
Discord ID: 496515828372602890

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2018-10-06 22:15:52 UTC

@SchloppyDoggo i am very sorry about your cat

2018-10-06 22:15:57 UTC

Iโ€™m sorry MadDogg

2018-10-06 22:15:57 UTC

i would pray if it had a soul

2018-10-06 22:16:04 UTC

cats go off to die out of respect to their owners

2018-10-06 22:16:07 UTC

thx man. hes been a great cat for 17 long years

2018-10-06 22:16:16 UTC

but i hope it does feel better, or at the very least dies peacefully

2018-10-06 22:16:23 UTC

My family had a 19 year old car that died last fall

2018-10-06 22:16:28 UTC


2018-10-06 22:16:30 UTC

im not putting him to sleep unless it gets insanely terrible

2018-10-06 22:16:39 UTC

my cat wouldn't return home when it was his time

2018-10-06 22:16:46 UTC

went in a ditch in a park to die

2018-10-06 22:16:51 UTC

Punished Kavanzod

2018-10-06 22:16:56 UTC

yea the vet told me a few months ago that my cats kidneys were the size of peas. total failure

Very good police work. Well in control. Very nice. Very epic.

2018-10-06 22:17:03 UTC

i miss it so much <:feelspepoman:385617707044962304>

2018-10-06 22:17:06 UTC


2018-10-06 22:17:23 UTC

If you ever put down an animal make sure you are with them the entire time, they know they are dying and want to be with their owners, vets say they look around the room for their owners when they arent there

2018-10-06 22:17:30 UTC

2018-10-06 22:18:11 UTC

Isn't this breaking Federal Law?

2018-10-06 22:18:37 UTC

ask the statue of liberty person

And not being arrested

2018-10-06 22:19:19 UTC

These people should be hosed down

2018-10-06 22:19:22 UTC

this is why cities are important

2018-10-06 22:19:27 UTC

they're containment zones

2018-10-06 22:19:29 UTC

"this is what democracy looks like"

2018-10-06 22:19:51 UTC

the fool shouts nonsense

Nice, they are getting a metal fence between them and the police now. Very control. Very epic.

2018-10-06 22:20:25 UTC

im voting for the first politician to suggest lethal force be used against protesters. idc if u call me a fascist.

2018-10-06 22:20:39 UTC


2018-10-06 22:20:59 UTC

i've already been called every -ist in the book since trump said "fuck the mexicans"

2018-10-06 22:20:59 UTC

@SchloppyDoggo youre far too gay to be a fascist

2018-10-06 22:21:04 UTC


2018-10-06 22:21:06 UTC

when are we sending in our military to yeet these npc fools

2018-10-06 22:21:25 UTC

@EzraOldenstein apparently i am a nigger, according to the bikes who processed my dna's


2018-10-06 22:21:40 UTC

or maybe you just have some black DNA in you

2018-10-06 22:21:40 UTC

be fucking careful with those dna tests

2018-10-06 22:21:42 UTC

you nigger

2018-10-06 22:21:50 UTC


2018-10-06 22:21:55 UTC

theres some shit about it being used against you later for criminal activity


2018-10-06 22:22:04 UTC

its on record and the gov can get those records

2018-10-06 22:22:26 UTC

i still havent told my wife that im a nigger yet. i think the next time i fuck her im going to say, "you just fucked a nigger!!!" and laugh about it.

2018-10-06 22:22:35 UTC


2018-10-06 22:22:35 UTC

Wikipedia banned infowars and breitbart for โ€œfake newโ€

2018-10-06 22:22:40 UTC

"why didnt you tell me you were a coal burner? i would hav enever married u"

2018-10-06 22:22:45 UTC

just tell her to call you a nigger when you're having sex next time

2018-10-06 22:23:00 UTC


I'm taking this all in. Holding it back for so long. Now I am going to take extra salt.

2018-10-06 22:23:17 UTC

<:wesmart:359946049588166657> tfw i was a kang alll along and never knew it

2018-10-06 22:23:22 UTC

The people of my ancestors shall not be destroyed!

2018-10-06 22:23:39 UTC


2018-10-06 22:23:42 UTC

The cops just told them they're gonna get arrested lmao

2018-10-06 22:23:46 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Added Cuckold to Dana#7766***

2018-10-06 22:23:49 UTC

i have no DNA outside of Northwestern Europe <:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>

2018-10-06 22:23:50 UTC

Try peeing on her butt

2018-10-06 22:24:16 UTC

what % is african on your results @SchloppyDoggo

2018-10-06 22:24:37 UTC

a lot of us prob have some in there tbh

2018-10-06 22:24:57 UTC

i got some american indian somewhere down the line

2018-10-06 22:25:05 UTC

if we're all from Africa, does that make Africa rightful white mans clay?


2018-10-06 22:25:43 UTC


2018-10-06 22:25:59 UTC

Imagine thinking the protests are gonna work

2018-10-06 22:26:26 UTC

alright i'm going to play video games now

2018-10-06 22:26:30 UTC

I hope this demoralized the Dems

2018-10-06 22:26:45 UTC

Congrats yankees

2018-10-06 22:28:19 UTC

@path_default he had like

2018-10-06 22:28:21 UTC


Holy shit. Brett Kavanaugh came into my room and started throwing ice at me and I literally screamed at him and hit the bag of ice out of his hand. He started yelling "I like beer!" over and over again and I slammed the door on him. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to Brett Kavanaugh but I'm literally in shock from the FBI clearing him. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he getting confirmed? This can't be happening. He was supposed to withdraw instead he is acting like Clarence Thomas. I don't want to believe your innocent until proven guilty. I want a future to believe in. Like my dad finally coming home from the gas station. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Mueller would impeach Drumpf anyday now???? This is so fucked.

2018-10-06 22:28:27 UTC

Check pinned message s

2018-10-06 22:28:29 UTC

miss me with that gay shit dems, enjoy being indefinitely detained by Imperial Leader Brett Kavanaugh

omg guys, they are embracing and taking selfies together, such an wholesome.

hmm looks like they are beginning to leave.

2018-10-06 22:29:59 UTC

2018-10-06 22:30:16 UTC

And so in the end, the chimp out fizzles out.

2018-10-06 22:31:17 UTC

2018-10-06 22:31:56 UTC


2018-10-06 22:32:00 UTC

i like salt

2018-10-06 22:32:04 UTC


2018-10-06 22:32:07 UTC



2018-10-06 22:32:25 UTC

2018-10-06 22:32:33 UTC

"Blumphf is orange xdddd now I am a comedian!"

2018-10-06 22:32:43 UTC

just to remind you guys that these people are demonic and turn secular entities into religion to fill their lack of purpose

Good idea so the chimp outs don't worsen too quickly.

2018-10-06 22:35:30 UTC


2018-10-06 22:36:06 UTC


2018-10-06 22:36:15 UTC

they are going crazy

2018-10-06 22:36:42 UTC

158,305 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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