
Discord ID: 526921073397071892

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2019-04-27 23:31:02 UTC

Hmm jewish and globalism yet authoritarian... interesting

2019-04-27 23:31:20 UTC

Funny meme roles

2019-04-27 23:31:23 UTC


2019-04-27 23:48:55 UTC


2019-04-28 01:13:25 UTC

@Alric the Bretwalda tbh I dont know if youre trolling or actually severely socially malformed in some way

2019-04-28 03:05:13 UTC

2019-04-28 04:50:05 UTC

Can't really blame the TSA on Republicans. The bill that created the TSA was introduced by a democratic senator and passed unanimously 100-0 in the Senate and 410-9 in the House (all 9 no votes were Republicans).

2019-04-28 05:41:59 UTC

2019-04-28 05:42:27 UTC

You guys excited about Florida banning sanctuary cities?

2019-04-28 05:46:15 UTC

@Deleted User gib admin

2019-04-28 05:46:27 UTC
2019-04-28 05:46:30 UTC


2019-04-28 05:46:46 UTC

no i want admin

2019-04-28 05:46:50 UTC

give me power

2019-04-28 05:47:17 UTC


2019-04-28 05:47:37 UTC

give me a role with power

2019-04-28 05:47:51 UTC

not these fake roles

2019-04-28 05:48:07 UTC


2019-04-28 05:48:24 UTC


2019-04-28 05:48:59 UTC


2019-04-28 05:49:07 UTC

give me a rand is a fag role

2019-04-28 05:51:41 UTC

2019-04-28 08:47:54 UTC


2019-04-28 08:58:42 UTC

anime is amazing

2019-04-28 09:30:39 UTC


2019-04-28 14:52:34 UTC

Look at Kareena, this useful Jew puppet. @Priyanka

2019-04-28 14:53:07 UTC

Hiding behind Jews as she degrades and demoralises the white man, calling him degenerate, when she parasitically thrives in that cesspool. @Priyanka

2019-04-28 14:53:26 UTC

Kill yourself, kike-lover. @Deleted User

2019-04-28 15:58:50 UTC

A ball stretcher is a sex toy that is used to elongate the scrotum and provide a feeling of weight pulling the testicles away from the body. This can be particularly enjoyable for the wearer as it can make an orgasm more intense, as testicles are prevented from moving up. Intended to make one's testicles permanently hang much lower than before (if used regularly for extended periods of time), this sex toy can be potentially harmful to the male genitals as the circulation of blood can be easily cut off if over-tightened.

While leather stretchers are most common, other models consist of an assortment of steel rings that fastens with screws, causing additional but only mildly uncomfortable weight to the wearer's testicles. The length of the stretcher may vary from 1-4 inches.[2] A more dangerous type of ball stretcher can be home-made simply by wrapping rope or string around one's scrotum until it is eventually stretched to the desired length.

2019-04-28 17:51:30 UTC

@Alric the Bretwalda Are you drugged?

2019-04-28 18:44:20 UTC

*all the times over the course of thousands of years people have tried to kill us.* <:thonk:517650135270948864>

2019-04-28 19:36:56 UTC

fuvking jews

2019-04-28 19:38:20 UTC

Yeah and lets not forget those times when they were doing the killing

2019-04-28 19:38:33 UTC

But thats okay

2019-04-28 19:38:37 UTC

because their God said so

2019-04-28 19:57:08 UTC

@Alric the Bretwalda kareena is a brown nationalist so her hating whites is not jewing but being non white

2019-04-28 21:13:52 UTC

kareena is my fuckign wife

2019-04-28 21:13:58 UTC


2019-04-28 21:32:22 UTC

@Priyanka and @Deleted User latest game to call their critics mentally ill. Who else does that? Oh yes, the Jew lobbies.

2019-04-28 21:32:34 UTC

Thoughts on the Spain election? @Deleted User

2019-04-28 21:33:11 UTC

I support Vox for the most part

2019-04-28 21:34:21 UTC

I know they're not likely to win, but the recent improvement in support is great

2019-04-28 21:40:09 UTC

@Deleted User houd je kkr bek

2019-04-28 21:40:38 UTC

@Alric the Bretwalda literally nothing wrong with racemixing as long as it WMxF

2019-04-28 21:40:55 UTC

Vox is too populist for my liking based on what I've read. @Deleted User

2019-04-28 21:41:13 UTC

The elections have already taken place. They gained 24 seats in the parliament.

