
Discord ID: 531212403858472967

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2019-03-07 01:57:45 UTC

I don't buy mice much, I've probably put <$50 into this shit hobby

2019-03-07 01:58:15 UTC

I buy refurbished or older versions

2019-03-07 01:59:22 UTC

If you're autistic about having the latest and greatest, yeah, you'll spend a fortune

2019-03-07 02:04:26 UTC

@johnfrum is this how you imagine me?

2019-03-07 02:06:49 UTC

You arent chsrming enough to get a trap cult

2019-03-07 02:08:00 UTC

At least I have you, Johnny boy.

2019-03-07 02:11:25 UTC

>unskippable credits

2019-03-07 02:11:29 UTC


2019-03-07 03:10:53 UTC

@sum what anime have you been watching this season?

2019-03-07 03:11:10 UTC

I know you've told me before, but I forgot

2019-03-07 03:18:04 UTC

What's a good slice of life I can waste a day on at the end of this season?

2019-03-07 03:21:58 UTC
2019-03-07 03:22:04 UTC

If you've seen it, watch it again

2019-03-07 03:22:44 UTC

Watched it too many times

2019-03-07 03:23:59 UTC


2019-03-07 03:24:00 UTC


2019-03-07 03:24:04 UTC

Shut up John

2019-03-07 03:24:06 UTC

Shut up matt

2019-03-07 03:24:08 UTC


2019-03-07 03:24:11 UTC


2019-03-07 03:24:34 UTC

Watched that a few times too

2019-03-07 03:24:47 UTC

I'm looking for one that's being released this season

2019-03-07 03:24:58 UTC

No good slices of life this season

2019-03-07 03:25:07 UTC

This is okay, manga is better

2019-03-07 03:25:27 UTC

I heard the roommate cat anime was decent

2019-03-07 03:25:39 UTC

Haven't had the time to watch it though

2019-03-07 03:25:47 UTC

It seemed

2019-03-07 03:26:22 UTC

Granted, I only downloaded one episode, then scrubbed through it semi randomly

2019-03-07 03:27:10 UTC

But I sniffed a lot of homoeroticism

2019-03-07 03:27:17 UTC


2019-03-07 03:27:56 UTC

I'll just throw all the slice of life stuff through a randomizer tomorrow and I'll watch whatever comes out

2019-03-07 03:28:28 UTC

Very brave

2019-03-07 03:29:02 UTC

I'd deliberate more now, but I need sleep. Don't want to do hardware labs tomorrow on less than 4 hours sleep

2019-03-07 03:29:19 UTC

Already burned myself once with a soldering iron today

2019-03-07 03:29:59 UTC

Nice blog post

2019-03-07 03:30:46 UTC

You got vip access

2019-03-07 03:30:55 UTC

Haven't put it on my tumblr yet

2019-03-07 03:31:14 UTC

How much do I have to donate to get hand pictures

2019-03-07 03:31:37 UTC

Are you with the IRS?

2019-03-07 03:32:18 UTC

~~yes~~ no

2019-03-07 03:32:23 UTC


2019-03-07 03:32:48 UTC

I'll look up how to make a premium snapchat tomorrow

2019-03-07 03:46:49 UTC
2019-03-07 03:47:01 UTC

it's so hilariously vapid it hurts the soul permanently

2019-03-07 03:47:46 UTC


2019-03-07 03:50:15 UTC

They are literally all the same moeblobs

2019-03-07 03:50:20 UTC

Thats the whole point

2019-03-07 03:50:51 UTC

Never even tried to watch it. I am prejudiced against it and I can't put my finger on why

2019-03-07 03:52:09 UTC

Because it is a complete waste of time that verges on reading an incredibly uninteresting diary

2019-03-07 03:52:36 UTC

I unironically would love to read people's diaries.

2019-03-07 03:52:42 UTC

If only people kept diaries.

2019-03-07 03:53:20 UTC


2019-03-07 03:53:25 UTC

Its called a facebook, gramps

2019-03-07 03:53:51 UTC

Different thing entirely.

2019-03-07 03:54:39 UTC

Not really?

