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2018-02-24 18:19:05 UTC

2018-02-24 18:19:40 UTC

Show me when it has actually been implemented, you can't

2018-02-24 18:19:46 UTC

State Capitalists don't count

2018-02-24 18:20:13 UTC

*it was never REALLLL cummunism*

2018-02-24 18:20:31 UTC

Show me then

2018-02-24 18:20:33 UTC

so if I make a dictatorial regime and kill innocent people and call it capitalism can we vilify capitalism

2018-02-24 18:20:47 UTC

nerd makes a good point

2018-02-24 18:20:52 UTC

Sure @nerd

2018-02-24 18:21:22 UTC

But they have to be people

2018-02-24 18:21:25 UTC

So no commies

2018-02-24 18:21:28 UTC

Or asians

2018-02-24 18:22:01 UTC

ah I thought we were arguing in good faith, even overlooked the trolling background of your meme

2018-02-24 18:22:34 UTC

Heh nah, I've debated with enough commies man

2018-02-24 18:22:39 UTC

I just fuck with em now

2018-02-24 18:23:02 UTC

Doesn't this room have mods to deal with fascists and neonazis white supremacist like chill?

2018-02-24 18:23:16 UTC

I'm a jewish centrist

2018-02-24 18:23:19 UTC

But sure

2018-02-24 18:24:03 UTC

Ben Sharpiro is also jewish. A jewish neonazi. Don't think you can pull that shit in 2018.

2018-02-24 18:24:07 UTC

centrism <:OMEGALUL:406325000874885130>

2018-02-24 18:24:08 UTC

And no they beleive in freedom of speech

2018-02-24 18:24:19 UTC

Lmao how is he a neonazi

2018-02-24 18:24:24 UTC

U cucked as shit

2018-02-24 18:24:48 UTC

Sorta libertarian @nerd

2018-02-24 18:24:50 UTC

You've already establushed you're not arguing in good faith so I'm not wasting more time on you

2018-02-24 18:24:55 UTC

More of ehhhhhhh

2018-02-24 18:25:03 UTC

A non agressionist

2018-02-24 18:25:11 UTC

Me myself am a pacifist

2018-02-24 18:26:00 UTC

What are some good discords to join? I got it the other day, only found /leftypol/ and /g/ so far

2018-02-24 18:26:16 UTC


2018-02-24 18:26:21 UTC

That's a good one

2018-02-24 18:26:35 UTC


2018-02-24 18:26:44 UTC

do you mean 8chan /pol/? Lmao no thanks

2018-02-24 18:26:49 UTC

Lmao no

2018-02-24 18:27:01 UTC

There's a server called politics

2018-02-24 18:27:04 UTC

Look it up

2018-02-24 18:27:09 UTC

How do I find it?

2018-02-24 18:27:16 UTC

I'm in one called political talk but it's full of fascists

2018-02-24 18:27:31 UTC
2018-02-24 18:27:35 UTC

there are like 10 fascists for every lefty

2018-02-24 18:28:04 UTC

I get along better with fashy bois then I do lefty bois

2018-02-24 18:28:20 UTC

I get along with everyone as long as they're sincere

2018-02-24 18:28:23 UTC

The fashy take joke better

2018-02-24 18:28:35 UTC

In all honesty fascism is pretty shit

2018-02-24 18:28:41 UTC

But they cool people

2018-02-24 18:28:51 UTC

no they're not

2018-02-24 18:28:58 UTC

They are

2018-02-24 18:29:08 UTC

I can't respect /pol/ people. 90% fed agents , 9% schizophrenics

2018-02-24 18:29:17 UTC

1% actually intelligent humans

2018-02-24 18:29:19 UTC

think about what fascism is and the kind of person you have to be to believe it

2018-02-24 18:29:24 UTC

not cool people

2018-02-24 18:29:29 UTC

Cool people

2018-02-24 18:29:49 UTC

Every fascist I've met have been hella nice to me

2018-02-24 18:30:02 UTC

Same wit the natsocs

2018-02-24 18:30:06 UTC

I can't fucking tell you how dumb it is to argue against "objective morality" shit isn't possible

