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2018-10-15 19:36:59 UTC

The entirety of western and northern europe are dickless cucks

2018-10-15 19:37:04 UTC

you do know their economy is dependent on Euro cash

2018-10-15 19:37:16 UTC

Once eastern europe falls , the rest of europe will as well

2018-10-15 19:37:22 UTC

And euro fuel is prodomenantly reliant on russia

2018-10-15 19:37:29 UTC


2018-10-15 19:37:44 UTC

we can get that from arabs

2018-10-15 19:37:59 UTC

Most arab nations are allied with the russians

2018-10-15 19:37:59 UTC

they have no sources of income outside of gas

2018-10-15 19:38:00 UTC


2018-10-15 19:38:06 UTC


2018-10-15 19:38:09 UTC


2018-10-15 19:38:12 UTC

Syria and Iran is

2018-10-15 19:38:22 UTC

The rest are tenative allies of the us

2018-10-15 19:38:26 UTC

1 of those isn't even arab

2018-10-15 19:38:37 UTC

If the us is neutral they will be as well

2018-10-15 19:38:38 UTC

wow one arab ally

2018-10-15 19:38:45 UTC


2018-10-15 19:38:54 UTC

so they will sell us oil

2018-10-15 19:38:59 UTC


2018-10-15 19:39:06 UTC

And russia has a fleet

2018-10-15 19:39:11 UTC

get fucked

2018-10-15 19:39:21 UTC

Russia would have no chance of getting beyond Ukraine and Belarus

2018-10-15 19:39:30 UTC


2018-10-15 19:39:43 UTC


2018-10-15 19:39:56 UTC

that was a nice autistic conversation

2018-10-15 19:40:15 UTC


2018-10-15 19:40:25 UTC

Yes it was, autist

2018-10-15 19:40:36 UTC

Cause you dont think they already have a shadow gov in ukraine

2018-10-15 19:41:47 UTC


2018-10-15 19:41:57 UTC

in Ukraine?

2018-10-15 19:42:13 UTC

do you know anything about Ukraine?

2018-10-15 19:42:42 UTC

Do you know anything period?

2018-10-15 19:43:28 UTC

I know your mama like to lick my pee pee<:thisisfine:378719407981199363>

2018-10-15 19:43:29 UTC

You dont remember the conflict not long ago?

2018-10-15 19:43:46 UTC

oh you mean Donbas government?

2018-10-15 19:44:18 UTC

that state that controls like 5% of Ukraine?

2018-10-15 19:44:56 UTC

You know the conflicts that are the only reason we even have sanctions on russia. That harm its economy. That if the us became fully isolationist would vanish

2018-10-15 19:45:46 UTC

you know Russians don't have shadow government in Ukraine?

2018-10-15 19:46:19 UTC

they have some separatists that run around 2 cities in eastern Ukraine

2018-10-15 19:47:09 UTC

Donetsk and luhansk

2018-10-15 19:47:13 UTC

You also believe the massivly undermanned, undertrained, and underequipped armies of western europe are strong.

2018-10-15 19:47:16 UTC


2018-10-15 19:47:39 UTC

> Frech army is bad

2018-10-15 19:47:51 UTC

you truly are a master of geopolitics

2018-10-15 19:47:55 UTC


2018-10-15 19:48:01 UTC

its eu now

2018-10-15 19:48:13 UTC

the EU army is not a thing though

2018-10-15 19:48:21 UTC

Each country retains the control of their military

2018-10-15 19:48:23 UTC


2018-10-15 19:48:30 UTC

I have "trained" with most of them, and fought with others. Yea... i personally saw their 'strength'

2018-10-15 19:48:38 UTC

For nkw

2018-10-15 19:48:47 UTC

The french army doctrine hasn't changed
It's just that they extended maginot from baltic to black

2018-10-15 19:48:48 UTC

Eu wants to change that

2018-10-15 19:49:05 UTC

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki enlisted right?

2018-10-15 19:49:14 UTC

hopefully it dies before it can create an army

2018-10-15 19:49:44 UTC

I'd rather it didn't die

2018-10-15 19:49:48 UTC


2018-10-15 19:50:06 UTC

The European states are stronger together in a Union, than alone

2018-10-15 19:50:15 UTC

we can switch to Norway model or western Europeans can fuck off

2018-10-15 19:50:18 UTC

@Capitรกn Alatriste are you actually spanish?

2018-10-15 19:50:21 UTC

You mean germany is <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>

2018-10-15 19:50:22 UTC
2018-10-15 19:50:28 UTC

L e e c h

2018-10-15 19:50:33 UTC

V4 gang V4 gang V4 gang V4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gangV4 gang

2018-10-15 19:51:39 UTC

Norway model relies to much on 1 resource. They are already freaking from the fears of the oil running out and replacing that major export

2018-10-15 19:51:54 UTC

I mean their relation with EU

2018-10-15 19:52:05 UTC

I don't think we will find oil

2018-10-15 19:52:06 UTC

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki be a *real* shame is something would happen to that oil

2018-10-15 19:52:13 UTC


2018-10-15 19:52:20 UTC

You know how much Norway has to pay to be in the common markets?

2018-10-15 19:52:22 UTC

I think they need freedom

2018-10-15 19:52:27 UTC

Norway has a far better deal than we have

2018-10-15 19:52:41 UTC

Norway depends on the EU for most of it's exports

2018-10-15 19:52:45 UTC

You know how much they would save with individual deals

2018-10-15 19:52:58 UTC

alternatively we can leave and let westeros kill itself

2018-10-15 19:54:04 UTC

or at least Germany

2018-10-15 19:54:29 UTC

Germany collapsing is my wet dream

2018-10-15 19:55:03 UTC

Norway is only where it's at because of its oil, without it its lands are pretty much worthless, with limited natural resources

2018-10-15 19:55:10 UTC

If germany collapses, the eu goes with it

2018-10-15 19:55:23 UTC

France cant burden it themselves

2018-10-15 19:55:51 UTC

Germany gained to much of a central power.

2018-10-15 19:56:36 UTC

Germany's economic growth was mostly due to their swift dealing of the 2008 recession

2018-10-15 19:56:55 UTC

Before it, they enjoyed quite a meagre growth when the rest of the world was booming

2018-10-15 19:57:28 UTC

Germany implemented extremely radical Fiscal policy at the outset of the crisis, with huge government intervention

2018-10-15 19:58:04 UTC

Even with no control of the money supply and other monetary tools, it was able to avoid the plunge

2018-10-15 19:58:42 UTC

And once the European markets collapsed, it was Germany that supplied them with manufactured goods, which only helped grow the economy

2018-10-15 19:59:30 UTC

Ergo supporting the collapsed and in some cases still collapsed nations

2018-10-15 20:00:19 UTC

If germany collapsed say tomorrow. No other nation or group of member nations could pic it up. More so with brexit removing the 3rd largest market

2018-10-15 20:04:23 UTC

Is this still going on? lol

2018-10-15 20:05:01 UTC

Not really

2018-10-15 20:05:22 UTC

It morphed into the eu as a whole and what if germany crashed

2018-10-15 20:05:31 UTC

Oh, gotcha

2018-10-15 20:05:33 UTC

Ruskies removed

2018-10-15 20:10:16 UTC

France probably couldn't keep the current size of the EU

2018-10-15 20:10:38 UTC

they would probably kick out East Europeans

2018-10-15 20:10:55 UTC

even then they would have the problem of Euro

2018-10-15 20:11:16 UTC

and with it the eternal Greeks

2018-10-15 20:13:38 UTC

And italians

2018-10-15 20:13:48 UTC

And spains wishy washyness

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