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2017-10-01 00:17:21 UTC

Why used to?

2017-10-01 00:17:29 UTC


2017-10-01 00:25:13 UTC

My friend used to be a nazbol 2 years ago, but became a tankie. Now he's going M3W.

2017-10-01 00:26:09 UTC

@National Trotskyist what do tankie and M3W even mean

2017-10-01 00:26:57 UTC

Tankie: really faggy commie
M3W: not a clue

2017-10-01 00:27:32 UTC

Your Mother was too

2017-10-01 00:27:42 UTC

All the communists sucked

2017-10-01 00:27:46 UTC

They all failed

2017-10-01 00:27:53 UTC

I like nazbol though

2017-10-01 00:27:57 UTC

If only for the memes

2017-10-01 00:28:11 UTC

@Cam and faggy how

2017-10-01 00:30:05 UTC

By being commie.
But they're really off their rocker

2017-10-01 00:30:33 UTC

They're the commies that are most likely to go on a mass shooting or blow themselves up

2017-10-01 00:30:52 UTC


2017-10-01 00:31:01 UTC

@Cam what do you identity as?

2017-10-01 00:31:12 UTC

@National Trotskyist and what is M3W

2017-10-01 00:31:21 UTC

Traditionalist conservative. Why?

2017-10-01 00:31:26 UTC

2017-10-01 00:31:27 UTC

@Cam just asking

2017-10-01 00:31:36 UTC


2017-10-01 00:31:52 UTC


2017-10-01 00:32:09 UTC

That picture of him where he looks like a boy band singer is fake

2017-10-01 00:32:16 UTC

What are you, @sleeping zzz?

2017-10-01 00:32:19 UTC

@sleeping zzz Tankie is a hardline commie. Think Stalinist, Maoist, Hoxhaist, Jucheist.
M3W is Maoist-Third Worldist, ideology of Jason Unruhe.

2017-10-01 00:32:43 UTC

Tankies are anti-revisionists, despite the term originally meaning revisionists supporting armed intervention in Czechia and Hungary.

2017-10-01 00:33:14 UTC

also anti-opportunists

2017-10-01 00:33:23 UTC


2017-10-01 00:33:30 UTC


2017-10-01 00:34:04 UTC

2017-10-01 00:34:23 UTC

Most communists seem to hate nazbol because nazbol is anti sjw

2017-10-01 00:34:36 UTC

There was beef on Twitter over it earlier

2017-10-01 00:35:23 UTC

Yeah and before that guy muke joined a vendetta against Jason Unruhe making fun of one fag's imaginated gender.

2017-10-01 00:35:37 UTC

He grow out of lefty/pol/ but became such an idpolled faggot, smh.

2017-10-01 00:35:58 UTC

@National Trotskyist is idpol identity politics?

2017-10-01 00:37:09 UTC

@sleeping zzz Yep it's a shortcurt for it.

2017-10-01 00:37:19 UTC

Intersectionality, shit invented by a stupid feminist nigger

2017-10-01 00:38:06 UTC

I'm against idpol but only if others don't engage in it as well. Eg people saying fuck all white people, I'm like "well hang on now"

2017-10-01 00:42:23 UTC

Not gonna lie, I want the alt-right to win just so they can load these "fuck white people", "Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, Europe for everyone", "Capitalism is oppressive" bastards onto helicopters because I'm tired of their bullshit.

2017-10-01 00:44:14 UTC

Yeah they've created a monster

2017-10-01 00:44:30 UTC

Now young white kids like me sympathise with the alt right

2017-10-01 00:44:34 UTC

I was a liberal

2017-10-01 00:44:36 UTC


2017-10-01 00:44:46 UTC

Now you are just stupid

2017-10-01 00:44:55 UTC
2017-10-01 00:45:07 UTC

I was stupid then for putting up with it all

2017-10-01 00:45:19 UTC


2017-10-01 00:45:31 UTC


2017-10-01 00:45:35 UTC

I understand

2017-10-01 00:45:38 UTC

My capital city is more foreign than native, the welfare state is rewarding laziness, the healthcare system is shit, the government won't close the floodgates thus preventing native people from finding work and this country feels nothing like I want it to be. Fuck 'em, throw them from helicopters. We'd be better off without these fucks coming along and going "we need to get rid of your people and your history and replace with dindus and communism"

2017-10-01 00:45:53 UTC

What country?

2017-10-01 00:45:56 UTC


2017-10-01 00:46:22 UTC

Oh dude

2017-10-01 00:46:24 UTC


2017-10-01 00:46:47 UTC

I'd go full Oswald if I lived in Britain

2017-10-01 00:47:17 UTC

My homeland doesn't feel like home. I recently been to London, it's not British anymore. Everything I loved about my nation is in the past. And it doesn't feel like it's coming back anytime soon.