2019-04-28 21:41:53 UTC

I've no idea how these populist parties can be described as 'far-right', shows how far leftwards we've gone over time I guess...

2019-04-28 21:44:28 UTC

These repulsive concessions that right-wing parties make. They have no principles. No world-concept.

2019-04-28 21:44:37 UTC

That's why Hitler stands out.

2019-04-28 21:46:20 UTC


2019-04-28 21:52:32 UTC

@WhiteTrashWorkhorse Blocked you f@ggot.

2019-04-28 21:52:49 UTC

Any other gay bastard wants to say dumb comments without contributing will also be blocked.

2019-04-28 21:57:15 UTC

okay dork

2019-04-28 22:12:05 UTC


2019-04-28 22:12:12 UTC

my post got deleted

2019-04-28 22:12:40 UTC

2019-04-28 22:13:35 UTC

@Alric the Bretwalda she is a full blown poo nationalist. She used to go on and on how british immigrants ruined her shithole. Her hating of whites is not jewing but she being brown

2019-04-28 22:14:33 UTC

Stop whining jews at eveything. Jews didn't jew blacks into hating whites in africa or latin america in 1800s

2019-04-28 22:15:09 UTC

I got tons more convo screen shots to prove her poo nationalism. You can ask anyone in politics chat or trs

2019-04-28 22:15:33 UTC

Also she bans everyone that hurt her poo feelings coming to samuel's server because she is a mod there as she is a butthurt twat

2019-04-28 22:17:49 UTC

howudoin goys

2019-04-28 22:21:00 UTC


2019-04-28 22:27:57 UTC

the pope needs to be hanged

2019-04-28 22:28:07 UTC

or executed via a firing squad

2019-04-28 23:03:08 UTC


2019-04-28 23:03:25 UTC
2019-04-28 23:03:28 UTC

Marry me

2019-04-28 23:03:33 UTC


2019-04-28 23:33:24 UTC

@Unstoppable Kavanaugh nice photoshop

2019-04-28 23:38:31 UTC

2019-04-28 23:39:07 UTC

Do us a favor and neuter your friend, thanks

2019-04-29 01:09:46 UTC


2019-04-29 01:10:05 UTC

2019-04-29 05:02:53 UTC


2019-04-29 05:03:54 UTC

Seems like I've entered a ghost town.

2019-04-29 12:26:17 UTC

@Deleted User youre a homo]

2019-04-29 13:32:56 UTC

@Priyanka back to india street shitter

2019-04-29 13:33:02 UTC


โ•ญโ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ•ฎ This is memedog. Help
โ•ฐโ”ƒโ€โ”ฃโ–‡โ”โ–‡ memedog take over
โ€โ”ƒโ€โ”ƒโ€โ€โ•ฐโ”โ–…โ•ฎ Discord by pasting
โ€โ•ฐโ”ณโ•ฏโ€โ•ฐโ”โ”โ”ณโ•ฏ him in 10 other
โ€โ€โ•ฐโ•ฎโ€โ”ณโ”โ”โ•ฏ servers or he
โ€โ–•โ–”โ–‹โ€โ•ฐโ•ฎโ•ญโ”โ•ฎ will never be a meme

2019-04-29 16:22:40 UTC

Well I don't know what to expect

2019-04-29 16:24:23 UTC

I have nothing to do right now

2019-04-29 16:27:12 UTC

Does anyone want to indoctrinate me into anything?

2019-04-29 16:43:38 UTC

Is anyone there?

2019-04-29 17:53:21 UTC
2019-04-29 17:53:52 UTC
2019-04-29 17:54:00 UTC

@fzeroppy itโ€™s why itโ€™s dead

2019-04-29 17:54:19 UTC

nah its dead cause it's shit xx

2019-04-29 17:54:35 UTC

If guys like that were moderated more good ppl would chat

2019-04-29 17:54:57 UTC

Heโ€™s already broken several rules

2019-04-29 17:55:02 UTC

larpers don't deserve mod

2019-04-29 17:55:05 UTC

what rules

2019-04-29 17:55:12 UTC

and where

2019-04-29 17:55:39 UTC

34,077 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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