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2019-06-06 23:30:16 UTC

@Krausser i didnt now that

2019-06-06 23:30:17 UTC

@Mando number?

2019-06-06 23:30:20 UTC

She worked as a nurse i think

2019-06-06 23:30:21 UTC

@Deleted User bro why are all the trees dying

2019-06-06 23:30:22 UTC

i fucked my mom once

2019-06-06 23:30:22 UTC

Shut your mouth to save the trees

2019-06-06 23:30:34 UTC

@Krausser i havent read much of the comics

2019-06-06 23:30:43 UTC

I did they totally worth it

2019-06-06 23:30:52 UTC

@Krausser but i read his small comic book series

2019-06-06 23:30:54 UTC

Wow you guys are amazing

2019-06-06 23:31:02 UTC

You get to know more about who was the comedian

2019-06-06 23:31:04 UTC

@Krausser his induvial one

2019-06-06 23:31:07 UTC

And why he got killed

2019-06-06 23:31:13 UTC

And all stories

2019-06-06 23:31:18 UTC

@Deleted User dawg get a new Insult. Get out from under your bridge

2019-06-06 23:31:21 UTC

Do u need money

2019-06-06 23:31:34 UTC

I honestly dont know why

2019-06-06 23:31:35 UTC

Iโ€™ll donate money so you can get some nice clothes

2019-06-06 23:31:36 UTC

And a girl friend

2019-06-06 23:31:42 UTC

@Krausser have you read Rorschach's solo stories?

2019-06-06 23:31:47 UTC

But rorshac reminds me of spawn

2019-06-06 23:31:53 UTC

billy is awesome

2019-06-06 23:32:04 UTC

@Krausser i dont know much about spawn

2019-06-06 23:32:06 UTC

And funny ๐Ÿ˜†

2019-06-06 23:32:07 UTC


2019-06-06 23:32:12 UTC

I havent read his stories

2019-06-06 23:32:15 UTC

Shyguy is cool

2019-06-06 23:32:16 UTC

๐Ÿ†™ | **Mando leveled up!**

2019-06-06 23:32:17 UTC

I want to tho

2019-06-06 23:32:22 UTC

@Krausser you should. its pretty good

2019-06-06 23:32:30 UTC

Where can i read them?

2019-06-06 23:32:48 UTC

@Krausser give me a minute. ill send you a link

2019-06-06 23:32:58 UTC

@rory i think you are amazing

2019-06-06 23:32:59 UTC


2019-06-06 23:32:59 UTC

GG @Krausser, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-06-06 23:33:10 UTC

@Mando what?

2019-06-06 23:33:14 UTC

@Mando what are you trying to do?

2019-06-06 23:33:26 UTC

You are such a great guy @Krausser

2019-06-06 23:33:35 UTC

Thanks i guess?

2019-06-06 23:33:47 UTC

You all deserve thicc girlfriends

2019-06-06 23:33:47 UTC

@rory you can dm me the link

2019-06-06 23:33:56 UTC

this chat is crazy.

2019-06-06 23:34:05 UTC

I hope you guys are having a great day @Krausser @rory

2019-06-06 23:34:09 UTC

@Deleted User no one is talking to you

2019-06-06 23:34:18 UTC

hey hey

2019-06-06 23:34:20 UTC

be nice

2019-06-06 23:34:24 UTC

that was really negative

2019-06-06 23:34:29 UTC

and that hurt my heart

2019-06-06 23:34:35 UTC

@Mando whatโ€™s up

2019-06-06 23:34:35 UTC


2019-06-06 23:34:35 UTC

@Mando thanks

2019-06-06 23:34:39 UTC

You live on a commune yet? @billyjoejimbob

2019-06-06 23:34:48 UTC

@Deleted User have you stopped talking yet

2019-06-06 23:34:58 UTC

The air is brown

2019-06-06 23:35:04 UTC

God whatโ€™s that smell

2019-06-06 23:35:09 UTC

Itโ€™s vosh

2019-06-06 23:35:14 UTC


2019-06-06 23:35:17 UTC

@Mando thanks

2019-06-06 23:35:17 UTC


2019-06-06 23:35:20 UTC

Now i gtg

2019-06-06 23:35:20 UTC

that's cringe

2019-06-06 23:35:24 UTC

you can smell him threw the screen?

2019-06-06 23:35:33 UTC

Thatโ€™s an amazing super power

2019-06-06 23:35:33 UTC

Bro I can smell him across the world

2019-06-06 23:35:42 UTC

what if he was next door

2019-06-06 23:35:50 UTC


2019-06-06 23:35:57 UTC

would his oder smell worst

2019-06-06 23:36:05 UTC

@Mando your pretty positive

2019-06-06 23:36:14 UTC

Just so you know @Mando he started fighting with me

2019-06-06 23:36:14 UTC

๐Ÿ†™ | **billyjoejimbob leveled up!**

2019-06-06 23:36:20 UTC

Thanks man you are awsome

2019-06-06 23:36:20 UTC

not really

2019-06-06 23:36:22 UTC


2019-06-06 23:36:26 UTC

you kept attacking me

2019-06-06 23:36:32 UTC

No you started it

2019-06-06 23:36:33 UTC

then told me to stop talking to you when I responded

2019-06-06 23:36:33 UTC


2019-06-06 23:36:43 UTC

iโ€™m really sad about this argument

2019-06-06 23:36:54 UTC

Vosh mom is sad

2019-06-06 23:36:54 UTC

it's all good

2019-06-06 23:36:58 UTC

it's all chill.

2019-06-06 23:37:07 UTC

Iโ€™m just messing with you vosh lol

2019-06-06 23:37:12 UTC

Itโ€™s all cool

2019-06-06 23:37:17 UTC

We are all friends

2019-06-06 23:37:17 UTC

I hope you guys can make up ๐Ÿ˜•

2019-06-06 23:37:22 UTC


2019-06-06 23:37:25 UTC

@billyjoejimbob you have strange way with messing with people

2019-06-06 23:37:25 UTC

Iโ€™m so happy

2019-06-06 23:37:28 UTC

its all the same

2019-06-06 23:37:34 UTC

When iโ€™m sad i beat my younger sister

2019-06-06 23:37:40 UTC


2019-06-06 23:37:43 UTC

Iโ€™m going to go make her cupcakes now

2019-06-06 23:38:06 UTC

Welll @Deleted User I feel like Iโ€™m gonna her attacked if I say them

2019-06-06 23:38:12 UTC

So Iโ€™ll just not say

2019-06-06 23:38:33 UTC

fuck the environmen

2019-06-06 23:38:35 UTC

Going to attack who ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

2019-06-06 23:38:41 UTC

I used to like trump but Iโ€™m starting to realize that all his supporters are kinda cringe

2019-06-06 23:38:43 UTC

i feel like beating my sister again

2019-06-06 23:38:48 UTC

Like serious cringe

2019-06-06 23:38:49 UTC

the environment can go suck my dick

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