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2017-06-30 10:15:15 UTC

wasnt john lennon an anarchist

2017-06-30 10:15:19 UTC

or am i wrong?

2017-06-30 10:15:27 UTC

poke your eye flick your beard and when you respond in violence theyve got you

2017-06-30 10:15:37 UTC

i beleive he was yes

2017-06-30 10:15:57 UTC

id say he was an ancom

2017-06-30 10:16:01 UTC

i dont understand anarchy at all, how do people think it could possible work

2017-06-30 10:16:05 UTC


2017-06-30 10:16:13 UTC


2017-06-30 10:16:21 UTC

Lennon knew the truth, he was anything but anarchist

2017-06-30 10:16:29 UTC

problem is someone will always want to be in power

2017-06-30 10:16:35 UTC

we should know by now that we couldnt get near enough people to volunteer

2017-06-30 10:16:44 UTC

people are lazy and will always find loopholes

2017-06-30 10:16:54 UTC

the debate goes round and round on that one

2017-06-30 10:17:02 UTC

anarchy is basically an impossible utopia

2017-06-30 10:17:28 UTC

yeah i dont spend too much time trying to figure out how to make anarchism work

2017-06-30 10:17:35 UTC

not anymore

2017-06-30 10:17:49 UTC

no point really considering no one would ever dare try

2017-06-30 10:17:55 UTC

well the hippies did

2017-06-30 10:18:03 UTC

that worked well i suppose

2017-06-30 10:18:14 UTC

i beleive in small independant communities

2017-06-30 10:18:17 UTC

The strength of the right, fascists, is their strong image. Protectors and guardians of what you hold dear. This is a lie. While you serve private property you are always setting up your next enemy.

2017-06-30 10:18:29 UTC

it didn't work

2017-06-30 10:18:34 UTC

it only works until supplies run out

2017-06-30 10:18:40 UTC

@Robin youre right, anarchy and communism works best in a small community

2017-06-30 10:18:49 UTC

too much state power is hurting people but to make it work say in the us you would basically have to dissolve the us

2017-06-30 10:19:29 UTC

Burning Man can function for a week because there are people with deep pockets there that are sponsoring most of supplies such as water/food/electricity.. take those people away and you have canibalism and rape

2017-06-30 10:19:46 UTC

down to self governing towns even states would be too big for such a system

2017-06-30 10:19:57 UTC

@((())) think about hippies, then youll understand that it could work in small communities

2017-06-30 10:20:05 UTC

2017-06-30 10:20:12 UTC

have you ever lived in a commune?

2017-06-30 10:20:24 UTC

that would be interesting if i have

2017-06-30 10:20:40 UTC

why aren't there well known hippy communities all over the place?

2017-06-30 10:20:46 UTC

i have

2017-06-30 10:20:51 UTC

why is it always the land owner gets to fuck all the girls?

2017-06-30 10:20:59 UTC

because people like Charles Manson ruined them @((()))

2017-06-30 10:21:08 UTC

what was it like Polly

2017-06-30 10:21:09 UTC

they still exist

2017-06-30 10:21:31 UTC

it was nice we had a farm we produced pretty much everything we needed

2017-06-30 10:21:31 UTC

hmmm, that's a bad way of thinking.. it's like same as saying Hitler ruined Swastica

2017-06-30 10:21:39 UTC

he did

2017-06-30 10:21:40 UTC

solar power and generators

2017-06-30 10:21:46 UTC

not for me

2017-06-30 10:21:49 UTC

sold produce

2017-06-30 10:22:07 UTC


2017-06-30 10:22:07 UTC

the problem with communes now are that they are commonly thought of as cults

2017-06-30 10:22:22 UTC

@Deleted User Hello, friend.

