
Discord ID: 308950154222895104

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2017-08-16 02:24:59 UTC

I should have known rightfags would be here.

2017-08-16 02:25:12 UTC

After all they constantly shit up leftypol with raids

2017-08-16 02:25:29 UTC

Leftypol as already shit with their constant coups.

2017-08-16 02:25:42 UTC

And their incredibly shitty moderation.

2017-08-16 02:26:03 UTC

So what ideology are you?

2017-08-16 02:26:11 UTC

@Deleted User Regardless, HIV isn't inherently contracted from ones being, it is contracted by your sexual behaviour.

2017-08-16 02:26:40 UTC

youre implying that im gonna be some kind of whore smh

2017-08-16 02:26:50 UTC

@Deleted User Say that to the 60% of all black women globally who have some form of STD.

2017-08-16 02:27:05 UTC


2017-08-16 02:27:23 UTC

@Spike#4137 Would you want to know that bad?

2017-08-16 02:27:29 UTC


2017-08-16 02:28:10 UTC

I would not align myself with the neo right at all, their libertarianism and conservatism are a cancer among the right.

2017-08-16 02:28:21 UTC

So... you're fash?

2017-08-16 02:28:26 UTC

James mason said it best.

2017-08-16 02:28:43 UTC

Spot on my friend.

2017-08-16 02:28:57 UTC

2017-08-16 02:29:12 UTC

How's it feel having to always keep your stigmatic views under wraps, and having the feeling of the whole world going against you?

2017-08-16 02:29:36 UTC

Communism and Fascism are both fucking dumb and have killed millions

2017-08-16 02:29:36 UTC

Especially after Cville.

2017-08-16 02:29:44 UTC

muh horseshoe theory

2017-08-16 02:29:51 UTC

@Spike#4137 Under wraps? Don't make me laugh, if you get your views out there you will always get people giving your message accross.

2017-08-16 02:30:15 UTC

You realize you aren't going to succeed in your goal, right?

2017-08-16 02:30:19 UTC

>implying i go by the horseshoe theory

2017-08-16 02:30:21 UTC

Let it be under a good or bad light, that will almost always be bad.

2017-08-16 02:30:25 UTC

Just give it up. It's really a lot more easy to.

2017-08-16 02:30:30 UTC

I'd know, I was fash before.

2017-08-16 02:31:01 UTC

Neoliberal Libertarianism is the best way to go tbh

2017-08-16 02:31:11 UTC

Neoliberalism is the worst of both worlds

2017-08-16 02:31:13 UTC

Going the easy route is saying that you will lay over and die like a dog, just like how (((THEY))) want you to.

2017-08-16 02:31:16 UTC

Progressivism plus capitalism

2017-08-16 02:31:36 UTC

dont align neoliberalism as being progressive

2017-08-16 02:31:38 UTC


2017-08-16 02:31:42 UTC

That's what it is though.

2017-08-16 02:32:12 UTC

We need to purge this discord tbh

2017-08-16 02:32:21 UTC

Do you want society to forever be under the thumbs of (((THEM))) and forever be controlled with the chains of capitalism?

2017-08-16 02:32:22 UTC

Too many non-commies

2017-08-16 02:32:22 UTC
2017-08-16 02:32:40 UTC

@Deleted User Firefly won't do it.

2017-08-16 02:32:58 UTC

Its funny how you think the jews are the only problem

2017-08-16 02:33:07 UTC

You realize it isn't just them pushing all the shit you hate right?

2017-08-16 02:33:14 UTC

im gonna stay out of you gay nerds fighting

2017-08-16 02:33:17 UTC

Obviously jews are and their shabbos goyim capitalist lackeys

2017-08-16 02:33:24 UTC

@Deleted User That is coming from the tranny.

2017-08-16 02:33:27 UTC

@Firefly kick all non commies pls

2017-08-16 02:33:40 UTC

It's corporations. Capitalists who want to make a profit by appealing to different groups

2017-08-16 02:33:50 UTC

@Spike#4137 That is what I was saying.