2018-02-24 18:30:23 UTC

it's just unfalsifiable claims

2018-02-24 18:30:37 UTC

I just don't like authoritarianism much

2018-02-24 18:30:44 UTC

I like tradition and nationalism

2018-02-24 18:30:55 UTC

But I like liberty n freedom also

2018-02-24 18:31:07 UTC

nationalism is retarded

2018-02-24 18:31:11 UTC

It's not tho

2018-02-24 18:31:23 UTC

Being proud of your nation and people is not retarded

2018-02-24 18:31:27 UTC

when youre a nationalist but dont realy want to share anything with your people, nice dude

2018-02-24 18:31:27 UTC

yes it is

2018-02-24 18:31:44 UTC

Liberty and freedom will be granted to all once we kill the billionaires upholding the neocon and liberal orthodoxy

2018-02-24 18:31:57 UTC

Killing anyone is lame

2018-02-24 18:32:07 UTC

@nerd#0001 are you from West Europe or the Anglosphere

2018-02-24 18:32:13 UTC
2018-02-24 18:32:16 UTC

I mean symbolically

2018-02-24 18:32:20 UTC

Strip them off their assets

2018-02-24 18:32:28 UTC

then youve got nothing to say about nationalism human garbage

2018-02-24 18:32:33 UTC

fuck the West

2018-02-24 18:32:44 UTC


2018-02-24 18:32:48 UTC

I don't like it either but I didn't choose to be born here

2018-02-24 18:32:48 UTC

@nerd#0001 The only argument I have seen you make against nationalism is "DERR U R JUS TAKN CREDIT FUR THINS U DIDNT DO!"

2018-02-24 18:32:49 UTC

America's dope

2018-02-24 18:33:07 UTC

@Deleted User yep you are though

2018-02-24 18:33:07 UTC

But the elite need to fuck off it

2018-02-24 18:33:17 UTC

Most of which are jews

2018-02-24 18:33:32 UTC

it's not like you worked hard to get to be born in your country either

2018-02-24 18:33:39 UTC

it's just irrelevant

2018-02-24 18:33:59 UTC

If /pol/ and /leftypol/ had intelligent members they'd cooperate on ways to harm the billionaire establishment. instead I see them all supporting google from top to bottom

2018-02-24 18:34:20 UTC


2018-02-24 18:34:21 UTC

Google sucks dick

2018-02-24 18:34:28 UTC

Fuck bill Gates also

2018-02-24 18:34:45 UTC

They all spying on us man

2018-02-24 18:34:47 UTC

@nerd#0001 We are not "taking pride in things we didn't do", we are taking pride in the NATION we were born into, as well as our race, for they have made our lives and future possible, and have carved out great legacies as well, and it is our duty to continue that legacy, as well as our race.

2018-02-24 18:34:50 UTC

I hope for another iron curtain so we can economicaly and politicaly isolate ourselves from the cancer of the world, the West

2018-02-24 18:34:59 UTC

And then starve

2018-02-24 18:35:06 UTC

@nerd#0001 But no, you don't want to hear a word I have to say.

2018-02-24 18:35:11 UTC

nice one brainlet

2018-02-24 18:35:15 UTC


2018-02-24 18:35:17 UTC

I try

2018-02-24 18:35:20 UTC

you didn't build the nation you were born into

2018-02-24 18:35:37 UTC

2018-02-24 18:35:51 UTC

@nerd#0001 It was our people that built the nation, I have every right to have pride in our nation, and our people, for how great they are.

2018-02-24 18:35:56 UTC

MEMRI TV is hate speech, got banned from twitter

2018-02-24 18:36:06 UTC

Hate speech is free speech

2018-02-24 18:36:11 UTC

@swack Hate speech? Sounds like a thought crime to me.

2018-02-24 18:36:14 UTC

Free speech is a right

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