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2018-12-17 12:02:32 UTC

That's it

2018-12-17 12:02:50 UTC

Under socialism the state owns the MOP

2018-12-17 12:03:09 UTC

socialism is seen as a transitional state from capitalism to communism

2018-12-17 12:03:20 UTC

also what Tomato said

2018-12-17 12:03:32 UTC

Right so I'm not wrong

2018-12-17 12:04:20 UTC

No, you are

2018-12-17 12:04:34 UTC

State owned capitalism is still capitalism untill money or capital is abolished it's capitalist

2018-12-17 12:05:16 UTC

Capital and money are synononyms in many ways

2018-12-17 12:05:17 UTC

Capitalism doesn't grant the workers control over the means of production, the control is in the hands of the Bourgeoisie

2018-12-17 12:05:23 UTC

When we speak of socialism we're only talking about Marxist Socialism alone right?

2018-12-17 12:05:35 UTC

Yes that is the socialism I am referring to

2018-12-17 12:05:58 UTC

Ooh even worse

2018-12-17 12:06:14 UTC

So you don't care about being anti-semetic

2018-12-17 12:06:47 UTC

wait what?

2018-12-17 12:07:14 UTC

Marxism is anti-Semitic Marx himself hated the Jews

2018-12-17 12:07:17 UTC

How is Marxian socialism Anti-Semitic? Engels, Marx, and Lenin all had Jewish blood

2018-12-17 12:07:19 UTC

the fuck

2018-12-17 12:07:37 UTC

okay so this isnt shitposting

2018-12-17 12:07:39 UTC


2018-12-17 12:07:56 UTC

No I do shit post but I'm not right now

2018-12-17 12:08:20 UTC

All socialism, Marxist or not is like that. Community ownership I mean

2018-12-17 12:09:06 UTC

That's not true the government owns the mop under socialism

2018-12-17 12:09:18 UTC

Marx didn't hate Jewish people, he hated the culture surrounding judaism

2018-12-17 12:09:20 UTC

How the heck does that make sense? The founding fathers of Marxism were all athiest jews and it's doctrine was widely accepted by many jews in the western world.

2018-12-17 12:10:08 UTC

Apparently this large Israeli party is Anti-Semitic

2018-12-17 12:10:20 UTC


2018-12-17 12:10:41 UTC

I couldn't get that link less gore-y on my phone

2018-12-17 12:11:09 UTC

Wait here we go

2018-12-17 12:11:22 UTC

On the Jewish Question by Marx

2018-12-17 12:14:15 UTC

Also recognize Marxism Leninism Scientific Atheism was often referred to as 'State Atheism' and the purpose of which was to slowly loosen religiosity and eventually have society move beyond it, including Judaism

2018-12-17 12:15:03 UTC

Marx specifically is only Jewish if you think it's a genetic thing, which is absurd. He denounced Judaism and became an atheist

2018-12-17 12:15:41 UTC


2018-12-17 12:20:32 UTC

Doing a cursory look about Lenin his "Jewish-ness" is a great grand father on his mother's side he was probably unaware of. He was an atheist however. Huge stretch

2018-12-17 12:23:43 UTC

But let's also consider non-jewish communist leaders as well:
-Thomas Sankara
-Che Guevara
-Fidel Castro
-Ho Chi Mihn
-Enver Hoxha
-Mao ZeDong
-Joseph Stalin
-Fusako Shigenobu
-Huey P Newton
-Abimael Guzmán

And so on and so forth

2018-12-17 12:23:52 UTC

Jewish identity isnt exclusive to faith. Many athiests with still self identify to be jewish because of their heritage

2018-12-17 12:24:04 UTC

Well they identify as secular Jews

2018-12-17 12:24:06 UTC

I thought Stalin was a Jew.

2018-12-17 12:24:15 UTC

These people are all Atheist Atheist

2018-12-17 12:24:23 UTC

No Stalin was Georgian

2018-12-17 12:24:28 UTC


2018-12-17 12:25:12 UTC

Yeah, he was a thug too

2018-12-17 12:25:29 UTC

But probably one of the better leaders the Gommies have had

2018-12-17 12:25:37 UTC

I'm generally pro-Stalin

2018-12-17 12:25:53 UTC

Are you full on Tankie or just Anti-Rev?

