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2018-12-10 07:09:03 UTC

We donโ€™t need Masonic republics, we need an new empire

2018-12-10 07:09:09 UTC

I've been in conversation with a Dane and he pointed out that in their constitution it says that the state/government is to serve the Danish people

2018-12-10 07:09:13 UTC

We dont need empires

2018-12-10 07:09:16 UTC

We need fascism

2018-12-10 07:09:28 UTC

>Having a constitution

2018-12-10 07:09:50 UTC

>Bring back Byzantium
Okay Default

2018-12-10 07:09:55 UTC

More like
Absolute monarchy

2018-12-10 07:09:58 UTC

With nation states you need a constitution

2018-12-10 07:10:00 UTC

@campodin Depends on the region. Regardless states were created by conquest and the conquerors separated themselves from the populus they ruled. That time however is over and the boundaries between a lot of tribes have vanised so...

2018-12-10 07:10:53 UTC

well in a way it explains why we got nation states.

2018-12-10 07:11:09 UTC

Freemasons are why you got nation states

2018-12-10 07:11:17 UTC

based freemasons

2018-12-10 07:11:48 UTC

@Aki I don't think there was really a time in between then and liberalism where we had the state being organized around and ruled by the nation.

2018-12-10 07:12:27 UTC

@campodin I am gonna get back to you on that.

2018-12-10 07:12:28 UTC

The Imperium should be run by the King and the Church in symphony

2018-12-10 07:12:31 UTC

Gotta go to work now

2018-12-10 07:12:36 UTC


2018-12-10 07:12:44 UTC


2018-12-10 07:13:14 UTC

Ehh, I don't like the idea of the church being a part of the state.

2018-12-10 07:13:36 UTC

Shut the fuck up liberal

2018-12-10 07:13:47 UTC

The state supporting the national religion like in Russia or Poland is good

2018-12-10 07:14:17 UTC

God doesnโ€™t disappear when we get into civic life

2018-12-10 07:14:25 UTC

Heโ€™s always present

2018-12-10 07:14:45 UTC

Well, it depends on what do you mean by God

2018-12-10 07:14:56 UTC

-Jordan Peterson

2018-12-10 07:14:58 UTC

Or you could go Anabaptist and be a Christian anarchist

2018-12-10 07:15:14 UTC

christbol gang

2018-12-10 07:15:23 UTC

National Christbolism

2018-12-10 07:15:30 UTC

@campodin Iโ€™m familiar with those heresies

2018-12-10 07:15:48 UTC

I'm not too familiar with what they believe

2018-12-10 07:16:32 UTC

Have you heard the story of the Munster (?) riot

2018-12-10 07:16:36 UTC

You hear about that one time an anabaptist cult took over the city of Munster in Germany and instituted mass polygamy?

2018-12-10 07:16:41 UTC


2018-12-10 07:16:41 UTC

Ah, yes

2018-12-10 07:16:57 UTC

That was a good story

2018-12-10 07:17:22 UTC

That's all I know about them though

2018-12-10 07:17:24 UTC

Didnโ€™t end well for those guys

2018-12-10 07:18:09 UTC

Can we give the globalists the same fate?

2018-12-10 07:18:17 UTC

One day brother

2018-12-10 07:19:54 UTC

in our minecraft servers

2018-12-10 07:19:55 UTC


2018-12-10 07:19:59 UTC


2018-12-10 07:20:16 UTC

In FORTNITE epic style

2018-12-10 07:20:23 UTC

Right fellow kids?

2018-12-10 07:22:11 UTC


2018-12-10 07:22:18 UTC


2018-12-10 07:22:20 UTC


2018-12-10 07:22:23 UTC


2018-12-10 07:25:32 UTC

2018-12-10 07:26:45 UTC

Roblox is where the real battle against globalism is happening

2018-12-10 07:27:01 UTC


2018-12-10 07:31:51 UTC

2018-12-10 07:58:47 UTC

theocracy is a chad move pussies

2018-12-10 07:59:58 UTC

the unifying power of a religious ingroup is very good politically

2018-12-10 08:34:27 UTC

Discord is an online mental hospital

2018-12-10 08:50:50 UTC


2018-12-10 09:50:03 UTC

2018-12-10 09:52:29 UTC

is that supposed to be mike enoch?

2018-12-10 10:23:10 UTC


2018-12-10 10:38:09 UTC

2018-12-10 10:59:43 UTC

2018-12-10 11:05:56 UTC

Anyone alive in here?

2018-12-10 11:06:29 UTC


2018-12-10 11:20:50 UTC

2018-12-10 11:34:02 UTC
2018-12-10 12:45:12 UTC

No you take that fucking gun and blow his brains out

2018-12-10 12:45:23 UTC

or slap it out of his hands

2018-12-10 12:51:18 UTC

clear violation of the NAP

2018-12-10 13:04:20 UTC

2018-12-10 13:29:38 UTC

In roblox with due process

2018-12-10 13:29:44 UTC
2018-12-10 13:51:16 UTC

2018-12-10 14:30:54 UTC

so many may join

2018-12-10 14:37:27 UTC

We need a new debate topic for today

2018-12-10 14:39:19 UTC

Thinking of a topic .....

2018-12-10 14:39:37 UTC

how about economics

2018-12-10 14:40:46 UTC

I have an idea

2018-12-10 14:41:30 UTC

2018-12-10 14:41:37 UTC

Is imperialism a good thing or bad thing

2018-12-10 14:41:39 UTC


2018-12-10 14:41:42 UTC
2018-12-10 14:41:44 UTC


2018-12-10 14:41:47 UTC


2018-12-10 14:41:48 UTC

an economics debate

2018-12-10 14:41:51 UTC

@Deleted User Good idea

2018-12-10 14:42:12 UTC

Check <#507036970472570880>

2018-12-10 14:43:01 UTC

economics is gay

2018-12-10 14:43:24 UTC

mixed and balanced economy is best, what else is there to discuss

2018-12-10 14:43:54 UTC

no u

2018-12-10 14:44:28 UTC

I'm mixed and balanced? wait what?

2018-12-10 14:47:03 UTC

Mercantilism is the best

2018-12-10 14:47:43 UTC

protectionism, alright. the debate is over

2018-12-10 14:47:49 UTC

ancaps are gassed

2018-12-10 14:47:51 UTC

we're done

2018-12-10 14:48:06 UTC


2018-12-10 14:48:08 UTC

Africa and Latin America, due to IQ and corruption, waste their vast stash of resources. Imperialism can change everything

2018-12-10 14:51:29 UTC

People need to abandon the idea that imperialism is an intrinsically bad thing. These people cant rule themselves properly so why would we allow them their own sovereingty?

2018-12-10 14:51:52 UTC

Finally. Someone said it.

2018-12-10 14:53:46 UTC

they're actually a hazard both to themselves and everyone around them if we leave them like this.

2018-12-10 14:53:46 UTC

its more of don't touch them you'll catch something mentality for me

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