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2018-09-02 07:21:00 UTC

It disnt take off untill like 2000s

2018-09-02 07:21:29 UTC

When all that moe and kawaii bullshit infected it

2018-09-02 07:22:03 UTC

anime has been a big thing in Japan for a long while, long before 2000s--unless you are referring to 2000s as when it really boomed in the west, in which case carry on I can't comment on that

2018-09-02 07:22:09 UTC

However, what prevented it from going down the same route as furries or DND or other types of โ€œnerd cultureโ€ was the fact it didnโ€™t receive as much early criticism here in the West, which probably had to do largely with the dubs basically altering the original material heavily for Western audiences and the fact most of the content that became widely popular in the West were relatively benign.

2018-09-02 07:22:40 UTC

It wasnt that big in japan until recently either

2018-09-02 07:22:50 UTC

no, that's not correct

2018-09-02 07:23:01 UTC

In the 2000s companies started using anime to market

2018-09-02 07:23:08 UTC

That didnt happen before

2018-09-02 07:23:12 UTC

yea but it was still big

2018-09-02 07:23:34 UTC

look at Evangelion, for example, it was and *is* huge in Japan, and that is before 2000

2018-09-02 07:23:35 UTC

But there was a burst in japan to go along with the one in the west

2018-09-02 07:23:40 UTC

Not in the West, no. It became extremely big starting in the late 1980โ€™s.

2018-09-02 07:23:50 UTC

It was likely the internet that helped

2018-09-02 07:23:53 UTC

yes, it got a boost, but it was still sizable

2018-09-02 07:23:59 UTC

before said boost

2018-09-02 07:24:13 UTC


2018-09-02 07:24:19 UTC

No, it was very small.

2018-09-02 07:24:55 UTC

Most media of the 1980โ€™s was dominated by American cartoon shows such as Thundercats or He-Man.

2018-09-02 07:25:24 UTC

When Furry get their media out and its not degenerate they might not get made fun of

2018-09-02 07:25:25 UTC

idk about that, Ehzek, Japanese people even now aren't as keen on the Internet and personal computers as the west, I don't think the internet is a (big) reason for Japan's increase in interest in anime

2018-09-02 07:26:02 UTC


2018-09-02 07:26:23 UTC

But there werent too many large anime prior to 2000

2018-09-02 07:26:26 UTC

Good thing I have Ehzek blocked.

2018-09-02 07:26:42 UTC

yea but that is also because anime got a late start

2018-09-02 07:26:49 UTC

Like there are more out this year than almost everything before 2000

2018-09-02 07:27:10 UTC

it is exponentially increasing yes

2018-09-02 07:27:10 UTC

That late start was because it was quite niche.

2018-09-02 07:27:36 UTC

Then when the big 3 took off it exploded everywhere hard

2018-09-02 07:27:51 UTC

no the late start is because it took until friggin' WW2-times imperial Japan to start making anime

2018-09-02 07:27:54 UTC

It wasnโ€™t until Sailor Moon came out and you had the 4-Kids dubs of animes that it became ridiculously popular.

2018-09-02 07:28:07 UTC

Naruto Bleach and One Piece made anime what it is now

2018-09-02 07:28:13 UTC

As in the West.

2018-09-02 07:28:25 UTC

DbZ Eva and Gundam laid the ground work

2018-09-02 07:28:28 UTC

and then it took until after the japs got rekt by America to start making "modern" anime

2018-09-02 07:28:36 UTC

Japanese animeโ€™s beginning is less relevant than itโ€™s spread in the West.

2018-09-02 07:28:51 UTC

not really

2018-09-02 07:29:05 UTC

it's not irrelevant, at least

2018-09-02 07:29:08 UTC

For this conversation, Inmean.

2018-09-02 07:29:09 UTC

not when you are talking about

2018-09-02 07:29:14 UTC

Anime dub companies struggle hard

2018-09-02 07:29:21 UTC

the early, beginnings of the two groups

2018-09-02 07:29:37 UTC

Funimation is just barely doing well now

2018-09-02 07:29:40 UTC

Furries began in the 1970โ€™s.

2018-09-02 07:29:58 UTC

And they were a branch-off of DND stuff.