2018-12-17 12:26:08 UTC

Depends on what you mean by the first

2018-12-17 12:26:15 UTC


2018-12-17 12:26:20 UTC

But anti-revisionist yes

2018-12-17 12:26:26 UTC

Are you a Stalinist

2018-12-17 12:26:32 UTC

That's not a thing

2018-12-17 12:26:43 UTC

I'm a Marxist Leninist Maoist

2018-12-17 12:26:58 UTC

The Marxist Leninist part is sometimes called "Stalinism"

2018-12-17 12:32:20 UTC


2018-12-17 12:32:35 UTC

Thoughts on the current state of China?

2018-12-17 12:32:54 UTC

It's Capitalist, the CPC is a bourgeois party

2018-12-17 12:33:11 UTC

It has a corporatist, class collaborationist model

2018-12-17 12:34:12 UTC

I see

2018-12-17 12:34:50 UTC

And what of the other 3 (4 if you want to consider ~~best~~ North Korea socialist) socialist states?

2018-12-17 12:37:51 UTC

Well, De Jure socialist

2018-12-17 12:50:07 UTC

anti-semitism is bad goy

2018-12-17 12:50:07 UTC

2018-12-17 12:51:41 UTC

Based and Redpilled

2018-12-17 12:54:03 UTC

communism is anti-semitic because doctors plot lmao

2018-12-17 12:54:24 UTC

that also ended up with stalin dying

2018-12-17 12:54:38 UTC

The DPRK is probably the only socialist country left, if that

2018-12-17 12:55:44 UTC

Isn't Cuba still fairly socialist?

2018-12-17 12:56:06 UTC

I understand its been slowly reforming towards capitalism at least since Castro kicked the bucket

2018-12-17 12:57:39 UTC

NK the last stand of implicit communism

2018-12-17 12:58:18 UTC

altho kim kinda cucked

2018-12-17 12:58:31 UTC


2018-12-17 12:58:37 UTC

North Korea has been doing this for quite some time

2018-12-17 12:58:48 UTC

he's just digging deeper bunkers

2018-12-17 12:58:59 UTC

is that what you're saying

2018-12-17 12:59:23 UTC

They pretend to be good so they get foreign aid then they'll go back to threatening war or some shit, though there is a chance Kim is legit this time

2018-12-17 13:00:18 UTC

tbh it was china that put the stop to it

2018-12-17 13:00:29 UTC

cuz nk kept poking the bear

2018-12-17 13:01:44 UTC


2018-12-17 13:02:14 UTC

didn't China threaten NK if they didn't stop they will limit the aid?

2018-12-17 13:02:22 UTC


2018-12-17 13:02:31 UTC

I'm pretty sure NK gets ton of aid from China

2018-12-17 13:02:36 UTC

China's probably had enough of their little game

2018-12-17 13:02:37 UTC


2018-12-17 13:02:47 UTC

Without China North Korea would collapse almost overnight

2018-12-17 13:03:01 UTC

NK even says it isn't communist

2018-12-17 13:03:07 UTC


2018-12-17 13:03:12 UTC

Its removed all mentions of socialism from its constitution

2018-12-17 13:03:19 UTC

They slowly dropped the whole communism thing back in like the 70s

2018-12-17 13:03:21 UTC

And just says it's Jucheist now

2018-12-17 13:03:29 UTC

It also acknowledges they have a dynasty

2018-12-17 13:03:29 UTC

White juche now

2018-12-17 13:03:41 UTC


2018-12-17 13:07:16 UTC

Black Bolshevism Now

2018-12-17 13:07:25 UTC

(Because they'll all starve to death)

2018-12-17 13:09:48 UTC

This but also apply it too leafs

2018-12-17 13:09:52 UTC

<:GWfroggyPepoSmug:398570232647647242> <:GWcmeisterPeepoEZ:403295289688981534>

2018-12-17 13:10:05 UTC


2018-12-17 13:10:10 UTC

Join the ABP

2018-12-17 13:14:53 UTC


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