
Discord ID: 444628704296173569

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2018-05-27 05:06:32 UTC

Dont think that question will get answered on Air

2018-05-27 05:06:40 UTC

but have you guys heard Elon Musk today

2018-05-27 05:06:44 UTC

Yeah, I thought that might be the case

2018-05-27 05:07:42 UTC

2018-05-27 05:08:03 UTC

Confirmed: Pansexuals aren't profitable

2018-05-27 05:08:53 UTC

Movie is gonna be considered a flop

2018-05-27 05:10:15 UTC

it will still make a net profit much larger than most movies in this day and age

2018-05-27 05:10:32 UTC

but compared to most Star Wars films, that's a flop

2018-05-27 05:11:19 UTC

Jew York Times

2018-05-27 05:11:20 UTC

why do they gotta make lando a fag

2018-05-27 05:11:31 UTC

2018-05-27 05:14:15 UTC

Star Wars needs to die

2018-05-27 05:15:00 UTC

AP is supercuck

2018-05-27 05:16:00 UTC

Star Wars does need to die. This is coming one of the most autistic Star Wars fan in the server.

2018-05-27 05:16:09 UTC

Glad Tom brought up Elon Musk. This is very important to keep an eye on, Especially since Elon is a super celebrity in our world.

2018-05-27 05:16:13 UTC

And Yeah i agree

2018-05-27 05:16:23 UTC

2018-05-27 05:16:30 UTC


2018-05-27 05:16:55 UTC

My liberal cousin follows Elon and a lot of liberals do, He could be key to cracking liberal's minds open

2018-05-27 05:16:59 UTC

CNN doesn't want Communism, it wants the neoliberal Future that is Aku

2018-05-27 05:18:34 UTC


2018-05-27 05:18:36 UTC


2018-05-27 05:18:40 UTC

Stan Lee has to deal with death hoaxes all the time

2018-05-27 05:18:59 UTC

Stan Lee called out fake news and agreed with Elon, WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING

2018-05-27 05:19:37 UTC

My two heros are becoming gods right before my eyes

2018-05-27 05:19:53 UTC

does anyone know if the regular get page is back? <:GWfroggyMonkaChrist:398950551422894080>

2018-05-27 05:20:05 UTC

It's not yet

2018-05-27 05:23:18 UTC


2018-05-27 05:24:37 UTC

wiser/boomer tier are two expressions that don't go together

2018-05-27 05:26:55 UTC

I personally like discord alot more now than the FB pages.... Not so much the pages it's just nice being away from fb

2018-05-27 05:27:36 UTC

too much cancer on fb

2018-05-27 05:27:58 UTC

I have people from my hometown added and it makes me want to move everyday

2018-05-27 05:28:07 UTC

Do you think that western Europe can be saved from the debacle that the European Union put them in?

2018-05-27 05:28:46 UTC

Imo the window of oppurtinity is closing to democratically save europe

2018-05-27 05:28:50 UTC

*Coughs* Black death

2018-05-27 05:28:53 UTC

not really lol

2018-05-27 05:29:09 UTC

with all the untamed immigration if those eu cucks arent voted out itll be too late

2018-05-27 05:29:37 UTC

of course theres always the good ol 1776 type reveloution

2018-05-27 05:29:40 UTC

6% of the population killed in American civil war

2018-05-27 05:30:16 UTC

*Earrape American Anthem*

2018-05-27 05:30:26 UTC

not sure if europians have it in then to use force to overthrow their governments tho

2018-05-27 05:30:51 UTC

more like

2018-05-27 05:30:55 UTC

*earrape johnny comes marching home*

2018-05-27 05:31:51 UTC

tbh this is the first time ive actually looked in the get discord

2018-05-27 05:31:52 UTC

*Context* The European Union has 'voted' for mandatory immigration quotas, (Voted being loosely used as minimal people actually voted for it) to basically get x amount off people into the country per year. Of couse, that means the mass importation of Islam and the third world.

2018-05-27 05:32:12 UTC

whats the live call in server?