2017-10-01 00:48:24 UTC

Have you seen the video of that guy in a TV interview saying "WE ARE GOING TO TURN EUROPE BLACK"

2017-10-01 00:49:40 UTC

The 2nd largest party is full of crazy communists, the party in power is run by an incompetent Thatcher wannabe, the state spies on you to the point nothing is private anymore, the government refuses to do anything about the Muslims destroying our nation from within.
Everyone who sympathises with the alt-right just longs for their home to remain theirs.

2017-10-01 00:52:18 UTC

Yeah Britain is full Weimar

2017-10-01 00:53:41 UTC

When is see commis

2017-10-01 00:54:06 UTC

Commies just feel abused

2017-10-01 00:54:36 UTC

Then you have fucking morons come along saying you should be killed for being white or for supposedly being a fascist, when all you want is your home to remain the way it is now.
Some of the buildings in my county were built before they became British soil, they're gorgeous structures. I don't want to see them be defiled by foreigners who couldn't care less about their rich history or to see the inhabitants of my land speak Arabic or Polish. I want them to remain in their glory, their occupiers speak English.
But people would want me strung up on a rope or working in a Gulag for that simple wish.

2017-10-01 00:55:35 UTC

By society (hence the influx of trans, gay, minorities, disabled, etc) and monetarily (wageslaves, NEETs, etc)

I myself am against the elitist capitalists and their exploitation of basically everyone below them, but resurrecting communism is like trying to defuse a bomb with a lighted stick of dynamite

2017-10-01 01:00:44 UTC

Well, the way I'm going about it is by building up my own brand, my own businesses and then I'll aim to take over the bastard companies who are trying to act like they run the place, like Google or Facebook.
It's ambitious, but it's worth a shot. Gives me a goal to reach for, too.

2017-10-01 01:01:44 UTC

After all, to humiliate Zuckerberg by throwing him off his throne and running his company properly would be far more satisfying than to let the state do it.

2017-10-01 01:02:04 UTC

That will be hard

2017-10-01 01:02:27 UTC

Of course it will. That's why it'd be satisfying to achieve.

2017-10-01 01:02:51 UTC

But, of course. There is the option of simply buying the company when it finally drops to its knees and asset stripping it.

2017-10-01 01:02:59 UTC

That'd make a hell of a profit.

2017-10-01 01:04:05 UTC


2017-10-01 01:04:17 UTC

You could become the next zucc though

2017-10-01 01:04:24 UTC

The next cuckerberg

2017-10-01 01:04:32 UTC

a destination for antifacists

2017-10-01 01:05:02 UTC

I saw the video of that communist tranny who committed suicide by cop

2017-10-01 01:05:17 UTC

Kek, sounds hilarious.

2017-10-01 01:05:25 UTC

They screamed in agony

2017-10-01 01:05:48 UTC

I only felt good because some /pol/-ish edgelord girl khs and the commies were mocking her

2017-10-01 01:05:58 UTC

So it was like an eye for an eye

2017-10-01 01:06:29 UTC

She wasn't really natsoc but people were saying she was

2017-10-01 01:06:40 UTC

About the "becoming the next Zucc" bit, though.
Zucc was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, I wasn't. So someone like myself has a hell of a lot more character than that empty, vapid pile of shit ever will.

2017-10-01 01:06:55 UTC

great book

2017-10-01 01:06:57 UTC

What's that quote about monsters?

2017-10-01 01:07:28 UTC

Don't go eye to eye with monsters lest you see yourself become what you set out to destroy

2017-10-01 01:07:31 UTC

Or something

2017-10-01 01:07:39 UTC

You mean "if you stare into the abyss long enough it'll stare back into you", if that's what you're referring to.

2017-10-01 01:07:50 UTC

Yeah it was similar to that

2017-10-01 01:07:55 UTC


2017-10-01 01:08:02 UTC

How come?

2017-10-01 01:08:13 UTC

You might become consumed by power

2017-10-01 01:09:14 UTC

Possibly. But I see that as rather difficult, as anytime I've been handed authority over another person/group of people, I am always uneasy about using it.

2017-10-01 01:09:40 UTC

This is the video

I would feel bad but there are people like him who would be happy to see me and others (as I said) die so idc really

2017-10-01 01:10:53 UTC


2017-10-01 01:12:36 UTC

Kim Jong Un did nothing wrong

2017-10-01 01:12:45 UTC

Yes he did

2017-10-01 01:12:48 UTC

He's fat for one

2017-10-01 01:12:50 UTC

hitler did nothing wrong

2017-10-01 01:12:54 UTC


2017-10-01 01:13:06 UTC

Kim is an overweight man child

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