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2017-06-06 03:55:57 UTC

fullscale automation of literally everything

2017-06-06 03:56:00 UTC

no one has to work

2017-06-06 03:56:03 UTC

or do anything, really

2017-06-06 03:56:04 UTC

@Deleted User nothing is promised.

2017-06-06 03:56:25 UTC

It is all at our discretion.

2017-06-06 03:56:29 UTC

wouldn't the effect of communism have terrible effects on the human psyche

2017-06-06 03:56:34 UTC


2017-06-06 03:56:43 UTC

It would remove the burden of work from mans soul.

2017-06-06 03:56:50 UTC

Supposedly this frees the worker

2017-06-06 03:56:50 UTC

that's what i'm getting at

2017-06-06 03:57:08 UTC

@Firefly what do you say about it?

2017-06-06 03:57:12 UTC

See you're arriving st the fundamental Marxian mistake.

2017-06-06 03:57:19 UTC

That work is misery.

2017-06-06 03:57:24 UTC

Lazy lazy niggers.

2017-06-06 03:57:42 UTC

@Deleted User do you understand that communism is not a promise?

2017-06-06 03:57:53 UTC

2017-06-06 03:58:01 UTC

It's a credit scam

2017-06-06 03:58:23 UTC

more like a ponzi scheme

2017-06-06 03:58:25 UTC

Leverage all your assets for revolution!!!

2017-06-06 03:58:32 UTC


2017-06-06 03:58:33 UTC

I do not promise anybody anything. And I'm Marxist-Leninist.

2017-06-06 03:58:43 UTC

ur a dildo

2017-06-06 03:58:55 UTC

well, wouldn't the ideal communist society embrace widespread automation?

2017-06-06 03:59:05 UTC

>I'm a Marxist Leninist

2017-06-06 03:59:23 UTC

at least mao had great memes

2017-06-06 03:59:29 UTC


2017-06-06 03:59:38 UTC

2017-06-06 03:59:59 UTC

Advertisers love commies.

2017-06-06 04:00:34 UTC

itt we post esoteric chinese memes

2017-06-06 04:01:25 UTC


2017-06-06 04:02:50 UTC

china did revolution 100x better

2017-06-06 04:04:01 UTC

>han immigrants will reclaim the entirety of mongolia and russian manchuria in your lifetime

2017-06-06 04:04:15 UTC

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ

2017-06-06 04:23:34 UTC


2017-06-06 06:52:42 UTC

@Deleted User When socialism progresses to a point where economic emancipation of the proletariat is reached, then the state will fall out of use and become an antiquated structure. Communism is the result of sufficient social advancement, mankind breaking into a higher mode of being no longer reliant on state directions.

2017-06-06 06:54:30 UTC

@rockcop#6185 Welcome, comrade.

2017-06-06 06:54:32 UTC

i'm just trying to get the full picture

2017-06-06 06:56:44 UTC

isnt there another discord server like this or did that one get deleted/

2017-06-06 06:57:52 UTC

the question that i keep wondering is: once communism has taken effect, how different would the children of the generation who established it actually be?

2017-06-06 06:58:31 UTC

purely hypothetical

2017-06-06 07:00:56 UTC

Which part bothers you? What do you anticipate?

2017-06-06 07:01:06 UTC

it doesn't bother me

2017-06-06 07:04:31 UTC

their children would grow up without agency or work ethics, it seems to me that if communism ever truly was, hypothetically, established, that it wouldn't last longer than a single generation due to the loss of value and ideas

2017-06-06 07:05:33 UTC

it seems like it would serve a single generation

2017-06-06 07:06:05 UTC

That is the role of socialism. To guide this process.

2017-06-06 07:06:25 UTC

To avoid the things you just mentioned.

2017-06-06 07:07:02 UTC

and how can that be maintained when there is no state to enforce it?

2017-06-06 07:08:38 UTC

whether or not what a parent instructs their sons and daughters, there is no guarantee they can absorb their message simply by being told or instructed or... however the idea would even continue to be propagated.

2017-06-06 07:08:52 UTC

Teach a child to swim before you throw him in the deep end.

