:20:39 UTC


2017-09-09 22:20:48 UTC


2017-09-10 00:18:50 UTC

2017-09-10 00:31:08 UTC

Rip constantinople

2017-09-10 00:39:40 UTC


2017-09-10 00:59:49 UTC

2017-09-10 01:12:41 UTC

2017-09-10 01:47:19 UTC

2017-09-10 01:53:14 UTC

2017-09-10 03:21:56 UTC

I need a science paper or something similar, but I don't know where to look for it.
Something that proves that humans have the insctinct to reproduce, and not just the incstinct to fornicate.
That we are compeled to have children and not just sex.
Does anyone knows about something like that?

2017-09-10 03:35:52 UTC

2017-09-10 04:52:14 UTC

2017-09-10 05:04:03 UTC

2017-09-10 05:08:24 UTC


2017-09-10 07:35:34 UTC

2017-09-10 09:14:30 UTC

2017-09-10 09:14:36 UTC


2017-09-10 10:38:31 UTC

2017-09-10 12:39:47 UTC

2017-09-10 13:16:40 UTC

lots of new people welcome !

2017-09-10 13:18:59 UTC


2017-09-10 13:19:01 UTC


2017-09-10 13:19:08 UTC

i added a search bar for the website

2017-09-10 13:19:22 UTC

fully functional

2017-09-10 13:32:56 UTC

Hi guys

2017-09-10 13:45:32 UTC


2017-09-10 13:45:38 UTC

we have another server made for discussion

2017-09-10 13:45:43 UTC

check must read

2017-09-10 13:51:51 UTC


2017-09-10 16:37:58 UTC

2017-09-10 20:12:24 UTC

its in original german scans <!5Q5UFZIR!MvGFhWEPb03Qg3ZFOh5yKg>
National Socialist Library <!cIUi2YSY!1IzGXHof9bo2XC559Wi4gA!YcdnTBgb>
Library of Everything <>
Great intro of natsoc and for newbies...

2017-09-10 20:40:49 UTC

2017-09-10 20:41:25 UTC

2017-09-10 20:51:48 UTC

Huge National Socialist Library:
@Hildegard (I can't ping archivists or librarians)

2017-09-10 20:56:47 UTC

only a little bit of that archive is natsoc

2017-09-10 20:58:22 UTC

the whole archive was created by a satanic natsoc organization, all of it together is satanic information, material that exposes the Jews and judaism, other material is about NS and is how Hitler was a man of peace, etc. @Deleted User

2017-09-10 20:59:05 UTC


2017-09-10 20:59:20 UTC

Satanism is TheGayโ„ข though

2017-09-10 20:59:24 UTC


2017-09-10 21:02:30 UTC

thank you @Deleted User

2017-09-10 21:02:45 UTC

i will make it so you can ping us

2017-09-10 23:38:24 UTC

The Third Reich leadership worked to remove Xianity (Christianity) from the Nation and as we will see, had long term plans not just to remove Christianity, but to replace it with their original religion. This article will reveal this fact.

It became known from documents that the Rutgers Journal published that the National Socialist leadership did indeed have along term plan to remove xianity from Germany:

2017-09-10 23:43:54 UTC

@Hildegard I searched using Google and DDG for a while but I can't find that damn book

2017-09-10 23:44:01 UTC

tried Piratebay too, no chance

2017-09-10 23:44:44 UTC

I have almost a 100GB of books on my PC, no chance

2017-09-10 23:45:28 UTC

Which book?

2017-09-10 23:45:39 UTC

check requests

2017-09-10 23:45:42 UTC


2017-09-10 23:46:07 UTC

Oh, that.
Yeah, can't find that, no clue why. I thought I had it downloaded

2017-09-11 00:25:55 UTC

2017-09-11 00:51:59 UTC

2017-09-11 01:01:11 UTC

2017-09-11 01:42:33 UTC

Biggest Satanist NS organization: /

2017-09-11 07:19:22 UTC

*"The soul of communism is the soul of Judaism."* - Rabbi Harry Waton

2017-09-11 10:08:41 UTC

2017-09-11 13:36:16 UTC

*"Traditionalism is the most revolutionary ideaology of our times" - Julius Evola*

2017-09-11 15:09:55 UTC

2017-09-11 20:46:19 UTC

2017-09-12 07:01:07 UTC

you can copy them?

2017-09-12 07:02:49 UTC

i fixed it

2017-09-12 07:03:02 UTC

2017-09-12 07:03:03 UTC

you can click now @mrgucci

2017-09-12 18:21:35 UTC

2017-09-12 18:21:42 UTC


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