2017-08-16 02:33:59 UTC

They control the world with capitalism.

2017-08-16 02:34:01 UTC

No, you were blaming it on DA J00Z

2017-08-16 02:34:09 UTC


2017-08-16 02:34:44 UTC

And why shoulden't I? Seeing how they are the saud's, and are almost always the head of a mega international corporation?

2017-08-16 02:35:08 UTC

Expand your horizons a bit. Call for the death of all bourgeoisie.

2017-08-16 02:35:12 UTC

And how they conquest through the middle east with a blood lust not seen from the mideval ages.

2017-08-16 02:35:17 UTC


2017-08-16 02:35:36 UTC

hey Im glad you're here at least soviet

2017-08-16 02:35:49 UTC


2017-08-16 02:35:56 UTC


2017-08-16 02:35:59 UTC

Spike is coo

2017-08-16 02:36:41 UTC

I advocate for the destruction of all mega corporations, but I do believe that there is some value left in a controlled free market, which is never allowed to spawn the mega corproations ever again.

2017-08-16 02:37:01 UTC

more like #MakeLeftypolAnEchoChamberAgain

2017-08-16 02:37:09 UTC

@Deleted User what is your ideology?

2017-08-16 02:37:41 UTC

@Deleted User This to be honest, the server is going to rot from the inside out if it is just an echo chamber and nothing else.

2017-08-16 02:37:56 UTC

It's fun to have rightcucks to mess with.

2017-08-16 02:38:00 UTC

I have seen far too many lefty servers have this fate.

2017-08-16 02:38:02 UTC

But this should still be majority left wing.

2017-08-16 02:38:07 UTC

Anybody have the image of this discord?

2017-08-16 02:38:13 UTC

@Deleted User Basically. Not all people on leftypol are communists, it's a diverse place unlike pol where everyone is a racist lolberg.

2017-08-16 02:38:20 UTC

I'm figuring myself out

2017-08-16 02:38:23 UTC

not quite sure tbh

2017-08-16 02:38:29 UTC
2017-08-16 02:38:32 UTC

2017-08-16 02:38:37 UTC

@Spike#4137 It is, seeing how the reddit and 4pol fags usually have no idea what they are talking about.

2017-08-16 02:38:59 UTC


2017-08-16 02:39:05 UTC


2017-08-16 02:39:15 UTC


2017-08-16 02:39:20 UTC


2017-08-16 02:39:24 UTC

2017-08-16 02:39:36 UTC

Anybody have the logo of this discord?

2017-08-16 02:39:50 UTC


2017-08-16 02:39:55 UTC

You'll see

2017-08-16 02:40:00 UTC

You gonna make a meme?

2017-08-16 02:40:07 UTC

Here you go.

2017-08-16 02:40:08 UTC

You'll see

2017-08-16 02:40:13 UTC


2017-08-16 02:40:15 UTC

oh that

2017-08-16 02:40:19 UTC

The real one

2017-08-16 02:40:25 UTC

No blurry

2017-08-16 02:41:24 UTC

Someone should edit this logo to say leftypol

2017-08-16 02:41:31 UTC


2017-08-16 02:41:40 UTC

hey soviet sloth what's your ideology

2017-08-16 02:43:21 UTC


2017-08-16 02:43:36 UTC
2017-08-16 02:43:41 UTC


2017-08-16 02:43:45 UTC

Lmao Redditors literally created that shit to attack leftypol they thinks (and looks like everyone else) are Nazbols

2017-08-16 02:43:55 UTC

I guess the Nazbol Gang memes aren't helping the case

2017-08-16 02:43:57 UTC

Nazbol memes are still funny

2017-08-16 02:44:02 UTC

I'm sorta unironic nazbol

2017-08-16 02:44:20 UTC

@Spike#4137 You are a fucking meme then.

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