2017-06-30 10:22:29 UTC
2017-06-30 10:22:35 UTC

it can be done in different ways the one i was in had some unfortunate qualities too

2017-06-30 10:22:43 UTC

like what

2017-06-30 10:22:54 UTC

gender segregation

2017-06-30 10:22:55 UTC

cult is not a bad word

2017-06-30 10:22:59 UTC

cult is short for culture

2017-06-30 10:23:02 UTC

hmmm thats interesting

2017-06-30 10:23:07 UTC

it's time to sieze the means of production

2017-06-30 10:23:38 UTC

and the owner of the farm was kind of an asshole tbh

2017-06-30 10:23:45 UTC

i always thought communes would be very liberal with genders

2017-06-30 10:23:51 UTC

antifa should go to Venezuella right now to get some real training on revolution if they want to achieve anything of value

2017-06-30 10:24:00 UTC

depends who is running them

2017-06-30 10:24:01 UTC

Anarchism does not solve world capitalism. I don;t want to start a fight, but there it is. Only strong socialist power can create enough force to overcome imperialist powers.

2017-06-30 10:24:01 UTC

Venezuella is not far from USA and cheap to get to

2017-06-30 10:24:29 UTC

i just dont think that can be acheived o a grand scale

2017-06-30 10:24:46 UTC


2017-06-30 10:25:02 UTC

because people are naturally corrupt imo

2017-06-30 10:25:14 UTC

ive been looking at land in wyoming its actually rather cheap

2017-06-30 10:25:37 UTC

you can buy like fifty acres for less then a hundred thousand dollars

2017-06-30 10:25:41 UTC

what the hell is that

2017-06-30 10:25:42 UTC


2017-06-30 10:25:44 UTC

thats good

2017-06-30 10:25:54 UTC

what is what @Deleted User

2017-06-30 10:26:08 UTC

apparantly a state

2017-06-30 10:26:13 UTC


2017-06-30 10:26:20 UTC

its the best bet imo to purchase private land and set up independant communities

2017-06-30 10:26:37 UTC

Get your shit together chink โค

2017-06-30 10:26:39 UTC

its worked for the amish for a long time

2017-06-30 10:26:56 UTC

well the thing with a hole bunch of independent communities is that there is always one nutjob to ruin it all

2017-06-30 10:27:08 UTC

yeah thats true

2017-06-30 10:27:15 UTC

my shits fine man

2017-06-30 10:27:20 UTC

Amish could be crushed faster than ISIS.

2017-06-30 10:27:26 UTC

true lol

2017-06-30 10:27:27 UTC

who the hell names a state wyoming anyways

2017-06-30 10:27:31 UTC

but going back to the amish theyve managed it for ages

2017-06-30 10:27:31 UTC

but that isnt a bad thing

2017-06-30 10:28:04 UTC

Amish are not posing revolutionary ambitions.

2017-06-30 10:28:19 UTC

If they did, they would get the WACO treatment.

2017-06-30 10:28:27 UTC

hundreds of years the amish have managed to make it work

2017-06-30 10:28:37 UTC

That's true.

2017-06-30 10:28:41 UTC

since seventeen seventies

2017-06-30 10:28:52 UTC

i think they make it work because they all thrive on moral values from the bible

2017-06-30 10:29:05 UTC

its not like they can be whatever religion they want

2017-06-30 10:29:09 UTC

my numbers are broken thats why i spell the numbers out i need a new keyboard

2017-06-30 10:29:24 UTC

they also dont recruit

2017-06-30 10:29:33 UTC

they dont? huh

2017-06-30 10:29:38 UTC

i didnt know that

2017-06-30 10:29:45 UTC

and members of the amish community do have the choice to leave

2017-06-30 10:30:02 UTC

it's an ethnic culture pretty much

2017-06-30 10:30:09 UTC

theres something called rumspringa where young amish kids get to make that choice

2017-06-30 10:30:34 UTC

they are encouraged to go out into the world and decide which life they want

2017-06-30 10:30:51 UTC

basically a baptism

2017-06-30 10:30:57 UTC

Let's get one thing straight. Amish survive because they are not a threat. If they were they would all be dead. When they get as big as Mexico, look out.

2017-06-30 10:31:16 UTC

the amish are not a threat to anyone

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