2019-03-07 03:55:08 UTC

People put a carefully edited and curated versions of their thoughts onto Facebook.

2019-03-07 03:55:33 UTC

You shouldn't be confiding in diaries anyway, they should be a log for out of the ordianry events for future reference.

2019-03-07 03:55:34 UTC

Diaries, at least in their intended use, are unedited and personal.

2019-03-07 03:55:50 UTC

That's called a notebook, John.

2019-03-07 03:55:56 UTC

Diaries are different.

2019-03-07 03:56:01 UTC


2019-03-07 03:56:11 UTC

Are you my 5th grade teacher?

2019-03-07 03:56:15 UTC

Fuck you

2019-03-07 03:57:05 UTC

Sorry, bud. Words have established meaning, you can't just change them to suit your argument.

2019-03-07 03:57:31 UTC

a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences.

2019-03-07 03:58:01 UTC

2019-03-07 03:58:05 UTC

Fight me fag

2019-03-07 03:58:09 UTC

"Out of the ordinary" and "for further reference" are very notably absent.

2019-03-07 03:58:10 UTC

Dumb bitch

2019-03-07 03:58:33 UTC

Okay, but where is unedited and personal?

2019-03-07 03:59:05 UTC

No where does it say you need to pour emotions onto it?

2019-03-07 03:59:24 UTC

Oh, am I supposed to play by the rules that you yourself weren't playing by either?

2019-03-07 03:59:43 UTC

It's okay, John. I know how you like to argue. We can do this.

2019-03-07 04:01:10 UTC

Diaries *ought* to be personal, unedited thoughts written with the intention of not being seen by others. Notebooks *ought* to be more general information or recordings of notable events.

2019-03-07 04:01:16 UTC

*in my opinion*.

2019-03-07 04:03:23 UTC

I dunno, at what point does it become the ramblings of a madman?

2019-03-07 04:03:52 UTC

My emotions dont make sense like an hour from feeling them, why would I want to preserve them?

2019-03-07 04:04:01 UTC

Wouldn't that be a manifesto?

2019-03-07 04:04:44 UTC

Aa manisfesto has a point, a diary is just rambling

2019-03-07 04:06:08 UTC

Okay. And I would love to read that rambling. I am very interested in knowing what minor thoughts pass through people's heads. The small things bothering them, anxieties and whatnot.

2019-03-07 04:06:18 UTC

I guess I have a voyeuristic streak.

2019-03-07 04:06:28 UTC

Thats kind of dumb and weirdly perverted

2019-03-07 04:07:07 UTC

You'll like little forest, the manga

2019-03-07 04:07:18 UTC

I am aware, which is why I don't snoop through people's phones or emails when they're not looking or whatever. But it does interest me

2019-03-07 04:07:50 UTC

I like hearing neighbors argue, but I don't like gossiping about what I hear, if that makes sense.

2019-03-07 04:10:43 UTC

2019-03-07 04:12:44 UTC

I sniff a lot of homoeroticism in this, too.

2019-03-07 04:13:00 UTC


2019-03-07 04:13:04 UTC

This is a girl

2019-03-07 04:14:15 UTC

Girls can be gay, John.

2019-03-07 04:14:28 UTC

Please come back to the year 2019.

2019-03-07 04:15:11 UTC

How is cooking gay?

2019-03-07 04:15:29 UTC

Stupid fucking worthless faggot eat your diner slop

2019-03-07 04:15:39 UTC

Are you okay?

2019-03-07 04:16:07 UTC

Cooking is not gay

2019-03-07 04:16:09 UTC

Cooking isn't gay, looking at a jar of jam and saying "I guess this is the color of my heart" is very, very gay.

2019-03-07 04:16:25 UTC

Its random rambling thoughts, m8

2019-03-07 04:17:03 UTC

Like if you put your exact thoughts into words you'll wind up with a lot of faggotry like that

2019-03-07 04:19:37 UTC

Maybe so. But Yeah. If I could just mentally hitchhike on someone's inner monologue for a while, that'd be sweet. I think I'd lose interest in any other form of entertainment.

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