2017-06-06 07:09:13 UTC

but there is no water for him to swim in

2017-06-06 07:09:27 UTC

the idea is there, but labor is gone, effectively

2017-06-06 07:12:44 UTC

The state, if doing its function, dissolves over time because it losses relevance. I do not see how it would disappear over night.

2017-06-06 07:14:16 UTC

the assumption is that it's already dissolved

2017-06-06 07:14:44 UTC

remember, this is only a hypothetical scenario

2017-06-06 07:15:54 UTC

Yes, I am assuming to what I have read about Marxism.

2017-06-06 07:18:37 UTC

It may be true that humanity is not ready to lose its training wheels of socialism.

2017-06-06 07:18:58 UTC

it's an interesting subject to think about

2017-06-06 07:19:20 UTC

the transfer of values seems incredibly important, especially in any society that could be called "utopia"

2017-06-06 07:21:09 UTC

Social conditions shape values, not the other way around. Socialism must cultivate correct social conditions.

2017-06-06 07:23:31 UTC

well i didn't say otherwise

2017-06-06 07:24:21 UTC

but i can see how the reverse is easily true

2017-06-06 07:26:32 UTC

if someone thinks eating meat is bad they'll probably avoid doing so themselves and might even just tell others to do similar

2017-06-06 07:26:39 UTC

That depends if you are an idealist or materialist.

2017-06-06 07:28:19 UTC

i think they shape eachother

2017-06-06 07:28:26 UTC

Historical conditions determine values, I think. Not magically created from the mind or somewhere else.

2017-06-06 07:30:26 UTC

don't know enough english to even begin talking about something like that

2017-06-06 07:31:10 UTC

the human mind anyways

2017-06-06 07:31:50 UTC

i do think ideas can appear randomly, personally

2017-06-06 07:32:03 UTC

there's so much wild stuff in this world, but i don't have any idea how to even begin arguing that

2017-06-06 07:32:28 UTC

It is not a question of mind, but what causes it.

2017-06-06 07:33:31 UTC

That knowledge is objective and knowable.

2017-06-06 07:35:19 UTC

there is spontaneous thought though

2017-06-06 07:38:16 UTC

Where does that come from?

2017-06-06 07:38:30 UTC


2017-06-06 07:40:02 UTC

just the mind itself

2017-06-06 07:40:15 UTC

or maybe god, if you believe

2017-06-06 07:41:22 UTC

The mind creates thoughts from nothing?

2017-06-06 07:43:58 UTC

obviously not all thought, however, i believe it is true that simple thoughts and ideas can appear quite literally out of the blue

2017-06-06 07:44:50 UTC

like dreams and daydreaming

2017-06-06 07:45:59 UTC

But there is nothing supernatural about daydreams.

2017-06-06 07:46:38 UTC

rate me fam

2017-06-06 07:48:19 UTC

well, that's not entirely true OR false, actually (or maybe it is, but we can't verify it (yet?))

2017-06-06 07:48:52 UTC

the science of understanding dreams and the like is pretty incomplete

2017-06-06 07:49:52 UTC

Science is never complete.

2017-06-06 07:51:28 UTC

this was a nice discussion but i have to leave for work now

2017-06-06 07:51:35 UTC


2017-06-06 07:51:50 UTC

its a shame others dont join in too

2017-06-06 07:52:16 UTC

Be careful what you wish for.

2017-06-06 07:52:20 UTC


2017-06-06 07:52:24 UTC


2017-06-06 07:52:30 UTC

@Deleted User daydream is your imagination.

2017-06-06 07:52:38 UTC

Material thought.

2017-06-06 07:54:14 UTC

It is induced and carried by matter.

2017-06-06 07:55:04 UTC

The consciousnesses swims in unconscious and guards are off.

2017-06-06 07:56:22 UTC

So the perception of something external is a perception of oneself. But the self is too disconnected from its parts, shizoid.

2017-06-06 07:57:01 UTC

Schizophrenia is very similar to religion.

2017-06-06 07:57:23 UTC

But religion is treatable.

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