2018-09-02 07:30:15 UTC

He is basically they are both nerd fandoms and he is upset furries are looked down on

2018-09-02 07:30:33 UTC

Despite furries doing nothing to ever further a positive image

2018-09-02 07:30:43 UTC

also a reason that anime is large and furry...dom(?) isn't is because furries are a small offshoot, an inherently niche group

2018-09-02 07:30:51 UTC

anime had an entire *country* to back it up

2018-09-02 07:31:00 UTC


2018-09-02 07:31:16 UTC

and a productive country at that

2018-09-02 07:31:30 UTC

Anime is a countries culture Furry is a degenerate sexual preference

2018-09-02 07:31:32 UTC

what with their crazy work-centricness

2018-09-02 07:32:50 UTC

But isnโ€™t that the origin of most fandoms? A small odd-shoot of one genre that eventually takes off and grows?

2018-09-02 07:33:02 UTC

Anime isnt a fandom

2018-09-02 07:33:13 UTC

Furries got it bad mainly because the media conflated it with โ€œbeastiality.โ€

2018-09-02 07:33:14 UTC

Its an entire countries animated media

2018-09-02 07:33:15 UTC

as Ehzek just said, anime is not a fandom

2018-09-02 07:33:54 UTC

anime is an entire country's form of entertainment, it is an extension of Japan's culture

2018-09-02 07:34:13 UTC

furries are just a weird group of people who like anthros

2018-09-02 07:34:28 UTC

Its like the difference between NFL and Fantasy Football

2018-09-02 07:34:31 UTC

which is something that could never be mainstream, or larger than it is

2018-09-02 07:34:36 UTC

NFL has fans

2018-09-02 07:34:45 UTC

FF is a fandom

2018-09-02 07:34:55 UTC

Anime is a fandom as well because they are a weird group of people obsessing over another countryโ€™s animation.

2018-09-02 07:35:16 UTC

in the west maybe, but the west isn't important to Japan and anime

2018-09-02 07:35:20 UTC

as I went over already

2018-09-02 07:35:26 UTC

You can be an anime fan and not in a fandom

2018-09-02 07:35:47 UTC

if an anime bombs in Japan, even if it is a huge hit in the west, companies don't care and will stop

2018-09-02 07:35:52 UTC

You cant be a furry fan and not in the furry fandom

2018-09-02 07:35:53 UTC

But it is important when considering the fact that weeaboos are not from Japan and are from other countries.

2018-09-02 07:36:03 UTC

That is the key difference

2018-09-02 07:36:21 UTC

Without furry fandom there are no furry at all

2018-09-02 07:36:40 UTC

yea but weaboos / western fans aren't all anime fans, a majority are actually Japanese

2018-09-02 07:36:59 UTC

Or european or russian etc

2018-09-02 07:37:15 UTC

No, that would not make sense.

2018-09-02 07:37:26 UTC

how do

2018-09-02 07:37:28 UTC


2018-09-02 07:37:51 UTC

A weeaboo is a term for someone from the west who is obsessed with anime.

2018-09-02 07:38:04 UTC

You cannot be Japanese and a weeaboo.

2018-09-02 07:38:26 UTC

Just like you cannot be British and a teeaboo or Korean and be a koreaboo.

2018-09-02 07:38:30 UTC

no, weaboos are people who obsess over anime *to the point they hold Japan on a pedestal*

2018-09-02 07:38:34 UTC

but anyway

2018-09-02 07:38:40 UTC

I never said Japanese fans are weaboos

2018-09-02 07:38:56 UTC

I said weaboos and western fans are not all anime fans

2018-09-02 07:39:03 UTC

Japanese people are the majority of anime fans

2018-09-02 07:39:18 UTC

But all weeaboos are into anime.

2018-09-02 07:39:32 UTC

Weebs are hardly a fandom

2018-09-02 07:39:41 UTC

Get that shit out of here

2018-09-02 07:39:48 UTC

...y-yea? just like all furries are into furry stuff

2018-09-02 07:39:49 UTC

Weebs are superfans

2018-09-02 07:39:54 UTC

idk what your point is lmao

2018-09-02 07:40:03 UTC

Weeb might as well be a mental illness

2018-09-02 07:40:18 UTC

that's like saying "Japanese people are from Japan"

2018-09-02 07:40:25 UTC

yea cool you stated a fact, congrats?

2018-09-02 07:40:35 UTC

If weebs are what you are talking about you just lose

2018-09-02 07:40:46 UTC

My point is that weeaboos are a fandom.

2018-09-02 07:41:02 UTC

Weebs arent even an anime fandom

2018-09-02 07:41:02 UTC

yea and they are a minority of a minority of fans

2018-09-02 07:41:06 UTC

Anime is not a fandom

2018-09-02 07:41:07 UTC

They are japan fans

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