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2017-07-31 06:52:23 UTC

But Globalism is also enticing because it will help focus development in space

2017-07-31 06:52:35 UTC

The good thing about agrarianism is that you can work towards it right now. Your life is your activism.

2017-07-31 06:53:06 UTC

We already go to space chad

2017-07-31 06:53:09 UTC


2017-07-31 06:53:26 UTC

Chad, do you have a life?

2017-07-31 06:53:43 UTC

Why do you waste your life on here, Chad?

2017-07-31 06:53:47 UTC

2017-07-31 06:54:04 UTC

Parenting troubles, Chad?

2017-07-31 06:54:15 UTC

2017-07-31 06:54:52 UTC

@Deleted User Don't leave Chad, it's ok

2017-07-31 06:54:57 UTC

don't mean to hurt your feelings

2017-07-31 06:55:44 UTC

What is the logic behind that, Thundercock?

2017-07-31 06:56:29 UTC

Well Chad

2017-07-31 06:56:37 UTC

I agree with that train of thought

2017-07-31 06:56:43 UTC

and that's exactly why i'm not for globalism

2017-07-31 06:57:03 UTC

Globalism if it's purely white sure

2017-07-31 06:57:12 UTC

But not if 90% are asian and black

2017-07-31 06:57:20 UTC

I don't think you understand chad

2017-07-31 06:57:24 UTC

not everyone on here is communist

2017-07-31 07:00:39 UTC

2017-07-31 07:03:52 UTC

2017-07-31 07:05:40 UTC

Heaven exists.

2017-07-31 07:05:55 UTC

2017-07-31 07:08:49 UTC

2017-07-31 07:09:14 UTC

2017-07-31 07:13:00 UTC

2017-07-31 07:14:25 UTC

2017-07-31 07:15:37 UTC

2017-07-31 07:17:18 UTC

2017-07-31 07:18:20 UTC

2017-07-31 07:19:21 UTC

2017-07-31 07:26:00 UTC

agrarianism is past

2017-07-31 07:26:30 UTC

And yet new.

2017-07-31 07:26:37 UTC

no it's ancient

2017-07-31 07:27:21 UTC

this is why we need mind upload and the ability to live in our own imaginary world permanently and be hooked up to computers at birth

2017-07-31 07:27:50 UTC

That's a fake reality.

2017-07-31 07:27:57 UTC


2017-07-31 07:28:01 UTC

reality is fake in the first place

2017-07-31 07:28:09 UTC

your ego creates it

2017-07-31 07:28:31 UTC

Agrarianism is purest existence and man's perfect state.

2017-07-31 07:28:39 UTC

maybe in your idealized vision

2017-07-31 07:28:52 UTC

which is why you should live in a hyperreal simulation of it

2017-07-31 07:28:59 UTC

we should all have this right

2017-07-31 07:29:08 UTC

this should be the actual future

2017-07-31 07:29:56 UTC

personal dream worlds that are our true subjective reality realized to us

2017-07-31 07:31:52 UTC

basically the matrix, but we all know it's fake and that it doesn't exist to serve life force-harvesting machines

2017-07-31 07:31:56 UTC

Why complicate what is already clear and simple.

2017-07-31 07:32:03 UTC

because that is selfish

2017-07-31 07:32:10 UTC

you want to affect the actual universe

2017-07-31 07:32:18 UTC

hurt people, possibly

2017-07-31 07:32:23 UTC


2017-07-31 07:32:30 UTC

most revolutionary plans end up with someone being hurt

2017-07-31 07:32:36 UTC

Anarcho-Agrarianism is the most ethical way of life.

2017-07-31 07:32:53 UTC

yeah but before you get there you murder a bunch of 'counterrevolutionaries'

2017-07-31 07:33:19 UTC

That depends. It is easy to practice.

2017-07-31 07:33:40 UTC

this desire to affect the actual universe is the filthy part

2017-07-31 07:33:43 UTC

Violence is only needed when we are denied our existence.

2017-07-31 07:34:31 UTC

what is the difference between a hyperreal simulation directly projected onto your intellect and the actual universe projecting itself onto your intellect?

2017-07-31 07:35:31 UTC

It's both your brain decoding signals, it's just that in one, you can actually harm people and probably will. In the other, everything is already the way you want it to be and you control it and can change it if you want.

2017-07-31 07:35:55 UTC

And you don't have to buy food or medicine anymore

2017-07-31 07:37:33 UTC

That's vulgar and convoluted. Life is simple and the best life is also simple.

2017-07-31 07:37:39 UTC


2017-07-31 07:37:49 UTC

i disagree strongly

2017-07-31 07:38:03 UTC

i love what luxuries i can afford

2017-07-31 07:38:44 UTC

if there was a world where i could do anything, i would jump at the opportunity

2017-07-31 07:39:31 UTC

>I have a few acres on which I grow some veggies and I am pretty okay with such a life so every human on earth should be

2017-07-31 07:39:51 UTC

yeah i mean, i get it, sounds nice

2017-07-31 07:39:56 UTC

but not everyone likes it

2017-07-31 07:40:00 UTC

or would want to actually live it

2017-07-31 07:40:44 UTC

>because being uneducated peasants with a life expectancy of 40 years is the way humanity was always destined to be

2017-07-31 07:41:15 UTC

meh, life expectancy is averaged from all ages

2017-07-31 07:41:34 UTC

our life expectancy is 'high' today because infant mortality is down

2017-07-31 07:41:57 UTC

if you survived being born, it's likely you would live to your late 60s anywhere in the ancient world

2017-07-31 07:42:04 UTC

people just married young because fucking is fun

2017-07-31 07:42:11 UTC

I can use that objection to anything, "but people won't like it". It is the happiest way to life. I don't know what else to tell you.

2017-07-31 07:42:28 UTC

again, you are calling your ego objective

2017-07-31 07:42:41 UTC

the only thing that is objective is what you see, the universe projected onto your ego

2017-07-31 07:42:48 UTC

>people won't like it
>happiest way of life

no contradiction here?

2017-07-31 07:42:58 UTC

anything you have to say *about* that is ego

2017-07-31 07:43:05 UTC

But they will like. That was the handwave I was referring to.

2017-07-31 07:43:14 UTC

Not everyone. Not most.

2017-07-31 07:43:19 UTC

Unless you went to Africa.

2017-07-31 07:43:28 UTC

Or rural China

2017-07-31 07:43:35 UTC

Or any other third world area.

2017-07-31 07:43:50 UTC

Westerners will never give up their technology.

2017-07-31 07:43:53 UTC

It's just so obvious and straightforward how good and easy the answer is.

2017-07-31 07:44:16 UTC

Yeah! Nuke everyone!

2017-07-31 07:44:25 UTC

Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever.

2017-07-31 07:44:51 UTC

>developing technology for a few hundred more years and living like gods with a robotic slave work force is worse than going back 3000 years and living like niggers in Africa

2017-07-31 07:45:11 UTC

I fully endorse the voluntary human extinction movement

2017-07-31 07:46:59 UTC

Hitler had a serious chance of building a paradise, if only it wasn't for him being stopped by (((outside forces)))

2017-07-31 07:47:50 UTC

no he didn't, he was a neurotic freak who would have killed anyone for more control over more of the globe

2017-07-31 07:47:58 UTC

he shot himself in the head in a bunker

2017-07-31 07:48:20 UTC

and his best scientists fled the country or were bought off by higher bidders

2017-07-31 07:48:29 UTC

after fighting until it was no longer technically possible

2017-07-31 07:48:38 UTC

waste of life

2017-07-31 07:48:47 UTC

he played with citizens like pawns

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