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I thought this was roughly a good balance but it wasn't good enough?


2018-12-02 19:07:22 UTC

How about y'all stop being pussies and just accept that the opposition will always call you racist, whether you include Tommy or not?

2018-12-02 19:07:34 UTC

Muh optics!

most of the shouting on Day For Freedom was about that tbh

don't let them call you racist

2018-12-02 19:16:45 UTC

the idiotic thing is that they only have the power to calling you a racist if you let them do so

2018-12-02 19:19:43 UTC

Good to know what UKIP just admitted to being a bunch of cucks

2018-12-02 19:19:56 UTC

Now there's truly no point in saving Britain

2018-12-02 19:20:09 UTC

Just make them a protectorate already

2018-12-02 19:20:58 UTC


2018-12-02 19:21:05 UTC


2018-12-02 19:21:10 UTC

UK is doomed as most of the people are to daft care about anything but the last night football match

2018-12-02 19:21:54 UTC

and will only wake up when PM Mohamed bans football as it not allow in the Koran

When Mommy and Daddy are fighting

cus Mommy invited Tommy over

Sargon could die on this hill

2018-12-02 19:57:04 UTC

More like Farage could

2018-12-02 19:58:14 UTC

Cause of what you just posted. How does Sargon do that? He's just reporting on it

if UKIP lurches right

that puts Sargon in no mans land

2018-12-02 20:01:04 UTC

"lurches right"

Dude, UKIP IS the right at this point. Quit sticking your head in the sand. This is the new paradigm

2018-12-02 20:01:54 UTC

You can keep hoping and wishing that UKIP and classical liberals are somehow in the center or center left, but that's in the past

so if the Tory voters can't vote tory

I can't vote Commie Labour

Sargon can't vote his own party

2018-12-02 20:03:01 UTC

๐Ÿคท And the UK is doomed to failure.

Tory voters now cannot vote UKIP

which would have been the win win

2018-12-02 20:04:24 UTC

Y'all have to quit having icky feelings about the word "right"

Batten has fucked it up

2018-12-02 20:07:58 UTC

I disagree, but I don't know enough about the political cluster fuck in the UK to attempt to draw lines and explain how wooing fence sitters from being europhiles to Civic nationalists is a lost cause

2018-12-02 20:09:14 UTC

The mistake isn't being buddies with Tommy. It's UKIP trying to buddy up to the mainstream parties.

I could talk to Tommy. I've even defended him

but he's like touching a hot oven

2018-12-02 20:14:24 UTC

@Fitzydog ukip deserves to lose everything

2018-12-02 20:15:01 UTC

And ignoring the oven is just as bad for the popularity you want

2018-12-02 20:15:59 UTC

Nigel wants to turn UKIP into another boring party like the other ones, and that will lead to it's failure. Making the same mistakes

2018-12-02 20:18:52 UTC

@Fitzydog except all the other existing parties already hate them

2018-12-02 20:19:14 UTC

Making UKIP completely worthless

2018-12-02 20:19:31 UTC

It's not even worth the time or money to help them out

2018-12-02 20:20:08 UTC

"We're here to be a different kind of party, for REAL change!!"
> actually does the same stuff as the previous parties

2018-12-02 20:22:49 UTC

Only choice for freedom loving Brits is to move to the US

2018-12-02 20:23:17 UTC

I wish people wouldn't think we're memeing

2018-12-02 20:28:47 UTC

https://intersectionalityscore.com/?from=share&score=47 i feel like this belongs here with the tag "how is this a thing"

I can't rightly move to the US when my Dad and Sister don't qualify

cus they aren't BROWN

tbh my Dad could get in

but it would be treason <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

so my Nan wouldn't get in

This moving to America thing isn't working out so good

2018-12-02 22:44:23 UTC



You right wing cunts know that you are only getting our support until the Progressives STFU right?

2018-12-02 22:51:55 UTC


Progressives are the new Left. They're here for good.

2018-12-02 22:52:30 UTC


2018-12-02 22:52:54 UTC

If you're not Progressive, you're conservative

2018-12-02 22:53:25 UTC

Are you trying to conserve western civilization?

2018-12-02 22:55:57 UTC

We've reached a point where we are literally out of social problems to debate.

Anything else now is whether or not to allow Progressivism to enact authoritarian policies on the population.

2018-12-02 22:56:30 UTC

We're out of minorities to Liberate.

I had to switch to Lamb mince

not seen a hashtag for that

2018-12-02 23:02:26 UTC


2018-12-02 23:02:53 UTC

The left liberates minorities like America liberates countries with oil

2018-12-02 23:20:17 UTC

You mean the left attacks and destroys minorities? Wtf I love the left now

2018-12-02 23:27:36 UTC

Stfu commie

2018-12-02 23:40:14 UTC


2018-12-02 23:48:18 UTC

Hopefully, another country can exit the EU and show the other member states it is possible without being a cuck

2018-12-02 23:51:56 UTC

May cucked it up for good better voted for labor

2018-12-03 00:24:00 UTC

Kraut's hit-piece on BPS...

2018-12-03 00:26:21 UTC

get this cursed shit outta here

2018-12-03 00:54:04 UTC

Look who gets thanked at the end - imagine my shock...

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