2018-05-27 05:32:12 UTC

they also don't have guns

2018-05-27 05:32:17 UTC


2018-05-27 05:32:23 UTC

fuck thats tru

2018-05-27 05:32:30 UTC

maybe europe is lost

2018-05-27 05:32:31 UTC

lmao hawk we were answering your question

2018-05-27 05:32:39 UTC

live call is the audio stream of the show

2018-05-27 05:36:12 UTC
^check amazon reviews to see if they are legitimate

2018-05-27 05:39:37 UTC

yall got a link to the show? if there is a video version?

2018-05-27 05:40:12 UTC

Will Trump ever sit down with nk

2018-05-27 05:40:29 UTC

What is your opinion on what is going on in South Africa?

2018-05-27 05:40:54 UTC

Is gen Z really redpilled?

2018-05-27 05:40:54 UTC

What a time to be alive
The communists control the media, so now there is a 90% reduction in late-night television viewing
To think: the communists got Americans to give up the cancer that is mindless television

2018-05-27 05:41:46 UTC

2018-05-27 05:43:32 UTC

Is anime degenerate?

2018-05-27 05:43:45 UTC

Woohoo. Im still learning a lot about American politics, but what sort of communists would you say we are dealing with most? Are they trying to actually follow the communists of old, or are they an entire new breed of horrifying?

2018-05-27 05:44:10 UTC

I am still advocating for a
"Make Killing Communists Great Again"

2018-05-27 05:45:20 UTC


2018-05-27 05:45:26 UTC

The communists we are dealing with today are most often so damn stupid they don't even know anything about the communism they advocate for

2018-05-27 05:45:40 UTC


2018-05-27 05:45:42 UTC

and yes, all anime is degenerate

2018-05-27 05:45:46 UTC

full metal panic is not degenerate

2018-05-27 05:45:49 UTC

2018-05-27 05:45:53 UTC

what you say about my annie mays

2018-05-27 05:45:57 UTC

okay honey

2018-05-27 05:46:12 UTC

tfw anime is degenerate <:GWfroggyFeelsUpMan:400751139563241473>

2018-05-27 05:46:23 UTC

2018-05-27 05:46:31 UTC


2018-05-27 05:46:36 UTC


2018-05-27 05:47:01 UTC

2018-05-27 05:47:16 UTC

I still watch it, not everyone was born redpilled, unfortunately i still have some bluepilled hobbies and interests

2018-05-27 05:47:43 UTC

Koberos Panzer Kops is the only true Redpilled Anime

2018-05-27 05:47:44 UTC

2018-05-27 05:47:48 UTC

2018-05-27 05:48:44 UTC

May i add that what is happening in South Africa, has alot of marxism into it.

2018-05-27 05:48:51 UTC

2018-05-27 05:49:00 UTC

anime is degenerate

2018-05-27 05:49:04 UTC

uhhh try again

2018-05-27 05:50:01 UTC

In my defense, the Death Korps of Krieg are one of my armies. Im sorry, Im an Imperial Guard player ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-05-27 05:50:02 UTC

2018-05-27 05:50:04 UTC

2018-05-27 05:50:09 UTC

do the globalist elites really think they will be able to tame the muslim hordes into submission if they succeed in replacing the western populace?

2018-05-27 05:50:17 UTC

2018-05-27 05:50:21 UTC

It's called "Cultural Subversion" or "Cultural Marxism"

2018-05-27 05:50:34 UTC

this communist infiltration of our culture since the 40s or 50s

2018-05-27 05:51:00 UTC

M c C a r t h y
W a s
R i g h t

2018-05-27 05:51:56 UTC

If anything, China would want to get rid of the native blacks first. As far as I know, their primary interest in Africa is more land for agriculture

2018-05-27 05:52:07 UTC


2018-05-27 05:52:15 UTC

Communism been a problem in Africa since the 1960s

2018-05-27 05:52:26 UTC

What China is doing in SA is what europeans did 300 years ago, they are trying to colonize Africa and use the blacks to procure vast amounts of recources such as diamonds

2018-05-27 05:52:47 UTC

China just picked up the torch from the Soviets!

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