
Discord ID: 350739775214583812

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2017-09-30 07:02:28 UTC


2017-09-30 07:02:36 UTC

I hate putin now

2017-09-30 07:02:40 UTC


2017-09-30 07:02:43 UTC

next time someone complains about Sweden and says how they should be like Russia I'm going to send them that

2017-09-30 07:02:54 UTC

Putin is no hero

2017-09-30 07:03:01 UTC


2017-09-30 07:03:02 UTC

Russia is a shithole lol

2017-09-30 07:03:17 UTC


2017-09-30 07:03:19 UTC

He's been in power for decades and Russia still shit

2017-09-30 07:03:29 UTC

No improvement has been made

2017-09-30 07:03:59 UTC

It seems to be the case for almost everywhere in the modern world

Maybe if wed stop handing out nigger gibs we can improve our countries

<:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161>

2017-09-30 07:08:07 UTC


2017-09-30 07:08:15 UTC

2017-09-30 07:08:47 UTC


2017-09-30 07:08:49 UTC

deus vult

2017-09-30 07:08:51 UTC

wait, did you just say Poles are orthodox? aren't they catholics?

2017-09-30 07:08:53 UTC


2017-09-30 07:09:51 UTC

Fuck, did I miss out on talk about women?

2017-09-30 07:12:03 UTC

2017-09-30 07:12:40 UTC

<:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161> <:dindu:356316970733404161>

2017-09-30 07:14:57 UTC

Russians don't like Muslims

2017-09-30 07:15:09 UTC

That's why they've been warring with them for decades in Chechnya

2017-09-30 07:15:50 UTC

yet, chechnya is officially part of russia

2017-09-30 07:16:46 UTC

Chechnya is to Russia what the Hasmoneans were to the Seleucids.

2017-09-30 07:16:51 UTC

russia just should kick all those shitty republics out and stop feeding them, especially since they are muslims

2017-09-30 07:17:38 UTC

Russia should just kill everyone in the leadership of Chechnya and forcibly impose martial law to stamp out the Caucasus Emirate before destroying Chechen culture and forcing it to adapt to Russian culture.

2017-09-30 07:17:48 UTC

I mean, the leader of Chechnya has child wives

2017-09-30 07:18:08 UTC

too bad, kadyrov is friends with putin

2017-09-30 07:18:28 UTC

Chechnya effectively operates as its own country

2017-09-30 07:18:39 UTC

sure, at russia's expense

2017-09-30 07:18:40 UTC

And they set up extermination camps for gays

2017-09-30 07:18:45 UTC

I'm just saying

2017-09-30 07:18:48 UTC

It's Islam

2017-09-30 07:19:18 UTC

2017-09-30 07:19:49 UTC

aloha snackbar

2017-09-30 07:20:33 UTC

they are exterminating gays yet find it totally fine to fuck camels, donkeys, sheep, etc.

2017-09-30 07:22:31 UTC

Please consider backing this

2017-09-30 07:22:47 UTC

<:Ban:356316530859966475> @Designated Loo

2017-09-30 07:22:56 UTC

I stole it before you had the chance

2017-09-30 07:23:25 UTC

This mod has good memes

2017-09-30 07:25:18 UTC

i always got good memes

2017-09-30 07:25:35 UTC

anyone got any good memes?

2017-09-30 07:26:21 UTC

its time for memes somewhere

2017-09-30 07:26:24 UTC

Donate folks

2017-09-30 07:26:37 UTC

I have no folks to donate sorry

2017-09-30 07:27:22 UTC

ran out of my folks as well for this month

2017-09-30 07:27:30 UTC
2017-09-30 07:27:58 UTC

posting degenerate material ๐Ÿค”

2017-09-30 07:28:10 UTC

posting literal cuckold images <:FeelsThinkingMan:355135065757319180>

2017-09-30 07:28:44 UTC


2017-09-30 07:29:25 UTC

strip this guy of his priviledges

2017-09-30 07:29:56 UTC

throw her in the cuckshed

2017-09-30 07:30:07 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Designated Loo#6791, +Cuck., -Patriot

2017-09-30 07:30:33 UTC


2017-09-30 07:31:05 UTC


2017-09-30 07:33:31 UTC


2017-09-30 07:33:38 UTC

she thicc

2017-09-30 07:33:41 UTC

Alert Alert

2017-09-30 07:33:43 UTC
2017-09-30 07:33:52 UTC

That's a website you go on and debate people anonymously

2017-09-30 07:34:03 UTC

Someone send me a march on trump discord link

2017-09-30 07:34:09 UTC

I'm gonna post that there so we can redpill those fuckers

2017-09-30 07:34:41 UTC

she square

2017-09-30 07:36:17 UTC

sqaure thicc


2017-09-30 07:43:08 UTC

we cant post pics here

2017-09-30 07:43:12 UTC

i thought this was america

2017-09-30 07:44:05 UTC

you can post them anywhere else

2017-09-30 07:44:36 UTC


2017-09-30 07:45:19 UTC

you don't want furry shit here, do you? neither do I

2017-09-30 07:46:32 UTC

i didn't realize CC and furries had so much overlap

2017-09-30 07:46:56 UTC

it's just furries are everywhere

2017-09-30 07:56:09 UTC


2017-09-30 08:19:19 UTC

sneaky bastard

2017-09-30 08:19:26 UTC

@Politics, who are all here too

2017-09-30 08:22:59 UTC


So what are all you Mongols up to on this FINE weekend.

2017-09-30 08:26:57 UTC

I'm up to cook some <:Thicc:356316765535338500> ๐Ÿ”

2017-09-30 08:27:17 UTC

roast, even

Lot's of retarded O Mongoloids moaning on FB about the Trump admin looking into anti-Trumpers. But the only Anti-Trumpers that need to be afraid are the ones who participated in riots or liked pages that organized them.

336,450 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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